Well, it was a bit of a mess when the Revolutionary Racing heats were added. If you end up running two servers just let me know after the event and I'll add them for you. You'll need to tell me if the drivers were separated depending on ability or if they were divided into two equal(ish) groups.
Okay, I understand. We haven't had something like that on the site before - I'll have to think about how I want to structure it. Until I do that, please could you upload all of the replays to our ftp? I've created a sub-directory called 'lfsbr'. I always insist that people upload all outstanding replays before I add a competition.
The schedule looks quite strange; each round seems to be two rounds as opposed to one. Were the same people competing on both days or were half the competitors competing on each day?
#03 spdoRacing GT0 XRR
Ghost_CZ, Martin Šilhánek, Czech Republic
joshdifabio, Josh Di Fabio, United Kingdom
K.Dingeling, Christoph Hofbauer, Germany
MarcG, Marc Gassner, Germany
Matias-, Matias Pikkarainen, Finland
VTiRacing, Reno Kööts, Estonia
#21 spdoRacing GT1 FZR
Egon-est, Egon Liibeon, Estonia
Garfild12, Adam Wisniewski, Poland
GermanRacer, Lukas Vieten, Germany
Hawku, Heikki Jaakkola, Finland
mihu86, Balázs Mihály, Hungary
My connection is back up now . I'm currently updating the schedule script so that it works with events where some sessions have known dates and some do not - this is needed for the Baltic Cup. As they applied to have their league added a long time ago and their season is now getting under way I'm making them the priority.
I'll aim to clear the entire backlog before Friday; with the exception of those competitions which I plan to add nearer their start dates. If your competition is one of those then you will have been told.
The original schedule is fine, although I won't add the test race.
My home connection is expected to be down until Thursday of this week - someone physically cut the phone line outside. I might stay after work to add this stuff or I might wait until Thursday.
Yeah, I sent a PM to MonkeyHead already - I'll forward it to you now.
Yeah, but I'll call it 'Season 2009' to be consistent with other competitions.
Thanks for the schedules, guys. As Lukas said I am currently without internet at home, but if when I get home from work the connection is working again I'll try to add this stuff today. I also plan to add the Baltic Cup when my home connection is back up.
Whatever happens I don't think we need longer qualy sessions. We already have two (~30 minute?) sessions for each calss which surely is more than enough. 60 minute sessions would be way too long imo. I like Niki's suggestion of short hardcore sessions but I guess MoE is unlikely to go that way.
It's hard enough to get people to do qualifying as it is what with it being on a different day to the race. Afaik MoE qualifying isn't broadcast so is there really any point in removing instapitting and making it last a lot longer?
Any chance we can exclude our car choice from applications, or can you otherwise publish everybody's car choices here?
Without wanting to sound cynical the current system seems to promote a bit of an advantage to those teams which are represented in the moderation team.