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S3 licensed
LFSW name: jkat
In-game name: [WCL]J.A.Katila
Full team name: World Class Lions
Nation: Finland

Sadly was not able to participate for the 1st race, hence signing only now Shrug
S3 licensed
Quote from Razor1373 :UPDATE
Just wanted to update this topic, since it looks like something is happening...

Forgot to mention that all of that info you can find on their website All expect the final price (non preorder), which i received via email after singing myself on preorder wishlist Smile

Well now the price of 388$ is there in the website for all to see, no prices like 770$ at all.
Also you get a feeling that the price will at least stay on same level or even get lowered after the pre-order period.
Usually it is so that if you get a product from first production slot, you will get the early phase problems also. If you not desperately need a new wheel I would recommend to wait for first user feedback.
This is of course only my opinion, Sorry to Anici if I lowered the enthusiasm and hype you seem to have towards this product Shrug
S3 licensed
Protest in RTRF166
Lap an time of incident: lap 3, time 51.54
Against: iceleritas (Russianattack96)
Victim: [WCL] J.A.Katila (jkat)
Incident description: iceleritas brakes too late to tight left hander and touches me so that I start to spin. I could have survived but iceleritas touches 2nd time and full spin is caused. I loose several positions and time when recovering from spin. Touches are not hard but enough to cause big loss. Incident is fully avoidable and although touches are light they take away the fun part of the event name from my point of view. So little bit more carefulness in race keeps the fun factor also high.
S3 licensed
LFSW name: jkat
In-game name: [WCL] J.A.Katila
Full team name: World Class Lions
Nation: Finland
S3 licensed
Quote from Sobis :Hello, does anyone know how is this port named? I want to use my Logitech FFX pedals without the wheel, so I figured I'd by this port-to-USB cable but I don't know how to look for it...

The connector is normal 9 pin serial connector (1 pin not used though) but not sure are you asking that since serial port might be named to some other name by the purpose in the final product (wheel in this case).
S3 licensed
Rony, your server crashed :/
S3 licensed
Quote from ymeshulin :Correct, but protecting a spot is not done by colliding with another car. You should have taken a wider line out of the left-hander, and he would not have a chance to pull alongside.

I suggest your first action should be shutting up. I am one of the cleanest racers around, and the only people who have promlems with me are those who don't have a clue about racing.

You have no means nor power to make that kind of suggestions, you are accusing me here as a total outsider of this race and saying I should not defend myself against your accusations, come on Uh-hu

What comes to clean racing, I was not saying a word about it, I was telling about your attitude and accusations. Eventually that kind of attitude leads to trouble despite how clean racer you are.
S3 licensed
Quote from ymeshulin :I wonder when J. Katila stops crashing people. The guy seems to be either unable, or unwilling to see what's happening around him. He only sees what's in front, and almost every attempt to overtake him ends in a calamity. Happened to me on a few occasions.

Really, if I would be writing here every incident where my race was ruined by some other racer I would have no time to race Big Eye

Quote from ymeshulin :
Now, for those who think he was right:

- Ardeee made a brash move on the inside...
- No he did not. He was a LOT faster, and since the track is predominantly made of 90-degree corners, that was a legitimate overtake attempt.

- J. Katila could not do anything...
- Rubbish. He knew Ardeee was coming (google: Rearview mirror), was much faster, and would go for an overtake. Rule #1 for any driver: "If you have a faster driver behind you, expect him to attempt an overtake".

- What could J. Katila do?
- Option 1: leave Ardeee room by taking a wider line though the corner. Option 2: crash him.

You obviously haven't seen a replay of the race. You would know that Ardeee was driving behind with about same pace from lap 15 until the incident. Before the collision I was clearly ahead and have the right to choose line through a curve, thats normal racing rule. Of course I knew he was there but if you are ahead just one lap before finish you really not just give the position to your opponent. What kind of racing would that be, lame at least Shrug

Quote from ymeshulin :
If I were the admin of the server, I would issue J. Katila a last warning - one more accident like this, and this driver will be banned from future events on the server for a year.

But you are not and seems you are not much respecting admining of this server. I would even consider some actions towards you if were running this server, just because of the attitude and accusations you are expressing. Frown
S3 licensed
Voted to ban it.

It has been lately discussed around different racing series and more common opinion is to not allow usage of a button clutch. Main arguments being, it gives advantage against drivers using autoclutch and is unrealistic compared to real race cars.

Many events on 9397 racing host are with XFG and with it there is advantage also in clutch heating and wearing when autoclutch users try to change gears with minimal lifting while button clutch users can change gears with full throttle. Also UF1, FBM, RB4, MRT, LX4, LX6, UFR and FZR are cars which would have this extra advantage when using button clutch.

Also if you are a keypad user, button clutch is a nogo.
S3 licensed
Did this change break the window moving with mouse on PC ? Shrug

At least I cannot now move the opened windows boxes with mouse like earlier by just clicking the upper gray (not active)/blueish(active) bar and dragging from it somewhere else. Tried with chrome and firefox.

Is there now some new or other method to move different windows around with mouse?
S3 licensed
Quote from sinbad :Did anyone receive a Patch Release email?

I think every license holder will receive one if the email address defined in ones profile is valid
and you have chosen to receive news emails under your profiles personal details.

