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Ahhh, the jealousy...

Really nice toys tristan, enjoy!
S2 licensed
Quote from BlakjeKaas :10 seconds is long enough to annoy you and get you out of the game experience.

My god, young people these days...

That was brilliant!
S2 licensed
Quote from CoolColJ :yes but you lose detail

And it annoys the hell out of people who are sitting in front of a low-res monitor (at work) and have to scroll all over the place. Doesn't bother me at home tho...

The water/steam looks really nice!!
S2 licensed
Yeah, the world is really beautiful to just wander around! I love the rivers and waterfalls especially!

PS: Does your uber-awesome fast PC have an option to resize images?
S2 licensed
Quote from CoolColJ :Well watching videos of the Xbox version is 3x longer than my PC.
We do have much faster drives and controllers here

I prefer mouse and keys too

I have no idea about the xbox version. On PS3 it takes roughly 10 seconds to load a new area... wow terribly long waiting time indeed!
S2 licensed
Quote from CoolColJ :Well I can tell you load times are super fast on the PC version, especially reloading and stage changes.
very slow on the consoles...

I don't know what you consider very slow... but i haven't experienced slow loading times on the PS3. It's actually pretty fast compared to many other games. No idea what you're talking about...
S2 licensed
Graphics are indeed not much better. I've seen quite a few PC screens too now, and apart from better resolution, sharper textures and more draw distance, it's not even worth it to consider playing it on a pc (ok, there's mods of course). It looks just fine on a console since the graphics aren't that amazing anyway... i instantly felt like playing oblivion in regard of how the game looks (it has improved, but not a lot).

However, it's not so much about graphics in this game.

The world is beautiful (huge, full of stuff, you can go everywhere, blabla) and it is very inviting to just wander off and explore. There's so much stuff to do... you can spend an hour in one house just reading the books on the shelves if that's what you find exciting... (i found a story book with easily 50 pages of text... just some random story, just one book... lol).

Sometimes it can be very boring, sometimes it can be so much fun... it's pretty much about "how you play it" and what you want to to in this game... interact with everybody and everything, or just go all alone and kill everybody and everything... or something in between... up to you!

If you're looking for a fun and challenging game with swords and dragons, minus bad combat system and boring quests and dialogues, get demons souls or dark souls (not on PC unfortunately). Two of the best games i've ever played... but they don't offer the huge open world and freedom that you can find in elder scroll games (which is what makes skyrim so much fun, if that's your cup of tea).
S2 licensed
Played for about 5 hours yesterday, almost couldn't stop anymore... barely touched the surface... REALLY good game!
S2 licensed
I was under the impression that skyrim requires a pretty high-end pc to run on high settings, but maybe that's wrong. I didn't actually bother and look up the recommended specs.

I have an imac and could probably run it in boot camp. But i doubt it'd run on high settings.

As long as it doesn't look miles better, i don't see the point of getting the pc version. It'll look ok on the PS3 i'm sure... starting to play right now!
S2 licensed
I would prefer a PC copy as well to be honest... simply for how awesome the game will look on modern hardware. I simply can't justify buying a new rig for 2'000 bucks for ONE game... otherwise i'd be all over the PC version.
S2 licensed
That's why consoles are superior...

I'll have my PS3 version in my mail box tonight and i'm sure there won't be any problems like that.

However... still busy with Dark Souls.
S2 licensed
And here it is, together with the amp...

Also got this for the MPC60 (OS upgrade on some ancient chips, cost an arm and a leg)...

And this (memory expansion from 13.1s to 26.2s sampling time, did also cost way too much! )...
S2 licensed
Damn, all the rare items i've been looking for seem to turn up at once all of a sudden... gotta stop spending...

S2 licensed
Quote from E.Reiljans :Oh please. Vintage mid-range audio equipment is way better than mid-range of today (all those PC speaker sets such as Z-5500's.. they make my ears bleed, while $100 speaker pair from 90's works very nice for me).

Ohh, i didn't mean to sound negative, i agree with your post. Modern technical equipment is simply built to outlast the warranty period, then break so the customer comes back to buy the new model...

I love vintage stuff (and yes, sounds way better most of the time)!
S2 licensed
Had to get something to go along with the MPC60 (old, vintage, blabla)...

Refurbished and all important parts replaced by a professional audio dude... sounds very nice!

Revox B77 MKII will be next...
S2 licensed
It's mine... :lovies3d:

S2 licensed
If you apply the race weight reduction to the S15 something funny happens...

S2 licensed
Haven't bought it yet... it's an online auction and i hope i'll win...

S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :I'm not a pessimist, I'm a realist, and a purist. I don't live life in a fantasy world where everybody holds hands.

Eitherway, I'm not upset you don't share my views, I'm arguing with you for your own sake. You're probably an honest person, I wouldn't wanna see you get robbed or killed, but being non-judgemental will lead to this.

Anyway, on with the funnies. If there's one person we can blame for this in the funnies thread, it's intrepid.

We don't need to blame anybody, a little off topic stuff like this has never hurt anybody, if you don't care, scroll on...

