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Quote from The Moose :ohh, just for the record, you CAN drive iRacing with a joypad ( i recall one of the LFS guys posting about it..i cant be bothered to trawl through the thread to find it) and you can drive netKar Pro with a keyboard.

So i guess neither of them are hi fidelity sims either. Whitch leads us to the conclusion (using Ika's theorys)that there aren't any high fidelity sims available at all.

Looks like we're all driving arcade games chaps.

And this is exactly why I have to repeat myself.

1. What I actually said is that you couldn't race effectively in a high horsepowered car using a gamepad or keyboard. I'm sure you can manage a few jerky laps on a cruise server though.

2. Forget about the bloody gamepad debate. You (and some others) are intentionally missing the point.
S2 licensed
Quote from The Moose :Irony alert!

Here's the full post:

Quote from ikaponthus :saying the same dumb thing over and over again doesn't make you correct.

I don't have to play it to know it's not a simulation. I've explained why not very clearly in my post above so I'm not going to repeat myself.

S2 licensed
If you think there's anything in that video that even remotely resembles "realism" then I'm just wasting my time debating with you.

And like I've said a thousand times, I'm sure it's a great fun game. My one and only point is that it's far off a sim. It's not even an attempt at a sim. The only "simmy" thing about it appears to be the slogan they write on the box.
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :And what exactly is so "LOL" about the F430? It makes a believable spin after clipping ...

Uh ... seriously now ... are you smoking crack?

How about when he re-enters the track? You think that's pretty believable too?
S2 licensed

Get a grip on yourself mate. Writing in huge letters and saying the same dumb thing over and over again doesn't make you correct.

I don't have to play it to know it's not a simulation. I've explained why not very clearly in my post above so I'm not going to repeat myself.


Regarding the LFS video, I shouldn't have to state the obvious, but weird bugs that happen in some hacked-up version of a half-finished game isn't proof of anything. I will say that if the F1 does wheelies in the finished, un-hacked-up version of LFS, then I wouldn't be calling that a simulation either.
Last edited by Ikaponthus, .
S2 licensed
Quote from chavm481 :rfactor is more arcade than gt5. but gt5 was aimed a a BIG audience, not just you Ikaponthus
and tristiancliffe, i agree that you cant judge by a vid, but gt5p is soo dead like.. in vids only.

Well I've never seen any of the crap I've seen in those GT5 videos happening in rFactor.

Second, it's certainly not marketed at me. What's your point?
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :You cannot judge something you haven't had first hand experience of. That is what defines "talking out of your botty"

Crap. You're really clutchig at straws, as are all the other playstation-boys on this thread. Do I need to play Donkey Kong to know whether it's an authentic princess-rescuing simulation?

I don't have to play anything! It's blatantly obvious. All I have to do is use my eyes and a very, very small portion of my brain.

F1 car doing jumps on a mountain tracks? Suspension that looks like it belongs on a toy matchbox car? Overtaking a full field of cars in one lap? Not a simulation. Period. (Ferrari F40 on board view).

The guy overtakes about 50 cars in one lap and with his driving style he would have spun off in the first turn if it was even half a simulation.

If for you that is realistic then you're smoking crack. If you want to buy into their "The Authentic Driving Simulator" corporate marketing BS, then that's up to you. To me personally it looks more like a Need For Speed game. And let me make it clear I never said it wasn't fun or it's not a good game. I might love playing it, and the graphics look amazing. All I'm saying is it's not a high-fidelity simulation, no matter what they write on the box.


Last edited by Ikaponthus, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Matrixi :My applauds sir. A true mastermind at work here people. This has to be the best troll attempt on this forum I have ever witnessed. Even had me fooled for a while. Watch and learn kids, watch and learn.

That's one of the worst examples of taking quotations completely out of context I've ever seen.

You should work for FOX "news".
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :But you said you've never played GT5P!! someone is talking out of their botty. FTR a game, regardless of genre is classed as a "toy", just as my G25 is a "toy", so please drop the whole control thing.

I don't have to play GT5.

Seriously, I wonder if anyone bothered reading my previous posts or watching the videos. The guy launches as Ferrari F1, which is stupid enough to begin with. But the suspension acts like a matchbox car that a five year old is making "jump" with his hands.

