Dunno what you want to hear? (compared in graphics, physics, damage, modding or whatever)
It's really unfair to compare these games ATM because well it's a pre alpha. Big physics updates come almost every build ATM. They still lay down the basics. There is ATM not really anything to be called finished and will be in that form in the final game.
But already the physics are good. The FFB lacks (but every build comes with anoter FFB update and it goes into the right direction).
The graphics are... AWWWWWWW (just take a look at the (fully animated) springs of this car) Then again there is still a lot of stuff missing or not textured at all. But overall awesome (and if I think about upcoming weather, tiere deformation, 24h time cycles, objects... etc etc... :tilt
About damage, it's a big no no ATM. Collisions are terrible (just today a CART crashed ME a couple of times (trying to push a cart, cart doesn't get faster and I crash. Driving beside the cart, it steers into me on a straight and I spin. btw I was driving one of the strange 24h le mans cars ther :really. Then again they are working on it.
You just should get it just for reading the forum, like how the art director argues with photographers about how the game should look like. Very entertaining. Also the stuff chainging and seeing how fast stuff develops is astonishing.
LFS is not really dying... watch the list in LFSW.
But IMO demo server really should be removed from the in game list. Normal (non leuge) races as me join populated server. Let's face it: in S2 ATM there are 3 racang servers online with more then 5 players. Then again only one of them contains only one class and none of them only the most populated S2 car. Just get rid of demo servers and I bet there will be a lot more going on in S2.
(There are at least 30 servers with more then 5 cars on demo servers ATM)
This. When I fire up LFS I want some action. This means I need to have at least one or more players in my skill level. The more people that are in the server, the higher the chances are, that someone is actually as.... umm slow as I am. I love the FBM and the FOX but the only server I usually can join that has above 5 players is FOX Junkies (if I'm lucky) so 80% of the time I end up in a Demo server.
Back in the days of seperated Demo and S2 servers there was a whole lot more good (visited) S2 servers IMO
I have nothing against Demo servers, but I am getting sick of 10 players, FBM on BL1
I hope the tire deformation that gets inplemented in pCARS soon, will be anywhere as good as the one in LFS. Can't wait to see the Caterham in vids like this one .
(Just wanna know how vids like these would look like, with THIS amount of car detail (yes, this is kinda how the LX6 is supposed to look like))
Didn't you never pilot a jet or heli, or play the singleplayer? one of the first singleplayer missions, you are co pilot in a jet. Here you can hear it at 8:20 you hear the sond of someone loking on you. at 8:22 is the sound, where he locks you and a second later you hear the sond, that he fired and also see the missle.
Guys... you can't be serious?! That back to karkand would be in the limeted edition is a long known fact (and the limited edition costs as much as the normal version)
Didn't play racing games for month, then we played gt5 on his ps3 with my G25 and I was to lazy to carry it back (especially because I knew I wouldn't use it anyways, so I left the fun there )
After some testplaying with a gamepad I defenitely need it back lol
today, finaly after a week and a half I finaly had time to play some Battlefield 3, so I start my pc, open BF3 and to my exitement a 3,9 GB patch was downloaded. So of course after the instalation I click on play. Now finaly battlelog opens and of course I select a server with wake island and conquest. Now what?! Origin closes and opens again, asking me for my pasword well never mind, type it in and get an error massage. Ok... WTF well never mind there is a foregot password button for that. Getting no massege mail, then proplems, getting a massage, typing the code in, getting problems... (repeat for about 3 hours (of course i was surfing the web all that time:schwitz so FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUU
Now I finaly maneged to type in my goddamn new pasword and it confirmed it... YES FINALY
Go to origin type in new pasword.... error FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
I can get into origin store, ea thingy, battlelog but not into the goddamn game :banghead::hbomb:
Yes, it's addicting, no this is not battlefield. Massive maps, but the maps are build in a way you can fly over the important parts of the map in 3 seconds (and the jets are even slower then in Battlefield 2). Destruction 2.0 but the maps are build in a way you can't blow up a lot of stuff. IMO you see that especially if you see the maps on rush. There is no way to flank the enemy. Defender just need to prone shoot some rockets and spray with the m249 and they already won, because most of the time they only have to cover 2 enterences. You don't have a lot of choises to take someone out.
Yes, there are complaints. But since MW3 is more online based people care less. NFS on the other hand is almost entirely singleplayer based....
Also no one can say there is no action in MW3 (didn't play it but well since it's like the last 5 CODs...)
rofl epic fail game... the tests: the actuall play time is around 3 hours, the multiplayer eccept of the autolog system sucks (you can't choose what track and car to drive for example), not a lot of action, made no use of the frostbite engine, rubber band ai (dunno how to translate that) etc....
When I first heard black box is doing that, I already knew this can`t be good... (just look at the first page of the topic)
This doesn't even make me want to download it... i mean 3 hours that's shorter then the download and instalation time ^^