Well it's not like I'll be able to see it outside due to a) the inevitable cloud and b) it's at like 3am here, may be detrimental to my exam performance
Given that I have a Space Exam tomorrow, I probably should Apparently NASA are broadcasting it from their Hawaiian base on NASA TV tonight - that's what I'm going to watch it on (probably!)
Yeah I didn't quite get that - they'd run out of time on whatever channel it was broadcast on for the West Coast before the race even restarted and on the East Coast just after that, so don't quite know why they couldn't just keep it on ESPN News (channel they moved it to) for the rest of the race
You guys don't have speed camera warning signs?!?! :O
Although to be fair here they have to put them anywhere there are speedcameras, and anywhere there could be a mobile site, so maybe 80% of the time you see a sign, there isn't one
Actually to be fair Vettel took the exact same line. And Perez wouldn't have forseen Kimi being on his inside on the exit. Should probably enforce pit entry blend line there or something.