Here's two more videos, in one of them you can see the silver colored miata on street tires driven by my friend... really shows the difference in tires once i pass him ... (basically the same lap all the time and not much other cars, might get boring to watch :razz
Why all the Sailor Moon, Handbag and Pink Dinosaurs laughing at the moon stuff then? Don't take it personal, it just looks like something my 14 year old niece would buy...
She does... she's reading/writing a lot and also does quite a bit of spiritual stuff (meditation, etc). The thing that is getting in the way for both of us is that we prefer to spend the time together at the moment, but once the pink glasses are completely off, we'll probably both find our way back to our hobbies. Let's keep the hopes up for now...
She buys records for me, i buy books and flowers for her...
I actually suggested renting a little studio for my music gear since we're moving into my appartment, which isn't THAT big. She protested and let me know i will have to keep the music there and that there's no way i'll sacrifice my music space for her.
Plus, she's giving me blowjobs on the way to work... did i just say that?!
I hope this won't be the case, i can't immagine living without making my music. She's always saying how she would be unhappy if i'd ever have to stop... let's hope she's sincere...