Here you come with the music comparision again, which is totally off-the-way, yet again. On the answer to me, you forgot the fact that LFS as a racing simulator, a software, data structures, algorhythms, code allows individuals to make additions to the game upon studying the program for a while. Music has a style for each an every song that cannot be defined. Programs have rules, that allow contributions upon studying... That's a good difference to begin with.
On the other hand, with your 10 years break comparision in music industry. Well, I'm yet to hear a band releasing their album as ALPHA or Work in Progress and sell it for actual money. Selling an alpha or early release or whatever you call it, for money is asking for mass and quality criticism and expectations towards continous updates recognizing the PAYING community's feedback. If Live for Speed was released as the Final version, nobody would have the right to complain.
EDIT: Freaking Matrixi passed me...