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S3 licensed
Quote from MKRYDR :please get real, this game has become more about cruising and drifting then racing

Has become? I don't believe there was a time when there were more racers than cruisers/drifters but I can't really tell since I only play since 2012 but judging from your reg. date I think you can't tell either.

Anyway, imagine a group of players who has 2 choices - one is to go racing server which requires actual skills, training, patience etc. 2nd choice is a cruise server which requires nothing. Where do you think most people will go? Exactly, IMHO it's irrelevant at what kind of server is a majority playing at and it shouldn't define the game's purpose. But keep making silly suggestions and maybe you will succeed in changing the whole idea of this sim.
Viva la Need for speed!
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from neonmateo :It's okay to use incremental numbers in that case but using it on website as address is not.

Quote from neonmateo :- First, you can clearly see who did register first on website, and exact numbers of users that are registred (as today,my new account is (Privacy problems)

Could you elaborate? I'm failing to see how is this a problem.
Quote from neonmateo :It's too easy to mine data from user profiles.

What data are you talking about? The only public data from user profiles are things like "Driven distance" or "Join date". How could this be abused? You don't have to share your personal info if you don't want to.
Quote from neonmateo :If someone writes a spam bot,it would be easily able to send everyone a message because you need to add one (+1) to previous URL , then when the URL is random string of characters

I would be amazed if since the beginning of this website there was no protection for this and noone abused it to this day. Even if that was true - you need to log in to an account to send a message so I'm pretty sure spam bot could be protected simply by restricting the amount of messages sent by a user in a specific time range or something like that. No need to redo the whole URL generating system for this (not to mention that's surely not the only thing that would have to be reworked).
S3 licensed
May I ask how does this anti-crack protection work? Cos I can't see AA servers either, am I a cracker? Smile
Edit: never mind I didn't know it's all demo I had it filtered out Face -> palm
Last edited by LakynVonLegendaus, .
S3 licensed
Big grin But you don't have to launch a full scale police investigation to realize something stinks bad here. It took me 4 mouse clicks to find out this "burogok" guy registered hours if not minutes before his 1st forum post asking for insim help, he has pretty much zero driven distance, his profile picture shows him playing at licenced location and guess what his favorite car and track is.. Cmon now.
S3 licensed
Sounds like you are trying to assing an axis in Buttons tab. For axis assignments go to Axes/FF tab.
S3 licensed
Omg omg omg Well played, Sir. Nod
S3 licensed
Quote from Bass-Driver :Here is my custom syntax highlighting for NotePad++.

Huge THANK YOU for this. Was always too lazy to make one Smile

BTW: I use Notepad++ v7.4.2 and I don't have any "Syntaxis" tab in there. Instead I added .xml extension to the zipped "LFSLapper" file and then went to Language > Define your language...(oh or do you mean this as a Syntaxis tab? In that case I still had to rename to .xml to be able to import it) and then imported "LFSLapper.xml", restarted Notepad and all works fine.
S3 licensed
In my old AXM testing script I found notes saying that for AXM ObjectInfo X and Y - 1 meter = 16.
So maybe you want to do

createaxm.Info.Add(new ObjectInfo
X = short.Parse(StrMsg[3]) / 16,
Y = short.Parse(StrMsg[4]) / 16,
Zbyte = byte.Parse(StrMsg[5]),

really just guessing since I have no idea what value you have stored in short.Parse(StrMsg[#]) nor even what are you trying to do with that ObjectInfo (Add an object I assume?).
S3 licensed
Don't know what are you trying to do but I don't think you have to divide those values at all. So maybe just

createaxm.Info.Add(new ObjectInfo
X = short.Parse(StrMsg[3]),
Y = short.Parse(StrMsg[4]),
Zbyte = byte.Parse(StrMsg[5]),

No promises.
S3 licensed
Weather type is not a problem, problem is in what layout is loaded after the track (settings) are reloaded (which is triggered by /weather cmd). I'll probably make a video since It seems I can't explain things well enough Smile
(congrats on 420 posts)
/weather cmd is changing which layout is loaded
S3 licensed
In race setup screen if layout lay_A is loaded and I do "/axload lay_B", layout lay_B is loaded as it should but then if I do "/weather 1" it reloads the track with lay_A loaded.

Edit: I just tried to do "/track <current Track>" instead of "/weather 1" and the same thing happened so It seems that this bug occurs when the actual track reloading is happening (which is triggered by /weather, /track, etc. commands).
Edit2: Added a video of a bug.
Last edited by LakynVonLegendaus, .
S3 licensed
Kewl! (why wouldn't it fit here?Smile
S3 licensed
Roger, not a good idea then Smile Thank you!
S3 licensed
I can get new username in seconds, like everyone. How many people know how to change IP adress or will even bother?
Anyone have an actual answer to my question? Smile
Temp IP ban or not?
S3 licensed
Hello, sorry if this was asked before but I couldnt find it.
Im thinking about making a IP ban system that will keep banned IP in ban list for lets say one week.
My question is: how probable is the possibility of "innocent" user trying to join my server with same IP?
I was thinking to myself "LFS is dead anyway there is no chance of 2 people joining with same IP" but I might be terribly wrong here. What do you guys think?


Invisible object bug
S3 licensed
Made a video of it so I don't have to explain with my poor English.

This seems to happen at all configs with all cars.
S3 licensed
"Spawn position now disables "Could not join : Start is blocked""
Love you!
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :What are the things they are waiting for?

I don't follow all the discussions here, specially while I'm trying to focus on tyre physics, so I have probably missed things. But it would be good to know if InSim needs fixes or important updates.

I wrote a little InSim suggestion here, still no answer Smile
S3 licensed
Quote from Eclipsed :This one is already there if you mean in pits (shift+P) - when you change something,a button "cancel" is shown next to "new setup". (it's not there when you haven't changed anything yet)

Wow, I'm so noob. Yes there is an "Undo" button. Never noticed Big grin Thanks for the info then Smile
S3 licensed
Oh, so it's not about a setup menu (shift+p) at all, my bad.
In that case I would also suggest to add an option to cancel setup changes in setup menu. Smile
S3 licensed
I would agree but what do you mean by "request to F12 menu"? Big Eye