During the event, the following penalties were applied by the stewards following reports from the Race Director. Race
Car 70 - Drive Through Penalty - Crossing pit exit blend line (Lap 15 - Pit Exit)
Car 59 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap L9 - T4)
The following penalties have been applied post event by the stewards following reports from the Race Director. N/A
The following penalties have been applied to the championship standings by the stewards following reports from the Race Director Qualifying
Car 39 - 1 Championship Point Penalty - incorrect number on numberboards
Car 71 - 1 Championship Point Penalty - No required elements on skin
Car 99 - 1 Championship Point Penalty - No required elements on skin
Car 39 - 1 Championship Point Penalty - incorrect number on numberboards
Car 71 - 1 Championship Point Penalty - No required elements on skin
Car 99 - 1 Championship Point Penalty - No required elements on skin
Car 71 - 5 Championship Point Penalty - Spectated from on-track without RC permission (Lap 34 - T9)
Entire Event
Car 71 - 1 Championship Point Penalty - Did not upload skin to forum thread
Car 99 - 1 Championship Point Penalty - Did not upload skin to forum thread
Protest Results
Car 8 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 2 - T4)
Evertait Graphics is one of mine and my partners side business. We have reached out to the devs offering to work with them on some new merch if they would like to of course.
During the event, the following penalties were applied by the stewards following reports from the Race Director. Race
Car 76 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 15 - T11)
Car 97 - 10 Second Stop & Go Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 44 - T1)
Car 46 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 41 - S/F Line)
The following penalties have been applied post event by the stewards following reports from the Race Director. Race
Car 1 - Warning - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC1)
Car 47 - Warning - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC1)
Car 46 - 1 Second Time Penalty - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC1)
Car 51 - 2 Second Time Penalty - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC1)
Car 15 - 3 Second Time Penalty - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC1)
Car 31 - 3 Second Time Penalty - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC1)
Car 25 - 5 Second Time Penalty - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC1)
Car 11 - Drive Through Penalty - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period & Causing a collision under VSC (VSC1)
Car 97 - Drive Through Penalty - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC1)
Protest Results
Car 11 - Drive Through Penalty - Overtaking under Safety Car (Lap Lap 29-30 (Under Safety Car) - After Turn 3)
Car 51 - Drive Through Penalty - Overtaking under Safety Car (Lap Lap 29-30 (Under Safety Car) - After Turn 3)
No Further Action
VSC Speeding was reviewed by the stewards as a matter of procedure. The protested incident was included in that review and the outcome laid out above
During the event, the following penalties were applied by the stewards following reports from the Race Director. Race
Car 39 - 10 Second Stop & Go Penalty - Unsafe Rejoin (Lap 3 - T1)
Car 08 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 3 - T1)
Car 60 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 7 - T1)
Car 09 - Drive Through Penalty - Crossing pit exit blend line (Lap 12 - Pit lane exit)
The following penalties have been applied post event by the stewards following reports from the Race Director. Race
Car 15 - Drive Through Penalty - Crossing pit exit blend line (Lap 31 - Pit Exit)
The following penalties have been applied to the championship standings by the stewards following reports from the Race Director Qualifying
Car 39 - 1 Championship Point Penalty - incorrect number on number boards
Car 39 - 1 Championship Point Penalty - incorrect number on number boards
Car 39 - 5 Championship Point Penalty - Spectating from on course without race control permission (Lap 3 - Overpass)
Car 46 - 5 Championship Point Penalty - Spectating from on course without race control permission (Lap 8 - T9)
Entire Event
Car 2 - 1 Championship Point Penalty - Did not upload skin to fourm thread
Car 39 - 1 Championship Point Penalty - Did not upload skin to forum thread
Session AND SERVER of Incident (Official Sessions: Free Practice, Qualifying, Race; Servers: Main)
Lap AND MPR timecode of incident (or session time or UTC Time of Day):
Car(s) involved:
Location of Incident:
Brief Description of Incident:
Protests are due by 13:00 UTC on Saturday, 03 March 2024
Track Specifications Circuit Length: 5.138 km | Track Map Safety Car In-Race Position: End of Pitlane 1st Safety Car Line: Entry to turn 13 (oval turn 3) 2nd Safety Car Line: Exit turn 1 Red Flag line: 55m after start of pit wall Penalty Box Location: After last pit stop boxes, drivers left Virtual Safety Car Maximum Speed: 80 kph / 49 mph Pit Lane Speed: 80 kph / 49 mph
Event Timetable
18:00 UTC Free Practice - 20 minutes
18:30 UTC Qualifying - 45 minutes
19:30 UTC Race - 59 Laps
Event Specifics
1. Alerting the Administration:
Use @sc to alert administration to look at your car or the section of track you were in when you use the @sc command. The command will tell the administration what location you're at.