Just watch the bloody video. If you still think it's realistic, then fair enough, good for you, I hope you have fun etc. etc. blah blah blah

I never said it wasn't a good game or fun or anything else. Just it's not a realistic simulation, and I stand by that.
S2 licensed
Quote from bbman :Not at all, and if you'd only half understand how a PC wheel works you'd be agreeing with me - god knows I've tried to explain in simple terms in my last posts... And again, mechanical linkages are a whole other matter, another point you don't seem capable of grasping...

Anyway, when you finally decide to actually inform yourself, we can continue this discussion... At the time being, your negative stance on everything but your own opinion tires me...

Look, I was simply saying that racing a Formula One car using your thumbs on a playstation gamepad would not be an effective way to control a car in real life, and thus it shouldn't be in a real simulation either. The fact that it is in GT5P suggests it's not a "real simulation". If you disagree, then fine. Apparently you believe that a playstation gamepad could, in theory, be an effective tool to drive a real racing car. I don't. Never mind the fact that racing in a real car requires the drivers to sometimes use the brake, accelerator and clutch at the same time. But I'm obviously not getting through to you, so leave it at that, we agree to disagree, so no more talk about the gamepad because I think you're intentionally missing the point and confusing the subject.

The crux of what I am saying is basically: GT5P is not a high-fidelity racing simulation. If you don't get, or if you disagree with the point I was making about driving a racing car with a toy gamepad, then fine. Let's drop it and we'll move on to something that might offer more constructive debate: take a look at that video I posted on the last page and compare it to Hammond driving the F1 car.

Still think it's a highly realistic simulation? If so, discuss.
Last edited by Ikaponthus, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Will BlackBird :Actually this video show nothing that confirm your point, because he isn't driving from the inside of the car (try with a wheel to drive the uf1 in spectator view, I guess it won't be much better).

Fair point.

Quote :Otherwise I agree that those racing game, such as gt5p and forza, are not simulations, and I don't thing they are currently trying to be one.
Since this is not the gamepad that forbid a racing game to be a simulation

I'm not saying the option to use a gamepad is what makes a game unrealistic. I am saying that if the game works in such a way that you can successfully race a high-powered racing-car with a gamepad, then it's a safe bet that the game in question is probably not a "high fidelity simulation".

I'm not stating that as a fact, I might be wrong. I asked the genuine question to board members, who can drive well in LFS with a gamepad? If it is you, what are your best lap times? So far nobody has offered up anything.

This may be partially due to the fact that all the "best" racers use expensive steering wheel setups. Many of them complete with clutch and gear-shifter. If "interface doesn't matter", I wonder why they bother?

In fact, I maybe wrong, but isn't a steering wheel and pedal setup a minimum requirement for the new racing sim, iRacing? Like you said (below), thats because the games are marketed to different audiences.

Quote :I think the reason that those games are so far from pc simulations is that devellopers want to hit a particular public. The public who wants to play a "simulation" without practising 3 hours before being able to make a good lap, those who want to play fast and enjoy it the way it is (and they are a lot more than us). Look Forza 2: most of the races are 6-7 laps long. The endurance races are 50 minutes long, it's ridiculous .


They're simply not making high-fidelity racing simulations for consoles. Why? Because they wouldn't sell. Period. But all you really need to do is watch that video in my post on the previous page. It's laughable.
S2 licensed
Quote from bbman :See, exactly those comments are the reason I just can't take you serious anymore... Could you point out where I said everything is better than a wheel to control a car? No? Thought so...

And I thought we're discussing sims, there is quite some difference once you throw mechanical linkages into the equation - which neither sims nor racing games feature...

You're grasping at straws.

What you said was that, "the interface doesn't matter one bit".

I simply pointed out that comment is completely untrue. If it was true, then in real life they wouldn't spend so much money on "the interface".
S2 licensed
I just watched that GT5P formula one video on YouTube for the first time.

Seriously. You guys must be joking. If you think that looks even remotely realistic then you must be smoking crack. Watch especially the front suspension at around 1:30 when he launches the F1 car. It looks so stupid it's funny. ... and note also that it's set on "professional" physics with all the driving aids turned "off", so no excuses! - GT5P Ferrari F1

... now compare to real life ... - Hammond learning to drive a real F1

Seriously lads. If anybody here watches both those videos and still insists that it's a realistic simulation, all they are doing is proving their own complete ignorance when it comes to racing cars.

