Not suprised one bit that the silly blind cow is trying to wriggle out of it.
Happens all the time "yes, it was my fault" while your stood infront of them, soon change their story once they realise they will lose their NCB and their insurance will be going up.
People wonder why most car drivers are hated by bikers, you've just found out why.
Stadium truck, and a few tracks to go with it, or a buggy of some kind. Something built for one reason only, to go across very rough terrain as quickly as possible.
We already have enough fast road cars for now imo, time to get something different in there!
Did it have two exhaust's coming out the back, just underneath the hatch/boot? Sky blue colour?
If so, its a mk2. I've seen it IRL at a VW trackday me an my old man went to a few years ago. Fast as Fcuk, sounds awesome too. They did a twin engined mk1 also.
I would say the "protection" people wear gives a false sense of security to far too many people.
"I've got a helmet, leathers (colour matched to the bike, obviously.), backprotector, boots, gloves, if i crash i'll be fine." - Then proceed to ride like a complete idiot everywhere.
You hit a car at 150 mph, and i really dont care what gear you are wearing, you will be very seriously injured. If the first car you hit doesnt do it, the 2nd/3rd that runs over you, or that pole you hit while sliding on your arse, will do.
I've ridden without gear (offroad mind), and i found i take far less risks then i do when wearing my gear. No jumps, no wheelies, and much slower speeds. Yes, i've been hurt when not wearing gear, but i've been hurt worse when wearing it because i was riding that much harder.
And back on topic. Good luck with your DAS. Im planning on doing mine this year, got to wait till august though.
The technology currently being trialed for rollercoasters is looking very promising btw. Expect much bigger, better, and faster rollercoasters in 10 years time.
Yep, i like em. My dad used to work at lightwater valley, flamingo land, and the local fair held here every year. I used to get free goes on all the rides.
Would love a go on this. 4/5g's of acceleration in less then 5 sec to get to the top. Thats the same sort of G's army fighter planes use to get airborne.
Aye. St. Georges flag is apparently a racist attack when in wales. LOL.
As much as i hate the flags currently all over peoples houses/cars/pets ect due to the footy, saying its racist to wave a flag is taking things a bit too far.
Too late, its already here, and has been for some time.
Accident rates will not drop one bit with these new speed limits. Infact it will most likely increase them, due to people spending more time looking at their speedos, instead of looking at the road ahead, as mentioned in the link.
One car tyre + one litre of petrol = Bye bye scamera.