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S3 licensed
Sorry guys I can not finished this tuday.
Hugh storm is araund me , with high elektriciti .
I will came back after the the storm to find who is winner.
Sorry once more.
S3 licensed
I ll be there.
S3 licensed
Offtopic yes !
Maybe itt will be better to open another post and moderate this that will merge a new topic. something like :Strategies on kyoto 500 , or something like that. He is wright this is topic for the rules.
Sorry guys.
S3 licensed
FM Junkies , if I m a good memory on your track is forbiden using r2 tyres.
With r4 and r3 is not the same thing
And dont forget bumpdrafting is forbiden.
S3 licensed
Quote from wild :Obviously you have never driven on the oval with R2s and 100% fuel as you would clearly see that you would constantly hit 37.40x for the first couple of laps. Then gradually your times will get faster and faster. 1

You won't drive with more than 45% fuel at anyone stage, how many pit stops are you planning on doing? I suggest you have a serious re-think of your race strategy 2 !

1. Before you anything say , take your race set with 100% fuel and try and you will see yourself what happening
2. Obviusli this tactic is based on 4 pitstops if ewerything on track goes ok.

In last days I was watched some replays , and find some wery interesting things , and the conclusion is that to many drafting with r2 tyres on this track is not a good idea .
Few laps is ok but more than that hmmm....
S3 licensed
Quote from SmegFirk :It' just because we know there will be slow periods behind safe cars, but if you could guarantee long stretches of 2 car drafting you would definitely want a lot of fuel, the tyres will last with a decent set.

Like I said because of safety car periods it may well not be worth carrying the extra weight as safety car periods are quite economical. In the practice session last Friday I had enough fuel in order to do all 45 laps at full speed without stopping. With the safety car periods I only used around half the fuel I was carrying, but can you take that chance in the big race.

It's just something else to consider and hopefully it is what will make the race great, strategies with fuel may well play a big part.

r2 tyres and 100% fuel with drifting
1. to many drift and yor tyres are gone
2. with 100% fuel you wont be able to go laps below 38s without drift in first 50 laps , in the meantime ewerybody else will give to you 1 full lap arraund you (expecialy if they wont be a long safety car periods)
3. this means eweribody can get a pit stop with 20 seconds (refuling and tyres change , minory damage repair) and be able to back on the track again before you.

On kyoto 500 I expecting abaut 4 pitstop if ewerithing goes ok.
S3 licensed
Quote from lamerr :Unfortunately I wont be able to make this event!

But seriously Deko, 270 laps more or less running R2s, well best of luck with that is all I can say gg. Sure its going to be fun for spectators to watch so many drivers, smoking their tires in T3 after 15 laps with
100%-+ fuel and 20kph wind speeds lol. Wish I could watch that!

Might want to consider R3 tires instead for a safer race

Good luck with the Event

This with 100 % fuel is the stupidist idea I heard here.
I dont wont to comment , just say that if you are wont to be in race all the times than nobady will drive with more than 45% off fuel.
S3 licensed
Quote from dekojester :Please provide lap, timecode, and car number(s) so that I may check into this.

Ilegal aproaching in to pit:
Lap 4
Place : Pit entrance
cars: 707 -driwe trough objects , those objects are marking a start off pit entrance , and then behind him cars : 47 , 24 , 26 , 81 cutting yelow line betwen apron and track , than cars 08 and 6 cutting the white and yelow line between apron and track .

Guys, this is a basic things , no comments!
S3 licensed
Quote from JO53PHS :
Lap and Timecode: Lap 28, Timecode = 32:27.02
Cars involved: 45 and 71
Description of Incident: Car 71 is completely unaware that car 45 is overtaking him. 71 strays off the racing line in the S/F straight 'kink' and heads towards the wall, collecting an innocent car 45 on his way.

As I said once " newer block the inside line" , if you have faster behind you. Overtake always on inside line , as the car 98 do that, emmediatly after "green flag" shown few moments before than the car 45 try to take outside line , one that moment I was out of racing line , and try to make a room for car 45 to take the inside line. I realy dont know why he is try to take outside line. Sorry man for this accident.

Noticed : my tyres was too cold , because a too many SC period , to made a good grip on green flag , because that my accelerating was to slow and this is a take him a part on this accident too.
S3 licensed
I wont you to investigate who is made the pitstop on a not regular aproach to pitstop by cutting before pit and not using apron.
This is illegal moving on the track.

