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S2 licensed
Quote from r4ptor :Then say it was done in a rush, and don't blame LFS for it - we all know how the models are. I've done tons of renders and none of my reflections look that bad. