You sure everything is calibrated right? Might be that even if you push brakes to like 5% it goes to 100% nonetheless. Try recalibrating everything. For example my throttle acts a bit like this. When I press it to 80% its flat out, but that's for my own purpose.
@sermilan, as I see you have 9 drivers atm in your rooster whereas your limit was 8. You are also counted as a driver, so you can't enter unless another driver is removed.
I haven't asked anybody actually. I just checked the voting next day and it was already on 14 votes. Surprising lol. I really don't mind team mates voting on my pic to help me though, even without asking. As you see, Hahmo who is my team mate aswell voted on Fors.
Miro you are making the mess again dude. I've explained it later in the standing topic because there were a lot of rage against that point system. It's been changed once since then and yet you still don't (even admins) get it. It starts annoying me. Maybe try to ask me first before giving out unvalid information. I hope after I've made the results it will be clear.
Nations get point for their overall results of their drivers. Top 10 nations get points. Not top 10 drivers.
Why do you delete all of the questions or concerns in your topics? We would maybe like to see what others write, not just Reason : solved... I suggest you recovering those posts because now your forum looks like a war zone.