2. Communications:
All drivers are required to be in the NDR TeamSpeak server: teamspeak.newdimensionracing.com - Race Control messages will be broadcast to anyone in a channel in the Pit Wall in TS. If you would like a subchannel for your team or friendly drivers, please let us know and we will create one. Make sure you have your race number and/or your LFS username as your nickname on TeamSpeak
They will be in the NDR TeamSpeak. You are invited to be interviewed on stream during the breaks between sessions. Please follow their terms listed at https://simbroadcasts.tv/voice - we will apply those to our Commentary Box area.
4. Driver Naming:
Be sure to be in your proper name format Number, pipe, first initial, dot, last name [eg. 00 | J. Provost].
The car number must be in white. The pipe should be in the closest colour to the predominant colour of your car skin. Your name must be white
5. Practice Starts
Drivers are permitted to take practice starts at the exit of pit lane, drivers left, any time the pit exit is open. Drivers taking practice starts should pull up to the chalk line that marks the spot, and wait for a clear path to take their practice start. Cars in the exit lane have right of way over cars preparing for a practice start.
6. Virtual Safety Car Test
Should time permit, there will be a test Virtual Safety Car deployment in the free practice session, starting about 5 minutes remaining in the session. All drivers are encouraged to participate in this test.
7. Pit Entry and Pit Exit
On pit entry, all parts of the car must be to the LEFT of the blend line along its entire length.
On pit exit, all parts of the car must be to the LEFT of the blend line along its entire length.
8. Qualifying Procedure
The course is open for laps from the session start until the time has elapsed. Drivers may telepit and rejoin freely during the qualifying sessions. Drafting is permitted, bump-drafting is not.
9. Race Start:
The race will have one formation lap, followed by a standing start.
When the default LFS lights turn green, pull away from your grid slot and do one lap, return to the grid area. Stop at the furthest available grid slot. Once all cars are in position, the Starter will initiate the start sequence. An insim head-up display will appear, with five darkened lights. After 5 seconds, each light will illuminate red at one second intervals. After a pause of between 3 and 7 seconds, the lights will extinguish and the race will be started.
10. Safety Car:
On Restarts, the Safety Car will pull away from the field after Turn 8. It must not be overtaken before it crosses the 1st Safety Car line.
Overtaking is not permitted on SC restarts until YOU have crossed the start-finish line.
11. End of Race
After finishing the race, please slow WELL BELOW racing speeds after Turn 1 and proceed to pit lane. The top 3 shall report back to Start / Finish Line for podium pose.
Top three and anyone else wishing to be interviewed on the broadcast should join the Commentary Box Waiting Room, and one of the commentators will move you to the Commentary Box.
12. Miscellany:
Do NOT under any circumstances Shift+P or Shift+S from on course during the race without authorization from Race Control.
You do NOT need permission to retire once you are in the pit lane.
If you suffer a lost connection or timeout from the server, you are permitted to rejoin the race, and we will add your completed laps to your car once you've rejoined.
Stop & Go penalties may ONLY be taken from the penalty box located at the location noted above.
Please post any procedural questions in this thread.
MRc are happy to announce the BF1 Special 2024 for the 15th birthday of Master Race car.
