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S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Hello everyone!

The developers are all alive and working on LFS.

Eric has been working on new tracks. He slowed up a bit during some of the great English summer which we don't get very often. I have enjoyed test driving on two of his new tracks which look great and I look forward to the time when they can be released.

I am still working on the tyre physics, though I haven't really made serious progress this year. I also enjoyed the summer, did a lot of cycling and running too. It's a better hobby than smoking like I used to, and I really enjoy it. But the good news is it won't pay the bills!

LFS income has gradually gone down as it always does between updates. That that has increased the urgency of finishing the tyre physics. So I plan to get down to it, make the appropriate approximations and sort out a good physically based system, with enough assumptions to make it workable, accepting that total realism is an unachievable goal.

I just got a bit excited about stereoscopic 3d support, which some people will like because they'll be able to see LFS in 3d on a 3d TV, if their TV supports "side-by-side" or "top and bottom" mode. Also headsets should be supported if they accept one of those output modes. The old headsets that require specific support and sequential output will not be supported. For example a Sony HMZ works but a Vuzix VR920 does not. A more recent Vuzix should work but the field of view is not really good enough to give you peripheral vision. I'm not sure how much it will benefit the Oculus Rift at the moment. I think that depends on a pixel shader to provide the proper distortion, which I think is not available in D3D8. Anyway, one of the output options will be non-squashed (full) side-by-side 3D, which may possibly make it easier to use the Oculus Rift. Anyway it is a step in that direction. It does appear that the current Oculus Rift's resolution is too low for a racing simulator at the moment. Anyway I should be able to post a 3d test patch in a few days, I'm guessing early next week. Some people will enjoy that, though I realise most people, like me, don't have 3d equipment.

Victor is still with us, although he has indeed got another job, which looks like a really good one, putting his excellent skills to more use. I'm pleased for him about that, as his job here wasn't often really full time, although he is an absolutely vital member of our team. He needed a job as well because our profit share isn't one third each and depends on our actual contributions to the project. Victor started later and never has so much work, so for that reason only, his profit share was a bit of a tight squeeze to live on, specially with the gradual reduction in profits while we are waiting for a serious update.

People ask why I don't come here more often with progress reports. But there hasn't been enough progress to give a report. And it's not appealing to come here and say that. Every month I've thought I would be making more progress, and would have some good progress to report the following month. Hope you see what I mean...

Anyway, we do have to pay the bills and I'm very interested to get the better feeling tyre model out there for everyone to enjoy. You've heard it all before so I don't expect great enthusiasm. It will take a while yet, but hopefully not too long.

scawen you and the intusiasta and loco by realism it wouldn't be possible to put a graphic on the tracks and in the cars as was done in pcars

because the lfs detonates any company of racing games and have these in your rightful place in the world rank place 1

I guarantee that you can do that because you are the best in this segment
Let these companies jealous of you make them kneel at your feet
S3 licensed
plis make this graphics tracks and cars shadow plan track
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from v1rg0 :I want to apologize to everyone that has been trying to access or use In-Game in recent weeks. There was a problem with the server which proved very elusive. With all the work I'm already doing on iGP Manager it wasn't possible to focus on this either.

But today I saw a clue in the server logs that pointed me in the right direction. It was an error with Apache rewrites causing scripts to be loaded multiple times instead of once on each page load, this would in-turn burden the servers memory and eventually it would crash. It emulated the effects of a DDoS attack, without actually being one.

So I took the time this evening to rewrite every single link on and to disable the mod_rewrite functionality in Apache. To cut a long story short, the service should be back to normal from now on.

S3 licensed
happy new year 6b11
Rac-Racerbolt real car
S3 licensed
omega 3.0 ingection eletronics
champ brasilian drift
S3 licensed
Quote from misiek08 :You can have 10Gbps connection and lags or ping over 1000. Speed and ping are not related.

Yes my net very fast and fiber optics networks Japan trafic
S3 licensed
Quote from :That doesn't matter much.

That is the problem which I have with a lot of LFS players. They don't understand lag.

S3 licensed
Quote from :Took me some time but I found the server sided replay.. (last 24h is displayed here)
Watch that replay, are you having the same conclusion?

(copy link, put in address bar and hit enter. Otherwise you cant download it. Somehow I get a server reset error when I want to attach MPR to my post here)

at the moment so I want victor lock this mod when someone enter with this mod in the car game you even vera who is using this drug ....

as I have written to the replay: who and utility, and was not using ve as if it were normal in video, a simple beat normal but it would be more interesting that you wanted on youtube where the talks about this mod so that you even see that I speak (mod crash 2012)

Looks like said at the beginning I'd post if not had something wrong,

And another car game servers are the best in the lfs in my opinion,

on the question of my connection was resolved, since today I have a good 2011 fiber optic connection,

And put the name of (mod)
that some are using in demo and possibly in lfs s2 because I though ride clean on the track I'm a abulante because I do not have WHEEL , and then still make this Debauchery and a tremendous lack of respect
I have 26 years lfs is not nothing less than my exhaust valve

watched: his mpr and equal to my desk so that I saw in your I saw in my
on the question of (fade) to me totally missed the credibility
(loserwill) and (ronus) for me were clearly using this: mod called
crash 2012 mod fact he passed inside of tires and not to have collided with the same, and the successive collision with zeus

Last edited by juliao, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Dennis93 :This is lag, you can see the brighter white in the two tires when compared to eachother, thus he did hit the tires, and it did move.

