I designed it to "fool some of the people all of the time", not "all of the people some of the time......lol meaning I wanted the lighting to work "somewhat" from any angle
The A1 site sells the Act Labs Shifter, and the Act Labs pedals are now an exact replica of the A1's there is a connection.....strange part is the cost difference between the two sites.
Crazy....I just went to act labs site and never noticed they are 30 minutes from my house ....sorry to hyjack a bit here, but does anyone know if the act labs shifter is better than the g25's?
The cheapest wat to get a clutch is to frakenstein 2 cheep two pedal sets together. Make the fourth one on the left stationary, to make it your dead pedal.....or saw it off......aside from that you need bit of money....but again the term cheep is relative, maybee the g25 is cheap?
I like the XFR becuase I drive a 2003 civic coupe with lots of suspension work and it just feels very similar.....much faster but still the same balance and fun to drive, very forgiving etc., after that I'd say Lx6 or FXR
shaGuar; now I really feel bad you being flanders now....I liked there being 2 benders, because my favorite episode has 2 benders in it. The Farnsworth Parabox.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Farnsworth_Parabox
Bender A: I've got my eye on you, boy!
Bender 1: Don't even think about it, lunch-pail! You'd be dead before you hit the ground.
Bender A: Good point. Whattya say we just hit a strip joint?
Bender 1: I was waitin' for one of us to say that! [They cheer.] Bender A, you're a prince among robots. Can you forgive me for distrusting you?
[They hug.]
Bender A: Aw! I can't stay mad at what is essentially me. I love me!
[They take each other's wallets and chuckle.]
Bender 1: I'm not sad because I finally found someone as great as me. It's like I always say, "Make new friends and keep the old. One is silver--" Bender A: "And the other's gold."
Good point, but maybe some limit to your online career would work? Like you sign in, and after 30 minutes your ip dosn't work for a few days......kinda like a crack head, you'll find a way to pay..lol
Well either you only want to be competitive with the 3 slowest cars, or you have the cracked version like almost every demo player out there.
With the tweaks and addons making the demo/cracked game so grotesque nowadays, even if you do finally buy S2 you will have no idea what the game is even about..
I forgot your on 240 there, If 120v powercables are said to make a electromagnetic field over a metre away, then it should prove dificult on the existing wire and 240v. As fore mentioned, I think you need to either buy, (lots of$$$) or make your own shielded power cable.
If possible overlap the wires at 90 Degres, like + as opossed to paralell like = , I don't know if running a ground would help........or perhaps you could try to make, or find a shielded power cord.
Your getting a field of electromagnetic interference from your power cord is my best guess, only thing I can sugest is to try to isolate your speaker wire from the laptops power cord .