The race will take place on the 2nd March and will take place at Kyoto on the National Reverse configuration. A Free Practice will be held followed by a open 45 minute qualifying session and a 59 lap race (303.142 km).
There is a mandatory tire change where the tire compounds must be changed. So drivers will have the pick their strategy carefully.
To enter the BF1 Special 2024, make a post here giving your requested car number, LFS licence name, real name, nationality, team name (if representing a team), discord ID (the number after your username, so we can group you in Discord). Separate each field with a /, no space between the text of the field and the /. Example:
During the event, the following penalties were applied by the stewards following reports from the Race Director. Race
Car 77 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 14 - T1)
The following penalties have been applied post event by the stewards following reports from the Race Director. Race
Car 28 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 53 - T6)
The following penalties have been applied to the championship standings by the stewards following reports from the Race Director Qualifying
Car 39 - 1 Championship Point Penalty - Incorrect number on number boards
Car 39 - 1 Championship Point Penalty - Incorrect number on number boards
Car 90 - 5 Championship Point Penalty - Spectating from on course without race control permission (Lap 17 - T2)
Car 95 - 5 Championship Point Penalty - Spectating from on course without race control permission (Lap 27 - T7)
Entire Event
Car 39 - 1 Championship Point Penalty - Did not upload skin to forum thread
During the event, the following penalties were applied by the stewards following reports from the Race Director. Race
Car 97 - Drive Through Penalty - Unsafe Re-Join (Lap 8 - T10-11)
Car 24 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a collision (Lap 10 - T7)
Car 14 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a collision (Lap 13 - T17-18)
Car 88 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a collision (Lap 26 - T1)
The following penalties have been applied post event by the stewards following reports from the Race Director. Race
Car 14 - 1 Second Time Penalty - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC1)
Car 27 - 1 Second Time Penalty - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC1)
Car 40 - 1 Second Time Penalty - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC1)
Car 75 - 1 Second Time Penalty - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC1)
Car 77 - 1 Second Time Penalty - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC1)
Car 90 - 1 Second Time Penalty - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC1)
Car 98 - 1 Second Time Penalty - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC1)
Car 21 - 2 Second Time Penalty - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC1)
Car 46 - 2 Second Time Penalty - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC1)
Car 54 - 2 Second Time Penalty - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC1)
Car 59 - 2 Second Time Penalty - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC1)
Car 73 - 2 Second Time Penalty - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC1)
Car 88 - 2 Second Time Penalty - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC1)
Car 32 - 3 Second Time Penalty - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC1)
Car 80 - 3 Second Time Penalty - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC1)
Car 89 - 3 Second Time Penalty - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC1)
Car 93 - 3 Second Time Penalty - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC1)
Car 4 - 4 Second Time Penalty - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC1)
Car 86 - Drive Through Penalty - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC1)
Car 28 - Warning - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC1)
Car 30 - Warning - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC1)
Car 74 - Warning - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC1)
Car 87 - Warning - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC1)
Car 23 - 1 Second Time Penalty - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC2)
Car 40 - 1 Second Time Penalty - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC2)
Car 75 - 1 Second Time Penalty - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC2)
Car 86 - 1 Second Time Penalty - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC2)
Car 14 - 2 Second Time Penalty - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC2)
Car 4 - 2 Second Time Penalty - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC2)
Car 74 - 2 Second Time Penalty - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC2)
Car 30 - 3 Second Time Penalty - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC2)
Car 90 - 5 Second Time Penalty - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC2)
Car 54 - Drive Through Penalty - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period & Overtaking under VSC (VSC2)
Car 80 - Drive Through Penalty - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period & Causing a collision under VSC (VSC2)
Car 8 - Warning - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC2)
Car 87 - Warning - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC2)
Car 9 - Warning - Failure to slow sufficiently at start of VSC Period (VSC2)
Car 30 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 1 - T14-16)
Car 09 - Drive Through Penalty - Failure to follow and conduct under Safety Car procedure (Lap 14)
Car 89 - Drive Through Penalty - Failure to follow and conduct under Safety Car procedure (Lap 14)
Car 88 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 4 - T16)
Car 32 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 42 - T8-9)
The following penalties have been applied to the championship standings by the stewards following reports from the Race Director Qualifying
Car 30 - 1 Championship Point Penalty - No required elements on skin
Car 30 - 1 Championship Point Penalty - No required elements on skin
Entire Event
Car 30 - 1 Championship Point Penalty - Did not upload skin to forum thread by deadline
Protest Results
Car 30 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 1 - T14-16)
Car 88 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 4 - T16)
The stewards re-reviewed this incident and decided to increase the penalty from a warning to a drive through penalty. The warning is then rescinded and the new penalty above put in place.
