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S3 licensed
Heres my effort..

I had to resize it, because i never turned my AA up for the screeny, and it looked crap.

Well, worse then it does now anyway..
Last edited by L(Oo)ney, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Don :

Nice, will be trying this later on, thanks.
S3 licensed
Very nice don, as usual.

Any chance of you making an english version of your lens blur tutorial?
S3 licensed
Might aswell post these here...

Thanks to Orion for sharing his awesome RA_GTR, which is where the roof/spoiler came from.

His model seems to be missing a few textures though, so i used the standard RA model, and did a few edits and added his roof/windows..

Anyone else think the RA with a roof/color coded light surround, looks much better? - More agressive looking i think.

S3 licensed
So why are you not removing all the other off-topic posts out of other threads?

This one, for example...

Pictures of scawen with his hand down a hole has nothing to do with a progress report for LFS. Surely those should be removed aswell...
S3 licensed
Quote from Cue-Ball :Too bad there's no easy way to just import the whole track into 3DS Max. Then you wouldn't have to configure everything by hand. You'd just have to worry about texturing and backgrounds. Oh, and foliage.

Scawen was supposed to be releasing a blackwood .cmx file ages ago...
S3 licensed
Quote from steve :No it wasnt

Yeah, that was a different mod..
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from Gunn :I have cleaned some off-topic posts from this thread.

Despite the existance of so many varied points of view, many not entirely related to the topic's title

All of it was on-topic - It was all about the stecki mobile and drivers emporium and LFS. :thumbsdow

Who had a problem with it? - The ones who are affiliated with dE no doubt.
Last edited by L(Oo)ney, .
S3 licensed
Mod tools need to be released once S/E/V decide they have had enough, they know this.

Concerning the amount of players - Imo, the reason there isnt that many players, is because there isnt any real life tracks/cars (that they have heared of..).

People like to race on the tracks they can visit, the tracks they watch the races on at home on their tv - People want real tracks. And they are not in LFS, so they find them elsewhere, Rfactor, GPL, GTR ect ect.

Adding Real life cars and tracks would definatly increase the amount of players playing LFS, without a doubt.
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Good ones take time, and bad ones will be rushed out like there is no tomorrow...

So dont download the rushed ones, and wait for the good ones instead - Patience.

To say 95% of mods would be crap, is just wrong.

There are a lot of talented people who would love to be able to model stuff for LFS, and would put the same amount of time/effort that eric does into them.
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :I just hope there is some control, because more than 95% of user made mods will be total rubbish.

What makes you say that?

There are plenty of modelers just as good/better then eric. So why would they be "rubbish"?

Sure, there will be a fair few crap ones, but 95%? ..Dont be silly..
S3 licensed
It wasnt even a hill, it was just a small bump..
S3 licensed
Hopefully never - It's fugly. Plenty of better designs to add before that thing..
S3 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Ok, they are good, but that shouldn't be the case.. I don't think that they would be good at the wheel, because it's totally different technique, and it takes skills of driving, not just learning the track and clicking! I am not saying that it should be more difficult for them, but it just pi*ess me off! , that's all..

Its not just a case of clicking, they have to modulate the throttle/steering just like you. Only they dont have the advantage of an analogue device.

My guess, is that you're just a crap driver compared to the people that are beating you.

You have to remember, some of the kb/mouse people, have played LFS for years, they know this game inside out.

And people should play the game with whatever they can afford/feel most comftable with, if thats a kb and mouse, then fine.

[edit] Going from KB to wheel is no problem, wheel is a hell of a lot easier to use then KB is, where RWD cars are concerned.
S3 licensed
Quote from Stockmans :Can someone search for the link of that bike accident from Kev? :bike:

Found it..

Last edited by L(Oo)ney, .
S3 licensed
Quote from RAYfighter :But those tyres...hmm.. I love the writing on them.. but they look so.. so NASCAR

Thats because they are nascar...

http://www.volunteergraphics.c ... eq=viewdownload&cid=2
S3 licensed
"If i carry on digging at this rate, i'll easily make it to austrailia by 2020..."

Im with tristan, this needs its own thread..
S3 licensed
Welcome back, Kev.

Im guessing your collar bone has healed properly now then? (Never did get another copy of that vid btw... - lol'erz)
S3 licensed
It's basically the same thing that Power mod was.. Like LFS tweak, only it worked online.

IIRC ofcourse..
S3 licensed
Quote from ayrton senna 87 :Caption competition

"Even god cannot get out of having to do chores..."
S3 licensed
Quote from KiDCoDEa :is that marijuana i spot ?

In the first pic?

Dont be silly, if there was any dope in the front garden, all the kids would have dug it up a long time ago.
S3 licensed
Quote from Daviddabest :Thanks

Is it off one of The Fast and The Furious films?


No idea mate, only seen the first one and i dont remember it being on there, wasnt gonna bother with the 2nd..
S3 licensed
Nice bike, you need a belly pan on it though me thinks to finish the streetfigher look.

Im guessing you crashed it, as it seems to have lost the fairing..

Thought you would have some brand spanking ducati or something, guess your not that rich after all.

As long as you enjoy it, thats all that matters though!

[edit] Man this is cool - A day in the life of scawen roberts.. LMAO.
Last edited by L(Oo)ney, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Daviddabest :Hey,
Liked both vids

Whats the song in > ?


Dope - Debonaire.