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S3 licensed
Quote from Dakata01 :LFSW name: Dakata01
In-game name: Lewis44
Full team name: N/A
Nation: Bulgaria


Look the above message, this is year 2017 thread. Link to this years 2018 series also in above message.
S3 licensed
Quote from seksen :In terms of the development of the game I think that a few ads that will be placed on the site will not hurt anyone.

If you are referring current ongoing graphics enhancement efforts it might actually hurt someone if advertised too eagerly. Reason is that we don't know, may be that even the devs don't know, when the update will reach needed release maturity. It can be after 6 months, after a year or even longer time. So advertising may result false expectations among users, especially among potential new users Shrug

and also nacim's comment is valid one.
S3 licensed
Protest on RTFR 186th:
Against: -longi- (lfs account: longi)
Time stamp: 3rd lap, 47 seconds
Description of incident: Approaching and turning to last corner of the track. Was already turning half way towards the apex of the turn when longi crashes on my side with very high speed causing my car flipping and basically race over. A classical so called turn kill.
S3 licensed
LFSW name: jkat
In-game name: [WCL] J.A.Katila
Full team name: World Class Lions
Nation: Finland
S3 licensed
Just placing this also here, wrote this on discord:

If u want to have some more participants from European time zones, having the race event starting 2-3 hours earlier would do the trick. Now it is okeyish for UK time zone, barely okey for central european time zone and not feasible for east european time zone. Also heard in discord that for many in eastern standard time zone, current event starting time is usual dinner time. This conflict would be solved also by moving the event start time. And moving it earlier would make it possible more Europeans to join the event.
S3 licensed
Quote from BaronX :Hey, so I bought S1 already, would it be possible to buy S3 for 24$? I'm torn, I don't want to waste the 12$ I already spent on S1 - anyone know?

In case u paid 12$ for S1 you can now enter to S3 with 24$. Anyway it is not lost of money as every license level cost same amount of money depending which country you are living. For getting only S3 content on top of S1 is not possible, and in S3 there is still only one new track environment offered. So best deal still is to go until S2 if you are not an absolute fan of Rockingham track.
S3 licensed
I'll hop in also.

Are the 2 races on same layout or on 2 different ones ?
S3 licensed
Thank u very many Thumbs up
S3 licensed
Quote from Racon :Will the tracks be up on a server in advance for practice, popn?

Was wondering the same or even better if all layouts could be downloaded and tried offline or online on private host.
S3 licensed
Quote from joaopaulopt :friends needed your opinion, because I'm really afraid that I'll be one of those who will not be able to play LFS with future updates Frown
I'm already in a laptop (I still can not find means to get a tower) and my laptop is like this

Intel P6100 @ 2.00 GHz
Memory 4.00 GB
AMD Mobility Radeon HD 5000 Series

Do you think it's hard to cope with these new updates? is that I am really worried about this because so soon I think that I will not be able to have a fixed pc ready, maybe it will take even longer than two Months and until I still walk with this one that I can handle the LFS perfectly

I think you are safe with your setup still for some time as Scawen has not given any estimation when even test patch stage can be achieved. Optimist is expecting it to be reached during this year, realist during next year and pessimist by the end of year 2020. And of course backup solution for possible performance issues if Scawen somehow get things super fast to mature stage for releasing test patches would be to stick with older LFS version.
S3 licensed
Quote from Katy Perry :9/10 of people will skip that part, thanks god im in that 1%.

Mikke, you are really good in math Big grin

How on earth u manage to calculate fuel amount for races or are you every time asking from others how much to put in the tank ? Razz
S3 licensed
Your nickname: [WCL]J.A.Katila
Username: jkat
Number: 04
Team: World Class Lions

Cannot race in 3 first races but reserving the number to be used after.
S3 licensed
Quote from ImudilaSkyline :sure?

seems a bit odd as your user and server name definitely rings a bell for me and i've been around for only 7yearsBig grin

Yea, maybe he is suffering from amnesia Shrug
Quick look on online race results in lfsworld for his account is showing he has very actively raced in lfs online servers between June 2007 and November 2013, occasionally also during 2014. Instead of 12 years it should be around 4 years concerning lfs online usage. Hope I will not loose 8 years of my memories when I'm 20+ years older Tongue
S3 licensed
Quote from Jan-Ole :​ ... rplakathdT3IMK.png​​

more Infos :

Race info picture cannot be opened here in lfsforum. In bc-racing forum it works.

