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S3 licensed
I believe Racer X NZ suffers from this one
http://www.addictionsurvivors. ... ;p=202955&postcount=1
So only way I'm afraid to cure him is maybe to confiscate all devices he could do forum posting Shrug

But to the actual topic; My sympathies to Sam and all the French, especially the families and friends of the victims.
The whole Europe is in danger when thinking of these terrorist acts and therefore France is not alone. European countries should join forces to fight against terrorism. At the moment it is too easy to come and live to an European country for example from middle East. So more strict control there is needed unfortunately.
S3 licensed
First post and you fail to follow the forum rules. You have had 6 years time to read them. What a flop Face -> palm
S3 licensed
Quote from AndRand :That's nice design:

You don't need to do wild guesses to realize from where is the front design baseline coming from Big grin

If you take a look on this pic you know what I mean:

But don't get me wrong, it is nice timeless design. Beetle has proven it with its long production lifetime without changing the design baseline Thumbs up
S3 licensed
Don't be so demanding Ed.
There is always light in the end of a tunnel :-)
S3 licensed
Team: World Class Lions #4
Class: GTR
Car: XRR

Team: World Class Lions #5
Class: NGT
Car: XFR
S3 licensed
Quote from LFS Marius LFS :Yes, but I did not

Little off topic but the above answer reminds too much of an Indian culture when they are shaking their head and you are really not sure is it a sign of an agreement or disagreement Ya right
S3 licensed
Quote from Lotesdelere :image above

A film Star from Ice Age Tongue
S3 licensed
It's really about where your own interest is. If you don't like programming don't go into that field, if you don't like designing HW, you don't go to that area. If you like both but not more over the other, go to system design or testing field.
The latter 2 ones I can recommend with 21 years of experience in telecom business Nod
S3 licensed
wow, 1 lap already long race, 3 laps mid endu race and 5 laps already longish endu race Razz
S3 licensed
Thanks to all who voted.
This voting lost a bit of meaning when cargame servers came back in action and new Westhill testpatch and finally official version came out.

Nevertheless we got good information what the community is lacking and since in all ready made options there was openwheelers with track rotation we will start the new server with them and most probably only with new westhill track in rotation.
We will make a separate announcement when the server is configured with above cars+tracks for public use.
[WCL] World Class Lions Public Racing Servers
S3 licensed
We have been running several public racing servers both in demo and S1/S2 mode and still do so but now we want to focus more on what community wants to see in future. After cg S2 was discontinued XFG/XRG racing server has gained good popularity and no less than with proper admin effort and decently working server configuration.

We would like to offer similar racing experience with some other track/car combinations and would like to know what would be your desired racing combination. In the poll there is couple of choices we have been thinking but future server configurations could be something else also.

So give a vote or max 2 choices what you would like to see or answer this thread with your suggestion.

The poll will run until Easter time and around that time we decide based on this poll and suggestions where we put our effort in coming months.
Last edited by jkat, .
S3 licensed
Wou Edgars, consuming effectively your this weeks 9 lifes Wink
How many left for this week ?
Litro has captured some rough moves there Big grin
S3 licensed
1967 - Chevrolet Camaro, the First generation
S3 licensed
LFSW name: jkat
In-game name: [WCL]J.A.Katila
Full team name: World Class Lions
Nation: Finland
S3 licensed
Quote from dekojester :Points updated following Round 5.

Something went wrong in drivers points file after round 5.
Teams and nations status files work as they should.
S3 licensed
Quote from Fordman :Watch it until the end...


über lyrics
S3 licensed
Quote from D1kingas :
Quote from FireMike15 :Too bad, what a waste.
Come back with this fantastic talent if you have a licence if you say "my pics".

lol man.Take a look This is MY pics and I have lic.whatever you talking.

He's talking about this
With a demo license (your account name D1kingas) you cannot capture these pictures. Therefore they are captured by someone with a proper S1 or S2 license or by you with a cracked one :/
S3 licensed
No, working fine
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :

It's actually, that the warning must be displayed from the moment the headset starts, and LFS may not allow the user to dismiss the warning for 6 seconds (or 15 seconds if they changed user). After this time has elapsed, the user may remove the warning by pressing a key.

Indeed a very annoying and frustrating req from Oculus :ashamed:

But i guess there is no way to get around it, and to keep the positive flow of messages from rift users coming, it's a must to have then :sorry:

Anyway keep it up to implement all the sane and insane reqs, you master it in your super intelligent way

Quote from Eclipsed :...while you have never spent a second to implement LFS addictiveness warning... :P

LFS addictive ?, nooo it's just the core part of our lives
S3 licensed
I actually bought a Toshiba laptop last year but had to return it right away coz not starting at all.
When returning it would have needed to wait new one for a week so decided to go with similar price category and got a Sony Vaio.

Have been satisfied with the Vaio.

Both had i7 on them, 8Gb RAM, 2Gb graph card and 15.6 inch screen.

- jkat -
Last edited by jkat, .
S3 licensed
teamName: World Class Lions
attending: No
class: GT2
car: FZR
number: 60

teamName: World Class Lions
attending: Yes
class: GT2
car: XRR
number: 61
- {jsrk, Joni Katila, Finland}
- {Kassu99, Kasper Malmivuori, Finland}
- {matias 92, Matias Isosomppi, Finland}
- {teppari, Teemu Soini, Finland}
- {The Spek, Pekka Koivunen, Finland}
- {zupinx12, Teemu Savilaakso, Finland}

teamName: World Class Lions
attending: No
class: GT2
car: FXR
number: 64
S3 licensed
Quote from jsrk :teamName: World Class Lions
teamManager: {jsrk, Joni Katila}
- {jkat, Jari Katila}
- {jsrk, Joni Katila, Finland}
- {jkat, Jari Katila, Finland}
- {sprördex, Charles Lindholm, Finland}
- {minäitse97, Esa Pulkkinen, Finland}
- {zupinx12, Teemu Savilaakso, Finland}
- {matias 92, Matias Isosomppi, Finland}
- {Laimiss, Laimis Coco, United Kingdom}
- {firexter, Erik Manelius, Finland}
- {teppari, Teemu Soini, Finland}
- {Eza, Pertti Nappi, Finland}
- {Kassu99, Kasper Malmivuori, Finland}
- {Samuli95, Samuli Saaresoja, Finland}
- {The Spek, Pekka Koivunen, Finland}

# Team Car 1
class: GT1
car: XRR
number: 61

# Team Car 2
class: GT2
car: FZR
number: 60

# Team Car 3
class: GT2
car: FXR
number: 64

ADD driver {The Spek, Pekka Koivunen, Finland}
S3 licensed
R.I.P Tomek

This would have been great loss for every team in LFS and of course tremendous in real life to loose someone in such young of age.

Hope he is now racing in PRS (Perfect Racing Simulator) where timeouts, lags, crashers and other nasty features are unknown factors.

He will be in memories long time and not only in WR stats of LFS.

Deepest sympathies to all his family members and friends.

On behalf of Team WCL
S3 licensed
#61 and #64 are ok