Attached the one I've received.
Last edited by jkat, .
S3 licensed
Quote from eferlan :Hi,

I would like to participate, i'm playing lfs demo for so many years i really enjoy this game and i would be happy to join S2 community. I'm about 8000 km actually.
Here a stats screenshots

eferlan (Keisuke in game)

OMFG how people can be so stupid to show stats from couple of hundreds of laps and all pb's reached with a speed hack Face -> palm

This is mother of stupidity Looney
S3 licensed
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :This thread went wrong lulz

Not really.

It's in off topic section so the topic discussed can change from off topic to extreme off topic, right Big grin
S3 licensed
Quote from MicroSpecV :2 seconds faster? Are you sure it wasn't tweaked? The sectors look hella suspicious..

I wouldn't suspect any tweaks or similar.
Matti (suzuki94) is fast guy, especially with GTR's, seems to be the case also with BF1.

Haven't tried this layout but generally layouts are more tricky than normal race tracks and big differencies in lap times are more than common, especially if you manage to create top set for the combo.
S3 licensed
Quote from 11SuLLy11 :possibly the weirdest music I have ever heard! Na-na

except this...

Actually ur example is not so weird if you think about asian music like bollywood style of music and dancing from India.

I have lived 2 years in India and whenever you turn TV on you see this kind of stuff coming out Big grin

like this:

or this:

Its bit funny culture when you are looking from western world towards it, not merely how they are speaking english Omg omg omg
Protest for 1st Rony's TF XL race
S3 licensed
I'm not usually doing protests but this time end result was bad and the crash would have been avoidable.

Racer: [WCL] J.A.Katila
Protested racer: EZKO

Lap 3, time ~1.35.20.

Description of incident: I was driving towards second last turn and behind me was driving EZKO. I was clearly ahead and was going forward using most optimal driving line towards next turn when EZKO collided and spun me to fence and sand causing damage and lost of many positions. This would have been avoided by short lifting just before the collision. Also there were no apologies during or after the race.
S3 licensed
Realism is on level of 10 years old arcade car GAME Big grin
S3 licensed
LFSW name: jkat
In-game name: [WCL]J.A.Katila
Full team name: World Class Lions
Nation: Finland
S3 licensed
Delete all lfs related files which you now use.

Then download lfs again from and install it again.
S3 licensed
Pls Rony
The guy has only demo.

For the problems, just try fresh new install of lfs.
S3 licensed
Quote from Gutholz :How did you find out about this show?
And those races where they had the drivers in cockpits in the studio were the qualifying rounds, and for the final race the players were driving from home over internet?

Advertising was not the strongest point of organising group. I guess it was just accidently noticed by me and Joni.
What comes to actual series it was the whole series i.e all races before final one which were run remotely. So the final race was the only one physically raced in promoters premises using those cockpits which can be seen in stream.

Sorry about typos. Driving on A7 and typing in a Restplatz with a small tablet
S3 licensed
Quote from felplacerad :Nice! (Race starts at 1:02:35).

Question: Was the game hosted on a remote server rather than on a LAN? And/or is that really 6 PPS? The car positions are not updated very smoothly (see Joni pass through the chicane here, for example).

I don't know where it is physically located but it is normal remote host in the sense it can be found in the server list under Master server. Commentators were saying there was network connection problems during the qualification and I guess they could not remove the problems totally for the race.
Finnish eMOTORSPORT Championship 2016 with Thank You to lfs development team
S3 licensed
Hello dear lfs'ers,

this post is not only about lfs in the news but also a thank you for the development team that made this achievement possible.

This week Tuesday there was Final race of Finnish National Championship Series 2016 arranged by IeMA, International eMOTORSPORT Association ( as live race in the promoters ( premises in Helsinki for the 10 finalist of the series. The series was run using lfs as race simulation platform and this is also promoted both in IeMA and promoter web sites.
Here is link to the actual race live stream which includes also qualifying session (around 30 minutes) followed by the actual race (45 minutes+1 lap) using XR GTR on South City Long Reverse track with wind option set to 3 (
Unfortunately the commentary is in finnish so it might be little difficult to follow if not a Finn. Maybe next year there will be some race series with english commentary as there is plans to expand activities to international level also.

The whole podium was populated by experienced lfs'ers, winner Joni Katila (lfs account jsrk), 2nd Antti Terho (lfs account speedsenna) and 3rd Toni Lähteenmäki (lfs account FL4SH-) which shows that long experience of racing within lfs really helps to achieve something like this.

The whole podium got as reward of investing to lfs and to this race series their money back multiple times.
Therefore really big thanks to lfs development team Scawen, Eric and Victor to make this possible.
I hope this gives some extra motivation to further work on lfs.

I don't know if there is any similar activities in any other country around the globe but now Finland has showed one way how lfs or eMotorsport could be brought into Motorsports family in National level. Of course as first time to organize this kind of race series its a lot of learning but I believe same applies whatever new Motorsport class is kicked off first time.

I would also hope that similar activities could be kicked off in other countries and continents. at least now we know it is possible. And I fully believe Scawen and the team would give full support whereever similar activities would take place.

Joyfull Xmas and action packed New Year 2017 for all Thumbs up
Let's hope LFS will evolve to next level during next year and we can enjoy it many years to come Smile

Jari Katila (lfs account jkat)
S3 licensed
Quote from BeNoM :"since the last time he explained us what's his plan"

Would you be able to post a link to that? I'm interested in reading it Smile

Just read Scawen's posts in this thread from September time and you'll be aware of where he is focusing on atm.
S3 licensed
I think my son needs bottle of Kossu Did I Say That?