I just unlocked 0.7A10 with my demo test account and all seems to work, I can go online and everything but in the entry screen the button that should say "Demo licence: username" still says "Unlock Live for Speed", even if I restart the client.
In Bans and Activity tab when you click player's name it shows the little menu and when you click Online stats, Online races or Vehicle Mods it generates URLs with nicknames instead of usernames for the ?user= and ?racer= parameters.
It seems that if you ban user via button ingame then the ban record doesn't appear in the Bans tab nor in the downloaded .ban file. The bans are active though.
I don't understand why are you doing all that de/serialize stuff again when it's already taken care of in the GetModdedCars method and the returned list is already ready to use.
This works perfectly fine for me:
<?php var v = await REST_API.GetModdedCars();
for (int i = 0; i < v.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(v[i].name); } ?>
I disagree, I think fixing problem of short lasting tires by making them last forever is indeed absurd. Adjustable tyre temp and duration settings is not what templock does, templock simply makes the tires last forever and locks the tire temp at a specific value.
If you have a science fiction car with tires made out of some intergalactic material, that's OK. If you have a science fiction car made out of paper, that's too much. These are not different things and the line isn't clear at all actually.
I think you are just salty that this nonsense is faster than your RB4 (which I love btw), but that's OK, who wouldn't be.. I just had to point out the hypocrisy.
I can't believe I'm defending this mod but I do find it humorous that someone who is suggesting templock to be an official thing in LFS is also complaining about mods being too cartoony. Where is the limit exactly?
This was reported multiple times already but the game still doesn't load custom engine sounds made in shift+a editor upon leaving pits in a mod. It always loads the default one from LFS\mods\vehicles folder. And clicking "load" is showing all sounds in the lfs/data/engine folder. Really hoping this bug won't be in the official release, seems like a relatively quick fix.
Well, yesterday I needed an exact time of "InSim guest closed" event but that was purely because of me being the worst programmer on the planet and not catching errors properly in my InSim app. So having the log was just a convenience. I can't really think of a good reason for you to give us access to the whole log.. Maybe we don't really need it but I think it's nice for admins to have the log so they can check what was going on on the server whenever something goes wrong. I don't know..
By the way, executing the "/hlog X.txt" command stops the Virtual console from showing messages. Maybe that command can go if we won't have access to the file
Edit: However at least a log for when the host was started/stopped and maybe by who would be nice