Hello Racers. We would like to announce a new feature at LFS World : SMS Alerts and SMS Messages!
You can now send text messages to other LFS racers, from LFS world or from inside LFS! You can also set SMS Alerts, to be informed of new hotlap world records or receive a message when one of your buddies goes online. We have given all S2 racers two free messages, for test purposes... so we recommend you go and enter your mobile phone number and try out an Alert or a Message. If you like it then you may wish to pre-pay for more messages (can be done on LFS World). They are all charged at £0.12 - both national and international.
See what it's all about in the LFS Alerts window and the LFS Messages window, at www.lfsworld.net
On the simulation side, things have been coming along well. Eric has recently worked some more on the Aston track, including graphical improvements, texture changes and a new configuration (or two). Scawen has worked on some aerodynamic improvements, most notably, the drag and downforce from wings work correctly depending on their real angle of motion, not just the user setting. A recent push on tyre physics has resulted in much better tyres which have improved the car handling and driving experience a lot. We have also been experimenting with another interesting feature as well...
Fair point, ricky does win quite a bit, but he's ALWAYS challenged for it, and the first three places are usually close i think, compared to moto GP. In moto gp it usually goes something like this - Rossi gets the lead, pulls away, and for the rest of the race he's out on his own with a 1 min lead with no chance of anyone catching him, unless his bike blows up or something.
Not bagging his skills, because he is a great rider/racer, but when hes pretty much riding round the track on his own, it becomes really dull.
Yeah, its real fun watching rossi win every race. Yawn.
If you want the best of tarmac motorcycling, you watch the IOM TT, or the northwest 200. Road racing adds that extra element of danger, which makes it much more fun to watch then any moto GP race, imo.
Then if you want even more really good racing, Supermoto and motocross is where its at.
[edit] Just to keep on topic, i think nascar is boring. The only time its interesting, is when theres a big crash.
They left the demo content unlocked and pretty easy (according to fonny) to edit, and made it harder to alter the licensed stuff. Which is a bit backwards if you ask me.
There is a risk in everything we do, good or "bad".
From walking across the street, to riding/driving very fast cars or bikes, to jumping off a building with only a peice of cloth/stretchy rope to save you,
to smoking cigs and pot and drinking alcohol, to eating too much, sleeping too much, speeding too much, or even farting too much.
I could go on all day..
Things could go wrong, but sometimes, the risk's you have to take, is worth the "buzz/rush" you get from doing it.
If you're willing to take the risk, then go ahead, and do what you want. But dont come moaning when it all goes pete tong.
We'll im not a fan of you using your Car, and filling the eco system up with all those dirty gasses and other crap coming out the back of your car killing me and my family, so i suggest we ban cars aswell.