I'm honestly amazed that there's even any debate about this. But anyway, I'm opting out. I'm sure it's a great fun, high quality game. But some of you obviously just want to believe it's a realistic simulation so much that there's nothing I could say that would change your mind. So have fun.

P.S. Beautiful graphics. I love how the pit crew are moving around the car etc. before the session.
Last edited by Ikaponthus, .
S2 licensed
Last edited by Ikaponthus, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Nitrous13270 :

Top Gear did it XD

Its not a gamepad... but its an R/C remote

Yes, and it proves my point nicely!

What this video shows is that a professional racing driver is completely unable to drive even a tiny little, low-powered hatchback effectively with an R/C remote.

Give a 14yo kid a playstation gamepad and a Ferrari F1 car though ...
S2 licensed
Quote from bbman :A wrong one, just plain and simple... Where your theory falls terribly short is that it doesn't matter what controller you use, when all the computer/game recognizes is "throttle position=25 %"... It'll still be 25 %, whether you use a wheel, a joystick, a gamepad, a mouse or even a keyboard... The only difference is the resolution (the steps) between min and max, and that's it...

So if you're able to adjust to a possibly lower input resolution, it is perfectly reasonable to drive a 600 HP racing car...

The interface doesn't matter one bit, it's the result of your input that defines whether you're playing a game or a sim...

Is that right? I'm sure the F1 teams who pay up to $40,000 for the steering wheel in their cars would be interested to know they are wasting so much money. You should write to them and tell them all they need is a $20 playstation gamepad. I'm sure they'd be very grateful to receive your advice.
S2 licensed
Quote from bbman :You had a point at the beginning, but your dismissive comments about the quality of anything besides rFactor and LfS quickly buried whatever good intentions you had starting this thread... Those comments are based on the errant believe that no other controller than a wheel is worthy of a sim... It is the best controller, that's right, but in the end it's just an interface, not a measurement of quality...

That's your opinion. My opinion is that it's not an exact and defining "proof" of quality, but it's a pretty good yardstick. Can drive a 600hp racing car with a gamepad? Safe guess it's probably not a "simulation". I'm not being a smart-arse here, it's a pretty simple and obvious deduction.

Really, by going on about Gran Turismo, some posters are only proving their complete ignorance of racing. Drivers have to take into account things like driving fast enough to get the brakes up to working temperature, let alone the tires. Also driving fast enough to get the downforce working.

Check out a very experienced driver taking an F1 for a lap (or trying to):

Really, after viewing that you'd have to think it's pushing the definition even to call Live for Speed a real "simulation", ... and you're going to tell me driving a Ferrari F1 on a rally track, catching air with buggy suspension and a playstation gamepad is a "simulation"? The average playstation-head might like to think that his skills powersliding a ridiculously-high horsepowered racing car with his gamepad directly corelate to his real-life driving expertise, but that don't make it so. Really, if you're convinced there's nothing I can do to change your mind. As long as you're having fun I guess it's not important.
Last edited by Ikaponthus, .
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :The fact that every word you have uttered in this thread has absolutely no factual background.

What a dumb comment. Give me one example.
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT ::banana:

Ika, please consider doing some research before making such sweeping comments.

What are you talking about?
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :You can jump the F1 car in LFS.

How? I couldn't.

Which track and where?

Anyway, I'm not saying LFS is a perfect sim either. If people can drive it with a gamepad or mouse and race well, then I dare say LFS is not a very good sim either. I'm just not so sure anyone can actually do that in LFS. I've asked multiple times if anyone here races well with a mouse/gamepad, and asked them to post some lap times, and so far there's been no takers...

... in comparison, GT5 is made to be played well with a gamepad. If there's kids (and I have nothing against kids, just using them as an example because they can't even drive a real car yet) who are capable of winning races in GT5 with a gamepad, then logic suggest it just aint no sim, period. Consider how much a steering wheel costs in a real F1 car ... I forget the actual number but it's something ridiculous ... $100,000 or something, just for the steering wheel. If only they knew they could use a playstation gamepad instead...!

Do a YouTube search for the Top Gear episode where they drive the F1 car. This is a guy whose whole life and profession revolves around cars. He's driven more racing cars and super sports cars in real life than everyone on this forum put together, times by one hundred. And he struggles to drive the F1 car at even half racing speed. Maybe he should have been using a playstation gamepad? ... or maybe he should have practiced getting mad air with the F1 in GT5 first?

