Just fyi guys I'm going to be away until Sunday 19 April, and most likely without internet access. I'll try to get a forum subsection for the league when I get back. Registration for the opening round will most likely begin one week before the event, on Tuesday 21 April, with some additional rules going online around the same time - though nothing major will be changing.
I have half the stuff in place to handle mutliple classes, but it's not finished yet (I can't add them manually).
If cars are used which are in different classes regardless of handicaps, like XFG and FZR, then the database picks it up. If however there are cars used which would be in the same class without handicaps, for example MoE GT1 & GT2, it's not picked up.
This is on my to-do list along with many other things, but I'm right at the end of my degree now and likely won't have time for the website until late May.
Please could I have a new sub-forum called 'spdoRacing GP2 Series' with myself, Hawku, Misan and MarcG as moderators, and could thread 55161 be moved there.
Two of our three guys were racing, but they were racing with the original rules in mind. You do know that the rules changed? Originally it was supposed to be a team race with 3 drivers per team, driving one LX4 and one LX6 between them.
You've let yourselves down here big time. If you change the format you should actually contact the 'team contacts' about it. We only found out after the race started and as such fueled our guys for 1 hour, and one of them (Hup) didn't even get to start having spent a few hours practicing. Really great reward for being one of the few teams to bother showing up.
I have two deadlines this week so once they're out of the way I'll try to get something definitive online asap. At the moment I don't expect the dates to change though.
As points are only awarded to the top ten and top eight in the main and sprint races respectively, I don't think it's necessary to have more than one dropped score.
The times given are in summer time. Events will start at 1800 UTC, which is 1900 in the UK and Western Europe, and 2000 in Central Europe.
All they need to do is ask Victor to move the sub-forum back at a suitable time. There's no sense in having them sit inactive for 10 months at a time, cluttering the leagues sub-forum.