I've been walking through various cities at night alone, including places like mexico city, bangkok, budapest, madrid, blabla... in mexico city i blindly walked into a market which is supposedly one of the most dangerous markets in the city, full of drug dealers and criminals (as some local friends told me later that day). I've talked to all kind of strangers from various races in my life, travelers, homeless people, business people/owners, etc... some are good, some are better not to be trusted, if you have a little common sense it's not that hard to figure out if someone is a humble guy or if the person is simply interested to make profit from you / rob you in some way. So far my common sense seems to have worked just fine in this regard. I'm 31 years old and have never been robbed or seriously threatened anywhere in this world where i decided "it's safe to walk and talk here".

I'm not the type of guy who would walk into a dark street with five people waiting for me in sight with guns... to go and see if they are friendly or not... if you know what i mean.

The difference is, i've talked to people even when i already had a feeling they were just interested in my wallet, or wanted some trouble just for the sake of it. As long as i don't feel like the guy is going to beat me up or pull out a knife and rob me, you can actually treat another person with an open mind and with respect.

You can of course also walk through the world not talking to anybody "suspicious" and try avoiding the obviously "dangerous" stuff in your life all together. Or you could try and get out there a little more, get over yourself and all the bad things happening to you every day... and try to smile at somebody instead of looking at them thinking "the next thing you're going to do is kick a football at my child bloody bastard".
Last edited by jibber, .
S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :You're just leaving yourself open to disappointment, and a missing wallet. The world is shit, if you leave your guard down ; Politically, you get bombed, personally you lose money.

And if everybody would think like that, the world would be even more shit. It's ok to be a stuck up pessimistic guy, but don't get upset when somebody doesn't share your views on how to look at life and the world. Have fun in your negative world, i'll stay over here on the sunny side.
S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :@jibber
Have you ever met a Romany Gypsy? (I already know the answer) No. Ok then you can't comment.

Yes i have, and the experience would support your views... but that doesn't change my opinion about people... every person deserves a chance, no matter what group or race they belong to. There's good people everywhere, even if they belong to a group where the majority are ****s.

You put an entire race into the same category. People who do something like this are very closed minded and support stereotypes in my opinion. I've seen far too many posts like this from you to still be surprised about it anyway...
S2 licensed
Quote from beefyman666 :Just finished World Tour and according to my stats. I'm only 7% through the game!

Check the event list and you will see that you only completed a few races in there. I'm halfway through the elite season and i think i'm at around 4% or something like that.
S2 licensed
Quote from Ghostelites :i like stereotypes

Quote from BlueFlame :me too

Just because all you ever saw and experienced was negative, doesn't mean you should think of a whole race/group as "they are all the same". That is what causes stereotypes and helps them survive.

Ghostelites, i hope you don't take this personal, but the reason in your case is probably your dad working as a police officer and telling you all the bad things he does experience. Do you think they would call him to arrest the few good ones out there? No wonder he sees only the negative.

I have a perfect example for this from a friend at work...

His brother works as a police officer and has to deal with a lot of illegal immigrants. There's a house in the town where his station is located, known to be full of african-american immigrants and they always make problems (drug dealing, stealing, etc). He's the one who has to deal with them on a daily basis.

There is many african-american people living in this country who live honest lives, have real jobs and work for their money, never do anything against the law, etc. Yet, the brother of my friend doesn't see this anymore... all he can see is the dudes he has to go and arrest/lecture every day because of crimes they commit. So that's all he's telling his brother about too.

As a result of this, my friend is one of the biggest racists towards african-american people i know. After all, all they do is deal drugs and steal things, right?

Just because something is true for an area, district, town, whatever... you can't apply it to a whole race/group and doom them all.

Guess why you have so many bad gypsies in your country? Because they treat them ****ing nicely! So why not go there and profit from the situation? This is the same all over the world... easy profit and easy laws will attract bad people and criminals more than honest and righteous people. So what you get is mostly criminals and ****s.

We have certain races here in switzerland who are regarded as criminals too by the majority of swiss people. Same problem, they have it too easy to come here and have a nice life as a criminal. So that's all we see. What we don't see is the few good ones who come here too, and the many good ones that never come here and try to live a good and honest life in their own countries, or somewhere else where comitting crimes is not the most easy and comfortable way to make quick profit (and therefor a huge attraction to all people seeing this as an option in their lives... and you'll find people like that in all races).

Sorry to further derail this topic. But you two are perfect examples of not looking further than your eyes can see. You are the people who help stereotypes exist in our world... thank you very much, and have a good day!

EDIT: And if there's some real bad crime here where some guy goes bonkers and starts shooting at people, it's usually a swiss guy. Or when i have a small problem at home, need a new fuse or light bulp for the appartment, forget my clothes in the washing machine for a day... it's not a swiss person living in the same house who will help me out with a spare fuse or hang up my clothes to dry... it's the family coming from the country that everybody labels as "criminals that are here only to steal and profit from our rich country". But yeah, those are so easy to forget when they only represent 0.5% of their race in this country.
Last edited by jibber, .
S2 licensed
Quote from pipa :Pikey, pikey, pikey, pikey, pikey. Now get out of this thread or post funny pictures. If you are offended thats your problem.

Stop being so rude. And post a funny pic yourself.