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S3 licensed
Plis New Cars:

S3 licensed
Quote from joaopaulopt :how do we work with that? Smile
I have never worked on this at LFS and would like to do it Smile

isso e coisa de programadores joao
S3 licensed
I would like to be able to race with tires r1 r2 r3 in the street cars, I found,,,,, necessary to change the size of the wheels,,, but if they asked ne who I am to say the other way ,,,, I would very much like that puts this option since the devs are wanting to put a new class,,,, because in the past have already made mods like this with slick tires I loved if and for a new class because not change for race tires
Last edited by juliao, .
S3 licensed
I would very much like to have the r1 tire on the gtr ,,, and an xfg gt turbo,,,,, fxo gti
Last edited by juliao, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :Yeah I still use VHPA with Windows 10. I thought the instructions for installing the VB6 runtime components covered Windows 10 as well.

I'd love to make a new version of the tool at some point, that is much more generic (ie not so tied to LFS), supports way more vehicle types, and is written in C#. I'd likely need to be out of work for six months again for that project to start! Sadly I didn't get furloughed during the lockdown so I've been kept busy.

what is this app for?Schwitz
S3 licensed
Quote from regispicanco :Maybe you just need to calibrate your controller. It could be possible that you can not reach top speed because of misonfigured controls.
Don't worry about hacker. they don't have any interest in limiting the car speed....

In portuguese:
Talvez você precise calibrar seus controles. É possível que você não alcance a velocidade máxima por causa de controles mal configurados.
Não se preocupe sobre hackers. Eles não tem nenhum interesse em limitar a velocidade do carro...

ok regis mas muito estranho eu nao conseguir correr mais começou em 2018 qundo alguem clonou meu nootbook meu nootook foi hackeado e esta ate agora nao sei quem e mais fica mechendo nos controles do jogo isso nao deveria acontecer na ultima vez que reclamei disseram que era meu anti virus que era craqueado nao era original e ja vi conversas no jogo de que estavam fazendo isso por brincadeira so para tirar a diversao dos jogadores eo scaew nao faz nada jogava bem conseguia fazer bons tempos agora fico tendo problemas com peso do carro as vezes o carro freia sosinho ou fica pesado do nada ate mesmo na fisica ele fica saindo de lado comprei um volante pra ver se melhorava esta com velocidade limitada to chateado por causa disso nao consigo correr mais talves vc nao passe por isso mais eu to passando ate outro dia eu vi um cara com minha skin no fox que so os menbros da nismo que tem que eu saiba nunca passaram pra ninguem entao deduzo que seja gente do lfs mesmo que me conhece so,,, pra cosntar eu ja formatei meu nootbook mesmo assim eles voltam a clonar ele se nao fossem o bastamte ficam kickando do servidor fazendo cai ou desligando o pc seja la quem for fica tirando sarro disso o mais estranho disso foi uma corrida com o kaicke piropo aonde eu ia utrapassar ele e freiaram do nada meu fbm ta chato regis vc nao esta passando por isso desculpa por nao ter respondido antes mais isso e coisa seria amo demais o lfs e gostaria muito de voltar a correr como eu corria antes nao tinha esse problema ficam fazendo vista grossa com isto

se puder traduzir para ingles para mim ficaria grato
Last edited by juliao, .
Problems With Car Speed
S3 licensed
needed help for months that my lfs is limiting the speed of my car and the formulas I realized that my speed and lower for other cars would solve a lot solve this problem,,, I suspect that hackers have power over it to limit the speed of the car someone can explain this because seeing that the speed of other players are mairores that mine in how much my final speed and lower and inferior that that of the other player I need help
help the steering wheel
S3 licensed
i need help bought a steering wheel for the lfs and i'm not getting set it up someone who has cfg of steering wheel lfs to pass me steering wheel g920
Last edited by juliao, .
S3 licensed
Quote from joaopaulopt :

podias fazer algo parecido da Toyota Ganzoo Smile seria algo muito bonito e assenta bem na equipa
Claro não estou dizer para fazeres igual Omg omg omg

nao sei fazer skin amigo desculpa
S3 licensed
Quote from CozmicDragon :I had it, but I lost it when my PC broke down. I don't know when I can fix it, or if its hard drive is even working, so right now, I don't have it.

