I gona put on my flame suit here and say this;
If your driving through the united states and get a flat tire, and have Canadian plates on your car, in five minutes some american will have pulled over to see if they can help in any way.
If your just standing waiting in line at the grocery store, people will be friendly and talk to you, and I've been invited to partys and private functions by total strangers I've met on the street, and have never experienced that kind of hospitality outside of the US aside from perhaps the Netherlands.
Americans are getting too fat, but so is the rest of the world, you just wait till buger king and CockaCola take over your childrens brains and make them crave their products as adults on a regular basis. Diet and fat content do play a large part on mental health.
Americans are awsome, if you've only seen one on TV then its a silly topic to discuss. Their tv and News is designed to make people look stupid, so they blame other people rather than their own government, just look at Hurricane Katrina coverage.

You judge them cause of their politicians, but I'd say those people are as fake as pro wrestlers. Corporations are the new government, and until we all realize this no corner of the globe is safe from them.
If you don't think 99% of people you interact with day to day are idiots in some way or another your probably one of the idots yourself....lol...