There is nothing to see here.

plis victor block this mod

friend look on youtube talking about this mod, ( lfs mod crash 2012)
Last edited by juliao, .
S3 licensed
Quote from J@tko :I'm pretty sure that's just lag. And I can't see either Ronus nor Fadeaway being the kind of people who would use mods

I did not post the video because the video contains the dowload mod that would go against the forum rules so you browse for and mod crash on you tube that you'll see how it works
Last edited by juliao, .
users using cheater 2012 in cargame s2 [lag]
S3 licensed
first I would like to express that would not at any time post this topic, but for larger reasons went back behind, reporting the use of (cheat anti collision) not only the misconduct of team riders known as well as novice riders,

that happened to me on the server s2 because who should
have an exemplary conduct ends up demonstrating ... that do not have if you want the minimum of respect,
Maybe this user I've been testing this mod is so anti collision as I'm calling it now

in order to analyze affectionately the replays and vcs summer what I'm reporting here

sorry I using

3 users:

(spdo fade) 2 LAP 3.02.00 my crash AND CRASH IN CABEZION 4.10.63

(loserwill) 2 lap time line 4.20.00

(CG)Ronus 2.30.27 to better see that the F9 to see the damage disappearing
in particular this little guy who was trying to defend the fade, saying that was the fault of lag, I had my doubts in the collision between zeus and saw that the cheater rouns was using the same
S3 licensed
Quote from rockclan :Use the DeLorean to check out 2013 and see if there's a nice new update!

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk nice
S3 licensed
Quote from ASR Sanchez :Maybe the devs now have enought money from licences, and they are a bit relaxing (no offence, i know i know how hard it is to make this updates). I am not an enginer, or a programmer, but.....4years...and nothing, just some patches to calm down the population One more year and they can think about to change the look of the game, to be more drift and cruise orientated, because cool racing is disappearing. (I know that good leages and championships are still running, but FOR ME it's not as good as it was ). So no offence guys, just an opinion, like every other. And sorry for my bad english.
Cheers, and good racing!

man view my post plis NOT OFFENCE
S3 licensed
Quote from Guthix :Wohoo, 4 years without new car/physics.

The worst and that the track Rockingham, Scirocco, + 3 additional cars that will come ja are ready

more (Dev, s) doesn't want to release without the physical tyres ready ... what I think an absurdity
so many friends are migrating to iracing 2.0 for this reason some for example ... hugo luiz, marcio campos, pitpulga,,, etc etc varios speed riders,

I'm very fond of this Simulator, more ja this coming to a point where I am beginning to lose faith in the creators, as much the lfs and also know and difficult to create a simulator in this branch of reality, where we have other existing simulators, as competitors,,,, GT5, RFACTOR, GTR2

I very much hope that devs ... this year 2012 post to dowload the Rockingham track + vw scirocco announced in 2009, I believe that the physical development of tyres could be made in the following years
they saw if the world did not end before
S3 licensed
Quote from Nadeo4441 :You got me excited for a while. Then I remembered that I have read this 3 years ago...

S3 licensed
Presenting the current CoRe Racing LFS lineup (as of 2/11/12):
00 CoRe R.Santos (Puzzle)
02 CoRe A.Araújo (A. Araujo)
04 CoRe A.Falck (MonkeyHead)
07 CoRe J.Christensen (jensbrix)
08 CoRe J.Telkkälä (Iginla)
10 CoRe P.Santos (BSantos)
11 CoRe D.Nikolin (RRT RabbiT)
15 CoRe M.Paluch (FireMike15)
16 CoRe A.Pavars (andRo.)
17 CoRe A.Chiodini (RiGun)
18 CoRe K.Piropo (KaiqueBRA)
20 CoRe T.Lähteenmäki (FL4SH-)
21 CoRe L.Barbosa (Zero_0)
22 CoRe D.Ramos (locovich)
27 CoRe P.Villeneuve (PhilS13)
29 CoRe C.Kistner (co-manager) (kiste)
31 CoRe T.Suninen (marakattimax)
33 CoRe B.Keough (co-manager) (DeadWolfBones)
34 CoRe S.Plutta (Pludda)
38 CoRe A.Ristić (Vugl@)
44 CoRe S.Anttonen (_coca-cola_)
42 CoRe C.Green (rcpilot)
56 CoRe L.Baker (co-manager) (Banshee56)
63 CoRe S.Schwer (PowerSocke)
66 CoRe T.Tossavainen (Naamavelli)
69 CoRe I.Todorović (ivantod)
79 CoRe K.Malcomson (B11TME)
86 CoRe M.Saidl (Drift King CZ)
89 CoRe R.Osza (Töki (HUN))
95 CoRe M.Neiva (bacabinha)
96 CoRe I.Juusela (Ilbens)
99 CoRe F.Enersen (audimasta)

this nation core racing
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
muito bonita as skins
S3 licensed
Quote from Lynce :

In testing.

lynce creo que tu deverias a fazer la parte del team com victor, scawen,eric
para criares las texturas para lfs tu eres mucho boeno con las dds
S3 licensed
added Mon, Aug 18th, 2008 23:45
>LFS @ GC with the new Volkswagen Scirocco

added Wed, Dec 28th, 2011 17:00
>Progress report

added Wed, set 28th, 2012 17:00
>Progress report
http://www.pontodainformacao.c ... meteoro-impacto-terra.jpg

S3 licensed
parabens a hugo luiz pela vitoria