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S2 licensed
Quote from Rooble :

Oh and mate, just go and bloody race online now! The sooner the better, because the AI and real people are very different (AI are predictable) :P

Really I'd love to, but I can't for practical reasons.

Firstly, I'm just about to leave Ireland to go home to Australia and I'm not getting a broadband connection here for only two months. Secondly, I'd like to practise more so I don't embarrass myself or crash everyone out of the race.

It's a pity, I'd love to do some unusual races like the UF1 or MRT5 on some of the shorter tracks, but it doesn't appear I'd get a race.

Anyone suggest a good Aussie league so I can check out their web-page? I'm a graphic designer by trade so will also be looking forward to coming up with a outlandish paint job. Hehe.
S2 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :Depends on the night, server, etc.

I'd suggest checking to see the current servers and what people are racing on.

Okay cool.

...ugh now I see why the "racers" complain about the drift/cruise scene.

So what are generally considered the best servers for racing? Redline/Conedodgers? I suppose I should just join a league for racing...

Sorry for the noob Qs.
S2 licensed
Ah cool.

Another question, just so I know what to practise.

Is there a good variety of car/track combination options on the online servers? Or do most racers involve a select few specific cars at specific tracks?

Question r.e. online racing
S2 licensed
Watching some of the videos on YouTube it seems that the opponent cars are constantly appearing and disappearing and jerking around the track.

Is this actually what it's like racing online? Or is that just because of a really bad connection/server or something?

If it's like that in all or even most races, I think the most important thing the devs should focus on now is realistic, non-kamikaze A.I. because what I saw sucked. I couldn't race like that.

I was really looking forward to racing online and joining a league in the next few months...
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote :Superhuman consistency (and inconsistency) came with Y, previous to it the AIs had their own knowledge files and had the potential to vary between them quite a bit depending on their previous experience at overtaking, etc. A common way of training them was to put the faster AIs at the rear of a field of slower AIs.

Wow that actually sounds really cool. I suppose it came with problems though so now they're all ultra-fast robots!

Well, from what I can tell there's one single bloke coding this whole thing so I suppose you can't expect too much! He really should get some help. LOL. What a job. No wonder updates are slow (apparently).
S2 licensed
Quote :As Kam said, a simple acknowledgement from the devs to the issue would be pretty much the best thing that could happen.

Correct me if I'm wrong (only new), but were you able to have 45 degree lock previously and the devs changed this and reduced it, saying "show me a car that has that much lock in real life" ... ? If so, what more confirmation do you need?
S2 licensed
As you probably know, the most crucial factor governing your speed down the the straight is your exit from the last corner.

You can easily test by giving them a ridiculous set-up.
S2 licensed
I hope you're right anyway!

But with some of the opinions seen floating around during the short time I've been here I also think it's possible many of those votes are serious.
S2 licensed
Erm. Okay. Whatever. I'm not going to get into a silly fight. Anyone can read what I wrote and draw their own conclusions.
S2 licensed
Quote :This guess is worthless. Again, I am playing liveforspeed actively online since may 2003 and wouldn't be able to even state that I'm guessing this is how it is, but you already seem to figured out what is in devs minds.

I'm interested to know how you came to this conclusion from reading my post?

I said I can have a good guess. I also said I could be wrong.

Don't put words in my mouth.
S2 licensed
It's a fair point I suppose. I wouldn't be upset if people who had read/seen it a lot before just simply didn't reply or respond.

Sorry, I have a knee jerk reaction to Internet ball-sacks who think they are special because they've wasted more time posting than another person. They remind me of the Comic Book Guy in The Simpsons. Really, there's no need for people to be anything other than nice to each other.

Nobody is better than anyone else and it's not any user's job to police all the other users unless you're a moderator. And even they tend to have a deluded perception of their own importance and authority (on other forums, not here!).

Besides, my post wasn't that unoriginal anyway! I've subsequently done a search, and while there was four or five previous posts on the A.I. ramming, they were all slightly different and quite old. The sticky post didn't mention it at all and I couldn't find anything on the second issue about them driving like robots doing exactly the same lap-times. Maybe I didn't search hard enough, but I suggest that if I have to search for half an hour to find something similar then there's no real serious problem about repeating something that's be done to death anyway!

