Yeah theres a few bugs, the seats were made thin, so i cant really change those i dont think.
The seats are actually going through the bottom of the floor (black bits) but i didnt notice till the render finished and couldnt be bothered waiting for another render to finish so i left em.
And yeah, im using Brazil rio with the BIGRender max script - Will have a fiddle with the ray bias and see if i can sort the shadows out.
People will practice, and when you practice you learn. Don just gave us noobs somewhere to start, for which i thank him.
When i first opened 3d max up, i had no idea how to use anything - Now i can add parts and imo, make some alright renders, nothing special, but each time i open 3d max i learn something new, why wouldnt it be the same for photoshop?
Everyone has to start somewhere. Tutorials are a good place to start learning about how different features work.