That is not how this works. There is no such thing as a counter protest. You are welcome to protest the incident also but we ask for a BRIEF description as it is down to the stewards to decide what happened. This is not a discussion thread.
Due to the above, your 'counter' protest is null & void and will not be considered. Please be aware that repeating such type of protest may result in penalties (see NDR Sporting Code May 2020 Article XI.1.4).
Should the stewards wish to ask for additional info, they will ask for it. A protest needs to be what, where and when. Not the why and how.
During the event, the following penalties were applied by the stewards following reports from the Race Director. Race 1
Car 13 - 10 place grid deduction for Race 1 - Did not confirm attendance by deadline
Car 17 - 10 place grid deduction for Race 1 - Did not confirm attendance by deadline
Car 45 - 10 place grid deduction for Race 1 - Did not confirm attendance by deadline
Car 8 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 1 - T1)
The following penalties have been applied post event by the stewards following reports from the Race Director. Race 1
Car 13 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 1 - T5)
Car 50 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 1 - T5)
Race 2
Car 8 - Disqualification - Multiple incidents (Lap 1 - T1)
Car 42 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 1 - T5)
Car 42 - Drive Through Penalty - Overtaking before S/F line (Lap 2 - T9)
Car 04 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing an Avoidable Incident (Lap 6 - T3)
Car 52 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing an Avoidable Incident (Lap 7 - T11)
Car 91 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing an Avoidable Incident (Lap 12 - T5)
The following penalties have been applied to the championship standings by the stewards following reports from the Race Director Qualifying
Car 35 - 1 Championship Point Penalty - No required elements on skin
Race 1
Car 35 - 1 Championship Point Penalty - No required elements on skin
Car 45 - 5 Championship Point Penalty - Spectated from on-track without RC permission (Lap 2 - T2)
Race 2
Car 35 - 1 Championship Point Penalty - No required elements on skin
Car 87 - 5 Championship Point Penalty - Spectated from on-track without RC permission (Lap 1 - T2)
Car 32 - 5 Championship Point Penalty - Spectated from on-track without RC permission (Lap 16 - T3)
Car 15 - 5 Championship Point Penalty - Spectated from on-track without RC permission (Lap 16 - T3)
Car 17 - 5 Championship Point Penalty - Spectated from on-track without RC permission (Lap 4 - T1)
Entire Event
Car 17 - 1 Championship Point Penalty - Did not upload skin to fourm thread by deadline
Car 35 - 1 Championship Point Penalty - Did not upload skin to fourm thread by deadline
Car 45 - 1 Championship Point Penalty - Did not upload skin to forum thread by deadline
Protest Results
Car 8 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 2 - T3)
Car 8 - Warning - Conduct under blue flags (Lap 6 - T1)
No Further Action - This incident was already reviewed by the stewards and the penalties are listed above.
Car 42 - Disqualification - Causing a collision & driving wrong way on track (Lap 8 - T2)
No Further Action - This incident was already reviewed by the stewards and the penalties are listed above.
