The momo racing uses an optical sensor too, not a pot. But as XCNuse said getting it to work properly by just removing the stopper would most likely require you to modify the wheel's firmware, which isn't going to be very easy. Re-gearing it would propably cause you to lose alot of accuracy, so that might not be a very good idea either.
I took a few photos of my wheel when I opened it up some time ago, I'll attach them here in case someone wants to see how that thing is built... You can see the metal stopper at the second pic.
I just converted all the LFS DDS's to TGA and then back to DDS again with mipmap generation enabled (using the nvidia tools) and saw no FPS difference.
It sounds very odd that you would get a performance increase from having the mipmaps "pregenerated" in the DDS files. There are mipmaps in use already in LFS (You can clearly see this, especially with AF off), the mipmaps are just generated when the texture is loaded instead of keeping them in the DDS files.
Does it happen every time, for all tracks? If so, then my best guess would be running out of video memory... Sometimes it is also possible that the ghostcar gets recorded blank if you never cross the finish line during the lap to properly start the recording, which can happen by starting the race from the pits for example (I think ). The CreateVertexBuffer will then fail because the size is 0 bytes. Re-driving a faster lap should fix it though.
For more information on what goes wrong you can look at the debug output, set the debugoutput setting to 1 in the config file and capture the output with DebugView (Set the include filter to *s2ghost* to avoid junk from other apps).
The thing that makes HDR and focus effects pretty annoying in games is the fact that the game cannot know which part of the screen I'm looking at. This means that every time I want to look at something I would need to move the view to point directly at it, something that, for example in LFS is pretty difficult unless you have a device like TrackIR; Imagine driving behind another car for example, the focus and HDR effects would adjust to the car and the track around it would get over-exposed and out of focus, and you couldn't see where you're going anymore.
The question is would it really do anything that useful? If you or the server do not have the bandwidth to handle all the cars at full rate, then you're going to get into problems right at the race start when everyone is packed up together.
Also, after the race if you would want to look at the replay to see what happened at the other side of the track it would not be very pleasant to watch with a low rate of updates received...
Actually they were supposed to, but now that I looked at it, it seems those settings are incorrectly read from the config file. If you want them to be enabled by default, set the debugOutput setting to 1 from the config file :smash:
There's nothing different done the first time you run it, and without information from the driver's developer on where the error occurs there is really nothing I could even try to do about it. The best I could do is detect the faulty driver and refuse to run if it is in use.
What you should do is look at what driver caused the BSOD, and send the crash dump to the driver developer. Its their bug and they are the only ones who can fix it.
Well, bluescreens can only happen when there is a hardware or driver fault (Unless you run a Win95 based OS :P) so it really cannot be caused by the ghostcar mod. Something it does might trigger a bug in the video card driver for example, but I cannot do anything about that.
If that works then its a bug (Sounds pretty odd though) it should only activate when there is only one car on the track. If it does get active under some situation with more cars on the track then I would imagine things would get quite messed up as many parts of it rely on the assumption that there is only one car driving.
You can look at the executable with a hex editor, inside there's a bunch of unicode strings that give a pretty good hint at what it's doing. There's the project name I said above, and the ftp address to, and a login and pass to that site. It apparently attempts to upload a txt file with your ip address to that ftp.
There's also some personal info about the user at, including an address and a phone number that propably are fake, an email address and an ip address that routes to AOL...
edit: and based on the files on the site, seems like no-one got caught, there's a file named "vicip.txt" but that includes only a LAN ip ( :P
That VB executable is compiled from a project named "C:\Documents and Settings\mad max\Desktop\ip stealer with back door\Project1.vbp", you might not want to run it :P
Works fine here, too bad the ~720km/h car reset limit still seems to be in S2
One thing I'd like to see would be a feature that would automatically apply preset tweak settings when I load a certain setup, ie. I could assign that when the game loads a setup named "tweak_f1" then mechanik would automatically load the F1 preset. This should be relatively easy to do by either finding the setup name from LFS's memory or hooking the createfile function from kernel32.dll to know when LFS tries to load the setup.
I got a new Momo Racing from them too, though they didnt even seem to read my first four or so emails to which I only got copy-pasted "reinstall directx" type instructions. Then they promised to send me new pedals, but never did, and a month later when I asked yet again they finally sent me the new wheel. So overall im happy now that I got a new wheel (It says Rev.B in the manual on this one too) but their support still doesnt get a very high score from me.
This can be done now with insim, by making your own start lights. But it is rather confusing as there isn't a way to get rid of the normal start lights by the game. Like this.