Track code is wrong in the picture, WE1R -> WE2R. Might be good to correct if some new ones want to join and want to prac in the right track.
S3 licensed
Yea maybe he got last warning from Scawen for the main account to get a perm ban and is now playing it safe Shrug
S3 licensed
Quote from harry999 :Some good info here, thanks !

How do you check the stats ?

go to your profile at

then click View more online stats
for seeing more details in
S3 licensed
Quote from ataslfs24 :this link : as an example.
Gordon so6r gti racing day too many cars crash.
so6r gti night

1.50.03 -> Gordon hit the todor (and say sorry gordon) Lap 1
3.55.45 -> Gordon hit the justas ( can not say sorry ) Lap 3
4.39.79 -> Justas hit the (me) cimin ( can not say sorry )
7.29.95 -> Gordon hit the (me) cimin ( BESTTTTTTTTTT can not say sorry ) Lap 5
NOTE: Gordon made an accident in all the races I did not write. (KY1, AS6)

result: gordon too many hit,crash and pass people.
result2:we can not our own rule.(revange crash turn) be warned.

-sorry my bad english, have nice day.

Come on, chill out. If someone feels he has been a victim in an incident and dramatically made his/hers possibility to hold a position, he/she can always make a protest.

I believe main purpose of these events is to have fun and therefore just concentrate on your own racing to leave enough space for other racers not to cause any avoidable incidents. This will increase the overall fun factor.

South City is kind of most bad example to compare with when it comes to close racing without scratching some paint.

To repeat my message, Chill out and have fun Nod
S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :Too many rules to read for some people Big grin

oh hi Martin Smile

Just for curiosity, what does ur latest in-game name Truslav which u have used in SBF VGP HC server means or relates to ?

Have you lately been occupied by other Sim titels ?
S3 licensed
Quote from r3zp3k7 :

Can I join servers from newest patch using 0.6E?

Not really, host has to run same level of release or older than your lfs version. It was just a suggestion for doing some testing if your problem would be actual also in older lfs versions. There might be still some servers with 0.6E out there or you could start your own host within the lfs version you want to try.

Btw is the problem visible also in single player mode or if you run your own dedicated host ?
Last edited by jkat, .
S3 licensed

This is my sons birthday and I chose it because he has won around 12 k€ worth of prices in National eMotorsport races and series organized in Finland during 2016 & 2017 using LFS as platform.

If I win I will give the voucher to a person having next nearest guess and who needs it more Nod

For everyone setting a guess. Read the rules, there is a whole bunch of them, namely TWO Big grin
S3 licensed
Sounds good, will be on it at least on Fridays, sometimes Tuesday's too.
S3 licensed
Yes indeed the HW is quite outdated and I believe its combination of all these 3 main HW factors, CPU+GPU+RAM which are causing your problems. LFS may work better if you install somewhat older version like 0.5.. something. Personally oldest version I have saved and still have the download package is 0.6E. If you want to try that I can upload it to my google drive or onedrive and share the link. Older versions may be found somewhere in the internet or even in this forum.
S3 licensed
If it's on Fridays I might give it a try. Thursday is atm a nogo. 2 races already there. Fridays there is only Fox Friday and it's quite late so there is room before that. Wednesday would be also fine for me. Not racing in Street Obsession races, at least for now. Then of course during weekend there is plenty of opportunities to organize races.
S3 licensed
Most probably your graphics card cannot handle all needed processing and stops working, either by reaching graphics processing resources limit or graphics card memory runs out. This can cause graphics card going into reset or just stops working and you will be seen black screens and application crashes.

Depending which track you drive in lfs this can happen all the time. At least new Westhill and new Blackwood are needing more graphics resources than older and smaller track environments.

To further test this try different tracks and if it happens also for example in Aston then try to lower your graphics settings in lfs options. If it still happens you can always try to update your graph card driver and hope it is only SW problem.

But like lucaf said, it helps if we know which HW you have in first place.