Okay. Rant over. I've said my piece and I don't want to keep this thread going forever.
S2 licensed
How do you know that? lol.

It is possible, yes.

It's also possible that you drew the wrong conclusions. Unless you are special and privy to some extra information that everyone else is not...

My assumption is that when the vote is so high that not all of them are joke/dummy votes. Unless everyone has an extraordinarily unoriginal sense of humour.
S2 licensed

Nobody can say what anyone really thinks, only take a guess.

And it's a pretty good guess that the dev(s) of this game, who have invested so much time into making a high-fidelity racing simulator, for no other reason than because they have a passion for racing simulators, have little time for implementing things that are specific only to drifting.

The ability to drift is a natural by-product of a realistic simulator. Drifting has never been the focal point to this game in any regard whatsoever from cars, tracks, race setup, car setups or anything. Just a by-product of realistic racing. So you can have a pretty educated guess at what the dev(s) of the game have in mind for the future and I doubt it involves drifting.

I could be wrong.
S2 licensed
Yeah I forgot that sorry.

Seriously though ... NFS scoring higher than "Grand Prix Legends"?

LOL. I put that option for a joke, fully expecting it would get 0 votes. Maybe 1 or 2. When it got the first few votes I thought it was people trying to be funny.

Now I'm forced to accept the astonishing reality that close to 16% of posters on this thread actually believe NFS to be realistic! Just goes to show the general level of driving/racing ignorance around.
S2 licensed
Quote from nihil :The obsession with 'purity' round these parts is a strange thing. As far as simulation goes, all the devs need to do is concentrate on making a close, virtual analogy of the real-life forces that work on a vehicle. Then they need to provide the programming tools that enable a competition environment to be officiated.

If you also require them to have a vision of the kind of racing that is allowed within LFS, then you are asking the devs to become some kind of sanctioning body like the FIA. Frankly, I think that's a lame arsed and infantile thing for the user base to be doing.

Get on with using the tools provided to officiate over the kind of racing you want, and stop whining like the rich kid who doesn't like the scary lads from the council estate being in the same playground.

"Build it and they will come."

I agree.

However, I think what people are worried about is the potential for the original vision to be altered to try and cater for everybody where clearly, a high-fidelity simulation simply cannot please all. Things such as introducing RPG elements (cash, upgrades etc.) would severely compromise the notion of a serious simulator.

I have no problems with people who want to drift/cruise or even have a demolition derby or burnout competition. Real cars can do that, so it should be possible in the simulation, but that's that. No cash, upgrades, "car tuning", etc. please.
S2 licensed
Quote from xaotik :Well the only minor sort of "disrespect" is towards poor Hyperactive's time for compiling that "already suggested/mentioned" list that's stickied in this subforum.

Other than that, you could go all out and suggest a few of the things in that list anyway, it won't really change much apart from restarting the same discussions again.

You mean this?

Quote from that sticky other thread :Ai
+ Better AI Ai improved in Y patch
+ Different start reaction times for each AI driver plus chance of false start

Hmmm. Doesn't really sum up what I was getting at I don't think.

I will say that sticky thread is good though.
S2 licensed
Gayzus. LOL.

You need to lighten up mate. Internet forums are not dick measuring competitions. And if they were, I'd win anyway. Probably.

First of all, I didn't ask any question. Secondly, if you didn't want to read the topic or give a response, why click on the adequately titled thread in the first place?? Was it an accident?

Just ... relax. Get some Valium or have a beer or something ffs.
S2 licensed
Quote from Dajmin :If there was a table beside you with a book entitled "Why the AI Sucks" then I'd punch you in the head, throw the book at you and walk off.

I promise you, you wouldn't. And even if you did do the first two things, you wouldn't be doing the last.

Quote :Seriously dude, look around. Have you never seen the "Posting and You" animation? I suggest you watch it ASAP.

What a load of condescending tripe.

Get off your high horse for a second and ask yourself the question, "What does it matter?". What's the negative impact? And then ask yourself, why are you still clicking on this thread you hate so much?

What's the big deal? Why not just ... be nice?


Seriously, answer for me the question, "why does it matter?"
S2 licensed
Quote from gezmoor :Well, that's very much a relative statement. Let's just have a think about who the most likely target audience for LFS is. Is it real motoring enthusiasts? or Gamers?

I'd say it's motoring enthusiasts really. Or more precisely, racing enthusiasts. Who is the target audience of Flight Simulators? Gamers? I don't think so.

Quote :It's highly unlikely to appeal to real motoring enthusiasts for one simple reason. Anyone that owns a car and enjoys driving is just going to go and do the real thing rather than sitting at their computer playing a sim.

This statement is flawed for obvious reasons. Unless you really believe that most racing enthusiasts are just going to pop off to their 500hp open wheel racing car and blast out a few quick races with twenty of their mates on their afternoon off.

Quote :Now if you're a gamer looking for a driving game in general then I'm sorry to say but LFS graphics look very dated.

Not to me. With everything on full I think they're quite stunning. Some of the models are a little simple, but the overall look of the game is fantastic IMO. I really like the style of the graphics. Really, to most simmers it's the last thing that matters anyway.

Quote :LFS needs to look good to attract gamers in general and by and large the gaming community is very picky about it's graphics quality

I honestly don't think that LFS is out there to attract gamers with flashy graphics. In fact, I think there very essence of LFS is to stand out from these types of games. The goal of LFS is to create "the best racing simulator ever". As stated clearly on the homepage.
S2 licensed
Fair enough then, I actually think you are right. I'm going to stop posting in this thread it's getting silly, but that's only partly my fault. People shouldn't be so insulted and defensive. But I shouldn't push my opinion so hard either.
S2 licensed
I love you too.

Seriously, Internet Tough Guys just give me the sh!ts. I'm sure that in real life, if I asked the same people a question they had heard many times before, they'd be nice as pie to my face. They wouldn't say, "look it up" or something. Don't understand why they have to develop an attitude online.

Although you're right, I probably do get overly annoyed about it.
Last edited by Ikaponthus, .
S2 licensed
Gayzus mate.

No offence but learn to speak/write English.
S2 licensed
Quote :I think your the only one in here that doesn't understand why people drift, having being told several (hundred) reasons why people do you still refuse to accept people are allowed to like things different to you.


Are you ****ing joking!?

I've said a million times that I don't mind people drifting in LFS or in real life and that everyone likes different things. I don't like drifting and some people seem not to be able to accept that. You obviously aren't even reading what I post!!

I honestly don't care what other people do.

And no, I'm not being a Troll. I'm having a discussion about something. What's the big deal? People disagree. I'm not angry at anyone, I don't dislike anyone here. I'm just discussing the topic. No need to get defensive or insulted.

If you don't want to talk about it, don't click on the thread, don't read it and most of all, don't reply. Problem solved.
S2 licensed
More Tracks and/or Cars is NOT what is needed.

I'm quite sure of this. I think people that are asking for this are just old users who are wanting more variety because they've been playing the game for years while forgetting that the game is not yet finished! It's still in alpha mode! More fluff content is the last thing the devs should be concentrating on now IMO.

What is most important is finishing the game. It's only in alpha mode and there are glaring omissions that have a major impact on basic gameplay! There's not even a proper damage model yet! The AI try and ram through each other if there car ahead is slower, let alone being so robotic they do exactly the same lap times to a hundredth of a second! The physics model, while being very impressive and showing almost limitless potential, is not complete. The interior of every car is almost identical.

Secondly, how many tracks and cars do you want? There's about twenty cars there already and at-least 7 totally unique tracks. Considering how long it takes to master driving one car on one track, more of the same is not what is needed while the rest of the game is still incomplete! There's 140 car/track combinations there already! And that's not including the track variations.

Yes, more tracks would be nice. But at the alpha stage of development it would be a serious waste of the developers time in my opinion. There's far more important things, that will have a vastly greater effect on the overall LFS experience than adding more fluff. Really, adding that sort of stuff shouldn't be considered until the game is complete.

I think if the LFS community saw real and appreciable progress in the actual development of the core game they would be more than satisfied. Adding tracks and cars is just more fluff and not real progress.
Last edited by Ikaponthus, .