Car 91 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 13 - T3)
Track Specifications Circuit Length: 3.097 km | Track Map Safety Car In-Race Position: End of Pitlane 1st Safety Car Line: Apex of turn 10 2nd Safety Car Line: Exit of turn 1 Red Flag line: Approx. 185 Meters before S/F line Penalty Box Location: End of pit lane, drivers left Virtual Safety Car Maximum Speed: 80 kph / 49 mph Pit Lane Speed: 80 kph / 49 mph
Event Timetable - Times are approx, each session will follow directly on from each other
15:00 UTC Free Practice - 20 minutes
15:30 UTC Qualifying - 20 minutes
16:00 UTC Race 1 - 20 minutes +1 lap
*16:50 UTC Race 2 - 20 minutes +1 lap
*Approximate start time, we will aim to bring this forward if we can depending on the finish time of race 1
Video Briefing
Event Specifics
1. Alerting the Administration:
Use @sc to alert administration to look at your car or the section of track you were in when you use the @sc command. The command will tell the administration what location you're at.
2. Communications:
All drivers are required to be in the NDR TeamSpeak server: teamspeak.newdimensionracing.com - Race Control messages will be broadcast to anyone in a channel in the Pit Wall in TS. If you would like a subchannel for your team or friendly drivers, please let us know and we will create one. Make sure you have your race number and/or your LFS username as your nickname on TeamSpeak
They will be in the NDR TeamSpeak. You are invited to be interviewed on stream during the breaks between sessions. Please follow their terms listed at https://simbroadcasts.tv/voice - we will apply those to our Commentary Box area.
4. Driver Naming:
Be sure to be in your proper name format: Number, [space], first initial, dot, last name [eg. 00 J.Provost].
The car number must be in white. Your name may be in colour.
5. Virtual Safety Car Test
Should time permit, there will be a test Virtual Safety Car deployment in the free practice session, starting approximately 5 minutes remaining in the session. All drivers are encouraged to participate in this test.
6. Pit Entry and Pit Exit
On pit entry, all parts of the car must be to the LEFT of the white blend line.
On pit exit, all parts of the car must be to the LEFT of the white blend line.
7. Qualifying Procedure
Qualifying will be set to 22 minutes, with the pit exit closed for the first two minutes. The fast lane will be closed until declared open by the race director, at which time drivers may queue at pit exit in single file. The course will open for laps with 20 minutes remaining, and remain open until the time has elapsed. The pit exit will close at the chequered flag. No driver should exit the pitlane without sufficient time to start a timed lap.
Qualifying is run in Semi-Hardcore mode. This means drivers are only permitted to Shift+S or Shift+P from within the pit lane itself. Any driver spectating outside of the pit lane will not be allowed to rejoin the session.
8. Race Start:
Each race will have one unscored formation lap, followed by a double-file rolling start.
Note: the grid will be in the pit lane at 45 degrees, drivers are to leave this location in single file behind the safety car.
This procedure is different from previous rounds, please read carefully.
During griding for race 1, the pole sitter will be asked what side of of the grid they would like to start from. This side will be used for both races. All other drivers should file in accordingly.
On approach to turn 9 (Final chicane), The safety car and all other cars will turn RIGHT onto the international loop. There will be a rescue car blocking off the chicane route.
On the exit of the international hairpin, the safety car will reduce speed. All drivers should now be forming into the double file formation. The safety car will pull off just before the start of the pit lane wall. The leader and all other drivers should maintain a steady speed up until the green flag signal is given. At which point overtaking is permitted.
In the event of an aborted start, drivers should maintain pace until Turn 1, and then return to single-file formation for another attempt. The race director will then instruct drivers if there are any changes to this.
9. Safety Car:
On Restarts, the Safety Car will pull away from the field after Turn 8 (where possible). It must not be overtaken before it crosses the 1st Safety Car line.
Overtaking is not permitted on SC restarts until YOU have crossed the start-finish line.
The race director has the discretion to operate a safety car wave around procedure as documented in the regulations.
10. End of Race
After finishing the race, please slow WELL BELOW racing speeds after Turn 1 and proceed back to the pit lane. The top 3 shall report to the start/finish line.
Top three and anyone else wishing to be interviewed on the broadcast should join the Commentary Box Waiting Room, and one of the commentators will move you to the Commentary Box.
11. Miscellany:
Do NOT under any circumstances Shift+P or Shift+S from on course during the race without authorization from Race Control.