Anyway, I realise that driving the F1 in LFS looks easy compared to that YouTube video too. I guess maybe LFS isn't as realistic as people think either. However, my guess is it's a hell of a lot better than GT5. Yes I admit, at this stage that is only a guess; but it's not intended to be "driven" with a $20 plastic gamepad for starters.

P.S. I'm not angry at anyone. I enjoy discussing these things and I'd be glad to admit I was mistaken if someone can point out where I am going wrong. If some of you are taking offence or not enjoying the discussion, just leave the thread, easy. I'm not out to offend anyone by saying I doubt GT5 is a good sim or by saying that rFactor is abetter sim than most people think.
Last edited by Ikaponthus, .
S2 licensed
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :At this time I play

Live For Speed
Gran Turismo 4 and 5P
Need For Speed II Special Edition

my opinion is whatever... I don't care if GT5P is not realistic.

Gran Turismo is always Gran Turismo. I you don't like it, fine then. But I play it

No problems. I probably would like it if I played it, but I have serious doubts about it being a proper racing sim, that's all.

Especially if it contains F1 cars that catch huge air and drive like off-road buggies.
S2 licensed
Quote from yoyoML :By your logic, in LFS people could be controlling racing machines with a mouse and winning races!!! So LFS is not a sim.

Yes that would be true ... if people are controlling racing machines with the mouse and winning races, that is. I asked before, does anyone here race with the mouse/gamepad and race effectively? If so, I'd be interested to hear about it (seriously), so speak up and tell us your best lap-times.
S2 licensed
That says a lot. I'm not surprised at all. As someone else pointed out earlier, a lot of the "playstation gang" seem to equate "realism" with having great graphics or a large selection of real-life vehciles and tracks. That might be cool, but what I'm talking about is simulating the physics of racing cars.
Last edited by Ikaponthus, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Gills4life :I have a clue. I have had rFactor for quite a long time and I purchased GT5p the day it was released. GT5p actually feels better to me. The driving feels quite a lot like LFS actually. I think rFactor is more arcade than GT5p. The full release of GT5 will, i expect, improve a lot on prologue also. You should't just base your opinion on all the other Gran Turismo games and write off GT5, that's like basing rFactor on just one crappy mod, which is what you are telling us all not to do. You quite clearly have a biased opinion about it anyway. Previous Gran Turismo games were not ground-breakingly realistic, but they were far from "PURE arcade", and were nothing like Need For Speed. Car's still behaved reasonably realisticly. Some mods for rfactor, ones done by Niels, are very good. Most of them however, are terrible and just feel unnatural when driving. I feel no connection to the car in most, unlike the feeling I get in LFS, Nkpro and, dare I say it, GT5p.

Well I haven't "played" GT5, and I don't plan on it either (not planning on buying an xBox or playstation or whatever). I admit, I could be wrong, but for reasons I've already outlined, I just can't believe it could be a bona-fide "racing sim" :-

All you have to do is consider what we're talking about to come to a logical conclusion. GT5 is a mass-produced product that "simulates" 500 cars (or whatever), and it's aimed at the console market. Most of the target audience are kids who can't even properly handle the clutch on their parent's station wagon yet, let alone a pure-bred racing machine... and they would be controlling that racing machine with a playstation gamepad ... and winning races! In this case, simple logic suggests they're hardly going to be making a high-fidelity simulator. Getting a racing car around the first corner at half-racing speed would be a commendable acheivment for a 14 year old with a gamepad. They might market the game as "realistic", but that doesn't make it so." (from an above post, slightly edited)

I realize that harder does not mean "more realistic", however, you have concede to logic. And if the same is true for LFS or rFactor, then they're not very good sims either. I was amazed to hear that some people apparantly drive with the mouse and keyboard. "How effectively?" is the question though.... I guess there's a reason that there's so many "cruise" drivers around...

Is there anyone here who effectively races with anything but a high-quality steering-wheel and pedal setup? Speak now, what are you best lap times?

In the case of GT5, I'm sure it's forgiving enough to succeed racing the game with a gamepad, and that alone suggests it is no simulator ... unless you're Playstation's answer to Michael Schumacher with magical playstation thumbs.

Put it this way, if the average playstation-fan can drive a racing car competitively with a gamepad, they would install gamepads in the real cars. Either that or GT5 is no "simulator". I wonder...
Last edited by Ikaponthus, .