Hey guys...you'd think this would have covered all the base by now but...
...anyway here's my situation:
--> my router
------>PC #1
-I can host through my game have ppl join and race
-I can run the ded.server (nogfx) app. on my pc, then through the game I can find my "ded.server" and join to myself and race with others joined as well
BUT when I do this:
--> my router
------>PC #1
------>PC #2
-I run the ded.server (nogfx) app. on my pc#2, I can see my server on lfsworld but not ingame from pc#1, also I can not manually enter the server name & connect...I get the ok button then it hangs (pauses like it's searching) then the ok button returns.
-windows on pc#2 has asked and has been granted access for LFS to be unblocked.
What i don't get is it's the same router & confg. and all that. My next step is to switch the slots the ethernet cables go into...pc#1 is in slot #1 / pc#2 is in slot #2...I'm wondering if the router (SMC) is physically internally wired so that slot #1 is a master.
I'm new to this networking stuff so I'm sure there's something simple I'm just missing. Any help would be great!