You do NOT need permission to retire once you are in the pit lane.
If you suffer a lost connection or timeout from the server, you are permitted to rejoin the race, and we will add your completed laps to your car once you've rejoined.
Stop & Go penalties may ONLY be taken from the penalty box located at the location noted above.
Please post any procedural questions in this thread.
Number must be between 2 and 99 as per regulation III.2.a. Please choose a different number which is not taken. Entry list is attached to opening post.
During the event, the following penalties were applied by the stewards following reports from the Race Director.
Entire Event - Car 13 - 10 place grid deduction for Did not confirm attendance by deadline
Entire Event - Car 28 - 10 place grid deduction for Did not confirm attendance by deadline
Entire Event - Car 35 - 10 place grid deduction for Did not confirm attendance by deadline
Entire Event - Car 28 - 10 place grid deduction for Did not confirm attendance by deadline
The following penalties have been applied post event by the stewards following reports from the Race Director. Race 1
Car 30 - Drive Through Penalty - Overtaking before S/F line (Lap 3/4 - S/F Line)
Car 35 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 17 - T1)
Car 95 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing an Avoidable Incident (Lap 5 - T7)
Car 26 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 8 - S/F Line)
Car 30 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 4 - T1)
Car 30 - 10 Second Stop & Go Penalty - Unsafe rejoin (Lap 4 - T3)
Car 32 - Warning - Causing an Avoidable Incident (Lap 15 - T8)
Race 2
Car 72 - 10 Second Stop & Go Penalty - Causing a collision under safety car (Lap 8 - T8-9)
Car 42 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 1 - T8)
Car 35 - 10 Second Stop & Go Penalty - Causing an Avoidable Incident (Lap 4 - S/F Line)
Car 35 - Drive Through Penalty - Unsafe rejoin (Lap 1 - Turn 5)
Car 13 - Drive Through Penalty - Unsafe rejoin (Lap 1 - Turn 1)
Car 98 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 1 - Turn 1)
Car 47 - 10 Second Stop & Go Penalty - Failing to follow a Formation lap procedure (Lap Formation lap - Back streight)
The following penalties have been applied to the championship standings by the stewards following reports from the Race Director Qualifying
Car 8 - 1 point deduction - No required elements on skin
Car 30 - 1 point deduction - No required elements on skin
Car 35 - 1 point deduction - No required elements on skin
Car 35 - 1 point deduction - No required elements on skin
Race 1
Car 30 - 1 point deduction - No required elements on skin
Car 34 - 1 point deduction - No required elements on skin
Car 35 - 1 point deduction - No required elements on skin
Car 41 - 1 point deduction - No required elements on skin
Race 2
Car 35 - 1 point deduction - No required elements on skin
Car 30 - 1 point deduction - No required elements on skin
Entire Event
Car 30 - 1 point deduction - Did not upload skin to forum thread
Car 35 - 1 point deduction - Did not upload skin to forum thread
Protest Results
Car 96 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 4 - T5)
Car 47 - 10 Second Stop & Go Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 6 - T2-3)
Car 50 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 10 - Back Straight)
This was reviewed following a report from the race director, penalty laid out above.
Note from JP2: I did reply via TS whisper to your question but with my button issues I was having, that may not have gone through to you.
Car 27 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 2 - T5)
No further action
Protest rejected due to being out of time
However this was reviewed following a report from the race director, penalty laid out above.
Track Specifications Circuit Length: 3.297 km | Track Map Safety Car In-Race Position: End of Pitlane 1st Safety Car Line: 5.5m before end of kerb on driver's left 2nd Safety Car Line: Exit of Turn 1 Red Flag line: Exit of Turn 9 Penalty Box Location: End of pit lane, drivers left Virtual Safety Car Maximum Speed: 80 kph / 49 mph Pit Lane Speed: 80 kph / 49 mph
Event Timetable - Times are approx, each session will follow directly on from each other
15:00 UTC Free Practice - 20 minutes
15:30 UTC Qualifying - 20 minutes
16:00 UTC Race 1 - 20 minutes +1 lap
*16:50 UTC Race 2 - 20 minutes +1 lap
*Approximate start time, we will aim to bring this forward if we can depending on the finish time of race 1
Video Briefing
Event Specifics
1. Alerting the Administration:
Use @sc to alert administration to look at your car or the section of track you were in when you use the @sc command. The command will tell the administration what location you're at.