Second thing what I wont to ask off you to made one rule on oval , and that is -Never block the inside line . Most off the accidents on this track tonight was because someone wont to keep his position with blocking the guys behind him who is faster .
S3 licensed
I will be there too
S3 licensed
"There will be a mandatory pitstop, which may be taken either under green or yellow"
Mandator tyres change ? refuel ? or just stop and go?
S3 licensed
I realy dont wont to say anything bad , I tried to draiving r2 to see how many laps they last, I must to admit I dont belive to they wil last 30 laps but I was wrong.
With race set 40% fuel , no tyres changes, 49 laps stint , refuel another 40% , and next pit on 97 lap- same thing- refuel without tyres changes , on 110 lap cold green tyres , then the windows 7 decide to cut me off , sending my lfs on the superbar , because some stupid question abaut safety....
Exept first lap , inlaps and outlaps to hardcore pitting ewery single laps was below 37,5x, this is inside 102% from wr.
My tyre changes was set on 90% , the front tyre cold down from 136 to 115 Celzius.
R2 is working wery fine !

On this track you shall be yourself the biggest enemy , your capabiliti to pushing gas two and half hours . Your legs and your chair where you sitting will be your nightmare on this race!
S3 licensed
I must appologize TFalke and the others , you are been right for the r2 tyres, they will last more than I think , , unbelivable , but it is true.
S3 licensed
If that the case on Kyoto 500 , the 300 laps is the smallest problem , just have to made the two practice sesion before them, the hotlap is uploaded.
S3 licensed
Sorry guys , unfortunatly for me , I can`t make it, the event on round 3 ( I will be on the road on buisnis trip , at 16 and 17 May) , and with that I automaticaly loosing the right to be on Kyoto 400 event, and the Kyoto 500 event same thing :eek: :irked::bunny::gnasher::dnfnoob::chair::hypnotize
S3 licensed
some questions for Kyoto 400

c) Attendance at two (2) or more Official 2009 Kyoto 500 Practice Sessions.

Were to do this?

and the second?

2) No R3 (+ R4) tyres

are you really serios, no r3 tyres ? You must be jocking , r2 tyres on this track wont last 20 laps, ekspecialy on the front . outside.
S3 licensed
TexasLTU sorry man , for ruin your race in lap 9 on main race .
On 8 laps I was stacked in the sand and go backward to go out from there , I know , that is the fastest turn and I watched and managed to not go out on the track before the leader and them the folow on the race go past me , and when I reached the track I was emediatly break , but that was not enough for you to go in inside line.
sory again.
S3 licensed
Quote from TFalke55 :I already see your reactions to the South City combo(s) the risk will be doubled there, I predict.

Egzaktly , no. I love so5 track , and so meny combos was draiwing there , in that track you dont have sand to spin , just the walls are close but the walls are not our enemies.
S3 licensed
Hmm, recently I was driwe this combo , and i must admit to I dont like him.
To get a top time must driwe wery risky, and I dont like those way to driwe.
S3 licensed
Gratz to all who was in the race and the winner for win.
Quote from J@tko :Teh Finish

Number 1 is the split second after LFS said "finish", the Second is at the line proper.

Abaut quotes and the pictures in there: This is obviusli a bug in LFS , we had a same bug , two weaks ago on this track on normal way (ky2) , racing with fo8 on DSR R2F1. Maybe is a good idea to contact the developers to see what they say abaut this.
S3 licensed
Me too , will missed the first race, because my obligation to the end the another ligue.
I cant be on two places on same time.
S3 licensed
Well guys , I was used r3 r2 (front - back) combinattion of tyres , on boath race , with Safety car period it is possible to driwe whole race. You have a faster start (just look the sprint race start) , unfortunatly I m a safe driver not a quick driver , and my mistake in t2 was destroy ewerithing achiwed before that so....
On main race , my car was much stable on SC peroid if I compared to the others , but because I,m slower driver after that ewerithing was came on his place, unfortunatly message "LFS.exe is stopeed to working" was ended my race on 9 lap main race.
S3 licensed
I was litle thinking abaut Heat-1 and Heat-2 and I think that is good idea , but it must to be 3 or 4 laps with all the 8 top drivers from qualy, not 2 laps , with mandatori pit stop , to force the racers to choose when he want to use a pit stop, and offcourse mandatory tyres change . Let˛s call this period just HEAT .
This is my sugestion.
S3 licensed
Look I egzaktly know what means a blue flag on race , and my behavior on the track is showing that.
This is just a discusion, after race , and I dont like comments adress the whole team like "boothy" wroted for us.
It is simpli as that.