I'm going to go on and still agree with Moose.
- I get that this is supposed to be an LFS topic, but whining for more content is just as useless as comparing the 2 simulators, which actually makes sense at some point. Even for the developers.
- From what I also heard, like Moose, most of the real drivers say AC is actually as close to real as its possible by the current standards and technology. The forcefeedback has more than a Force option, like LFS has. You can set the FFB up the same way as it is in LFS, which I found less realistic in road and kerb feedback. I like the FFB a lot more in AC. The slipping, kerb and road feedback are on top notch, when set up properly.
- I'm not sure if AC needs a "horse" to run. I am having a 5-6 years old PC and I run it on 110 FPS, all on low graphics with a few FPS spikes, but I guess that will be fixed in the actual version. Just cause it isn't outdated **** from 2002 running DX8 or something, and hence your PC not being able to run it properly, that means you need an upgrade. Finally developers found out that stoneage PCs shouldn't bottleneck a project in any form. I'm on the side of improving, regardless of that small percent of people.