2. Communications:
All drivers are required to be in the NDR TeamSpeak server: teamspeak.newdimensionracing.com - Race Control messages will be broadcast to anyone in a channel in the Pit Wall in TS. If you would like a subchannel for your team or friendly drivers, please let us know and we will create one. Make sure you have your race number and/or your LFS username as your nickname on TeamSpeak
They will be in the NDR TeamSpeak. You are invited to be interviewed on stream during the breaks between sessions. Please follow their terms listed at https://simbroadcasts.tv/voice - we will apply those to our Commentary Box area.
4. Driver Naming:
Be sure to be in your proper name format: Number, [space], first initial, dot, last name [eg. 00 J.Provost].
The car number must be in white. Your name may be in colour.
5. Virtual Safety Car Test
Should time permit, there will be a test Virtual Safety Car deployment in the free practice session, starting approximately 5 minutes remaining in the session. All drivers are encouraged to participate in this test.
6. Pit Entry and Pit Exit
On pit entry, all parts of the car must be to the LEFT of the white blend line.
On pit exit, all parts of the car must be to the LEFT of the white blend line.
7. Qualifying Procedure
Qualifying will be set to 22 minutes, with the pit exit closed for the first two minutes. The fast lane will be closed until declared open by the race director, at which time drivers may queue at pit exit in single file. The course will open for laps with 20 minutes remaining, and remain open until the time has elapsed. The pit exit will close at the chequered flag. No driver should exit the pitlane without sufficient time to start a timed lap.
Qualifying is run in Semi-Hardcore mode. This means drivers are only permitted to Shift+S or Shift+P from within the pit lane itself. Any driver spectating outside of the pit lane will not be allowed to rejoin the session.
8. Race Start:
Each race will have one unscored formation lap, followed by a double-file rolling start.
Note: the grid will be in the pit lane at 45 degrees, drivers are to leave this location in single file behind the safety car.
During griding for race 1, the pole sitter will be asked what side of of the grid they would like to start from. This side will be used for both races. All other drivers should file in accordingly.
The safety car will reduce speed on the exit of turn 7. All drivers should now be forming into the double file formation. The safety car will pull off just before the start of the pit lane wall. The leader and all other drivers should maintain a steady speed up until the green flag signal is given. At which point overtaking is permitted.
In the event of an aborted start, drivers should maintain pace until Turn 1, and then return to single-file formation for another attempt. The race director will then instruct drivers if there are any changes to this.
9. Safety Car:
On Restarts, the Safety Car will pull away from the field after Turn 7 (where possible). It must not be overtaken before it crosses the 1st Safety Car line.
Overtaking is not permitted on SC restarts until YOU have crossed the start-finish line.
The race director has the discretion to operate a safety car wave around procedure as documented in the regulations.
10. End of Race
After finishing the race, please slow WELL BELOW racing speeds after Turn 1 and proceed back to the pit lane. The top 3 shall report to the start/finish line.
Top three and anyone else wishing to be interviewed on the broadcast should join the Commentary Box Waiting Room, and one of the commentators will move you to the Commentary Box.
11. Miscellany:
Do NOT under any circumstances Shift+P or Shift+S from on course during the race without authorization from Race Control.
You do NOT need permission to retire once you are in the pit lane.
If you suffer a lost connection or timeout from the server, you are permitted to rejoin the race, and we will add your completed laps to your car once you've rejoined.
Stop & Go penalties may ONLY be taken from the penalty box located at the location noted above.
Please post any procedural questions in this thread.
I found the issue, the link was set to http not HTTPS so would do weird things if you click it directly from the forum. I've updated them all to https now.