EDIT: Just posting this because someone online asked if this skin was posted on the forums, so might as well do it now. It's another 2016 F1 skin, this time the Sauber. Probably of lesser quality than the Red Bull, since this was made before that, but still better than some of the earlier skins (My Renault and Haas are especially shoddy).

It's already on LFSW so feel free to use it.

preciso de alguem para fazer skin para minha equipe
S3 licensed
Quote from joaopaulopt :Já conseguiram fazer alguma coisa nas skins ?
Se quiseres posso tentar fazer alguma coisa Smile

pode paulo mostra algumas
S3 licensed
skin sticker bonb
S3 licensed
oque vc precisa fazer e entrar na sua conta do site online e fazer uma novo login do jogo,,,,,,
vai ter login do (site ea do jogo) e so vc entrar no site e fazer login do jogo depois tenta se nao der certo contacte o adm do forun,,,,,,,, pra ele atualizar sua conta de email seu cadastro o importante e vc lenbrar algo como data de seu aniversario sao informaçoes uteis
Last edited by juliao, .
S3 licensed
Quote from lucasazedo :Fala com o Jorge, ele tinha as skin da nismo clássica, branca com rosa, com números e patrocinador e tudo mais

preciso de novas pra todos os carros e formulas pois as skins estao incopletas tem que rolar skins novas pra todos os carros
make my skins to nismo virtual racing
S3 licensed
please someone could make skins for my old team are skins already very old but the gender and the japanese team nismo racing that I like would love to have new skins to play with friends
of the master server I have no creation touch
if someone who likes to make skins since i thank you
S3 licensed
Quote from sinanju :I'm translating your post to 'which gaming pc will run LFS?'.
System Requirements:
Minimum computer requirements:
2 GHz CPU, 256 MB memory, DirectX 9 capable 3D graphics card.

Recommended computer requirements:
3 GHz CPU, 1024 MB memory,
3D graphics card with at least 512MB memory.
LFS is mostly CPU dependent due to its physics calculations.
A full multiplayer grid requires a fast CPU more than a fast GPU.

LFS will run on Microsoft Windows XP or newer.
As you can tell, LFS doesn't need much to run, so you're better getting best pc you can afford.

i use the nootboock gamer intel side core i5 4generecion graphics radeon 2gb, 4gb ram hd 1000 gb not good to lfs fps in track enter 90 x 125 lag in bl2 bl1 60 fps 90 lag
which best pc gamer for lfs
S3 licensed
which best pc gamer for lfs I have doubts to buy an incoming pc gamer and not provide a good graphic
S3 licensed
I'm suspicious that it is adm of the master server if the problem continues I will take appropriate measures
S3 licensed
Quote from rockclan :Just a few moments left to sign up!
17:00 UTC signups close!

plis pass server
S3 licensed
Username: juliao
Full Real Name: julio martins almeida
Desired Car Number: 196
Team Name :[NVR] nismo virtual racing
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from RC-Maus :Sounds like u need a reinstall windows Wink

And don't use pirated s/w

the problem continues now will set up my nootbook or windows 10 with avast ta safe the taque of this hacker hope it is not ifs people who are doing it
S3 licensed
Quote from Racon :Is it all the controls, or just one thing (like just keyboard, or just wheel)?

Does it look deliberate, or could it be interference on something wireless, or flakey switches?

Does it stop when you disconnect the internet from the computer completely?

Have you run something like malwarebytes?

without internet it manages to manipulate lfs controls even in other games, and worse I use Windows 10 and also has the
defender windows and it seems that it does not do very well even having an ant virus avast I use nootbook and I am using this program you posted
I need help against a hacker
S3 licensed
I need help because I'm being attacked by a hacker here from lfs, even when it lowers the game he enters my nootbook interface and starts manipulating the car controls when I'm running on lfs
S3 licensed
you're having problems inside the game when you're running someone manipulating the game online