Have you tried attempting the first connect from another thread? I guess the firewall should cause only that thread to freeze, which would be easy to detect from the main thread and then minimize/windowize(is that a word?) the game... I dont have such firewalls peronally though so it might not work at all.
I think it would have saved alot of (future) development time if an existing language would have been used for the 'LFS script system', I dont know how easy pawn would be to implement, but for example implementing LUA is extremely easy and it is very lightweight too...
As long as the script system has a proper language and enough functionality it could be used to do propably almost anything you could need it for. I dont see why you couldn't have things like ability to create objects in the game world and control them, like make an "AI" pace car or trackside marshalls for example... But a 'proper' language would be required, and I'm afraid making an entirely new one from scratch, as Scawen seems to be doing, is going to be a massive amout of work so we might never see the full potential of such system.
Made a minor update (v1.1), it adds a setting for automatically shifting the view on the X axis with head rotation, so you can look over your shoulder simply by turning your head... I think it should also work for people with no vector expansion. (Assuming the whole thing works for anyone else but me )
I made a small mod that enables "5DOF" (yaw, pitch, X, Y, Z) TrackIR axes in LFS. It modifies the custom view parameters in real time so it is a bit 'hacky', but it seems to work quite well for me. Requies TrackIR with vector expansion.
Here is a small video of it, download from my site
Would be nice to have, also I would very much like the mirror resolution to be increased. When making the ghostcar mod I made a simple test thing that increases the mirror resolution to 512x512 and there was zero measurable performance impact from it...
Maybe a 'high quality mirror' option could be added that would both increase the resolution and render them properly from correct positions with the car visible.
For Vista, I'm guessing LFS will have to change to OpenAL at some point since Vista no longer has DirectSound hardware acceleration (source, and another). That is, if LFS will ever get some more advanced sound engine.
I always drive from 'ext 2' view, simply because in the 'external' view you can't see behind you at all, as the camera does not position itself sideways as it does in the normal in car view when you look behind you. With the 'external' view all you can see, as shown by Renku, is the back of your seat.
I'd like it even more if it only would make the car vanish if you are looking back, not when looking left/right.
edit: if it would be to be removed, then a new feature which allows you to adjust the 'look behind' camera position separately would be required.
Bad thing about this though is that the drivers helmet is still drawn (assuming you have the driver on) and parts of it come visible annoyingly when you have G-forces moving the view...
I'll use this opportunity to slip in a request to have an option to disable the drivers helmet in the custom views
It's not really in a condition where releasing it would make any sense, you would need to modify the sources of both the python app and the C outgauge relay, install a bunch of python libraries that I cannot remember where I got them from and so on... If you can do all that then you might as well create the whole thing from scratch, the program itself is really simple.
Some regrets for coming up with this nick some 9 years ago (Could have picked something better, too late to change it now ), but no regrets for using it as LFS username...
Even if someone would have wanted to take this username before me, they propably would have failed to type it correctly. So far I have seen it typoed by non-finnish people at least fourteen different ways, and even google has learned fix some of those :P
It should increase the resolution yes. You can add the new size manually or choose it from the resolution list. However, with LFS the border size causes problems since then LFS no longer recognises it as a triplehead screenmode and draws the GUI all wrong (Or so it did atleast with the resolution and bordersize settings I tried it with).
It attempts to override the horizontal FOV. It (might) help with games that do not correctly set the aspect ratio, ie. richard burns rally. With LFS the aspect is automatically correct so it wont do any good.
I would like server options to force these things, though maybe it could be made so that they can only be used on a passworded, private or LAN server. That way you could have organised "hardcore" races in cups and leagues, but at the same time keep the public racing hassle free as you would not need to worry about not being able to use the aids or viewports you prefer on a random public server you pick from the server list.
As the_angry_angel said, it depends on the forum setting. Go to user cp -> edit options and select/unselect the 'show images' option. If you have it disabled the link will take you to the thumbnail image, if enabled then you see the thumbnail and the link takes to the full pic.
Maximum FOV you can get in LFS is 120 degrees, and, being a "flat" projection it is not really possible to get proper side views without big distortions.
A beta version is now available here in case anyone has the hardware to try it. I haven't tried it with anything else than my own system so it might or might not work for you.