You wondefully described it. Yeah, I've been in the zone for a few times. I'm still looking to find the way into it ever since. I broke my pb in every lap, everything was so perfect. I went to sleep, only to find the next day, that it's over, and I'm as slow as always, and just can't do it again. :/
I've read most of this topic, but I didn't notice anyone mention this: in the old system different cars had different multiplier, like XRG > XFG, XRT > RB4 > FXO. I know that the TBO class is now balanced, but it's still harder to drive an XRT than an RB4 or FXO, so it should be awarded with more points. Is it still like this on this system, because I've not found any info on the site about this, sorry if I overlooked it.
I was just looking at the top racers list and noticed that I'm not in that list. I have a Gold licence with 4709 points. I guess I should be in between them:
123. 3laurent 7caplain France 4,735 Gold
124. Martin Macjon Germany 4,666 Gold
Well, after I watched it first, I thought it's driver B's fault. But watching it again a few times from the helicopter view, I don't know. As Tristan said, you have to have an overlap at the turn in point, not at the braking point. It seems to me that C started to turn way too early.
Since a while I've got a problem with LFS: every once in a while it can't connect to the master server. It looks as if the firewall is blocking it (Jetico fw) but it should not. If I delete the rule which allows LFS to access the net, and set the fw into "ask" mode, it doesn't popup a window that LFS tries to access the internet, as if LFS doesn't even try... Though if I switch the fw into "allow all" mode, LFS works fine. Oh yeah, and a reboot solves this problem. Today I was experimenting with it, and noticed that if I want to start a server while this problem persists, it says the following: "TCP socket: bind failed". Any ideas? All other programs are working fine with this firewall, even LFS worked fine until some time ago.
Edit: just as I posted, I got an idea. I shut down all the unneccessary programs, and voila: LFS works fine. Now to discover which particular program it is...
Edit2: I think I restarted all the programs I was running, but LFS works fine still. Hm.. Well, next time I'm gonna get ya!
Yep, that's exactly why you should use a realistic low fov with cockpit, like 60, and then you see almost exactly what you would see IRL. As for mirrors, use the virtual one, it's not realistic, but you need to sacrifice something if you have only one monitor, and it's better to be the mirrors than the whole view.
What a cool idea it is! I've had this on my mind too, not a game, but only asking judgement from my incidents without disclosing the other drivers' usernames. Maybe if you run out of replays, I can give you some of mine.
Well I'm still fairly new (only 9700 km driven) and still learning the cars, so my favourite car so far is what I'm just happening to drive at the moment. Really, I tried all the cars except the XRR and BF1, and loved each one of them. My current favourite is, guess what, the LX6. I did 360km on BL1R yesterday on a quite busy server and it was a blast, improved my pb quite a lot too while having close battles. Though my stats indicate that I drove the XFG the most, that's because when I got S2 I immediately went to the STCC/CTRA servers to play. If that hadn't went down, I would probably still be driving the XRT. Or perhaps the LX6 on the LRF silver server.
Well yesterday I was racing on KY NAT rev (iirc) with XRG (10 laps, "long" races ) and pretty much along the whole race I was in front of garph alias ATC gAg, i couldn't pull away, and he couldn't really get into take over position. In the 8th lap or so i came up to a backmarker, at a corner, i was gonna overtake him, but on the corner exit he braked, so I rearended him. I thought my race was "over", but ATC gAg was so kind he lifted, so we could continue to race. Though that didn't save me from screwing up the next couple of corners, so he eventually overtook me. I guess that incident took me out of the zone (yeah yeah, the excuses :P ).
Anyway that was really kind of him.
I fully agree. However the majority don't think like this. Treat others they way you want them to treat you. Maybe they want me to wreck them?
I don't get angry because I don't win if I get taken out, but because of the way others think. It simply gets me angry that how selfish they drive, only thinking about themselfs, and not about the consequences of their behavior. It gets me angry if I have to back off because the other guy doesn't give room and if I don't back off, we'll crash. So they think 'See! If I drive this way, I'll get rewarded.', because it's always me, who backs off.
But the thing is, for me the fun of racing lies in close battles. Otherway the racing is just hotlapping. If i get taken out, i obviously don't get close battles, and if the other drivers are driving they way I described it i don't get it either.
I know this sounds harsh, and I'm not even really sure that I mean it, but: If your equipment doesn't allow you to race properly, than you have to do something about it. I could compare it to something like a broken brake pedal. I'm sure if I were telling everybody that I keep ramming them off the track because my brake pedal is faulty, they would tell me to go repair it.
I know my nickname doesn't sound pretty smart if you don't know the idea behind it, but it dates back even before I got internet. My real name is Áron (or Aron for those who can't see the first letter) and it came from that, my friends started to call me Iron IRL, I use it everywhere on the net. Unfortunately it's pretty common too, but then my surprise was even bigger when I discovered that it was not taken here. Btw it's supposed to be pronounced like irony (without the y of course), not iron.
So no regrets here, maybe, maybe if I could go back in time I would choose a self-made up name, to make it unique.
No, why would it? The dirt comes off after a few (or more) corners. I guess he meant that the tyres always get dirty homogeneously, ie: the same amount of dirt on every part of the tyre contact patch. But the tyres are turning around rapidly so they gather dirt evenly i guess, maybe it's not that wrong. I also noticed that sand traps give more dirt than grass, so the amount of dirt depends on the surface too, not just constant.
At least he realized that it was his fault, and even showed it by action: left the server, and didn't continue to race like nothing has happened. As for T2, I don't think he was at fault, he kept his line, but the driver left of him turned into him.
And as Kev said, naming is really not welcome on this forum.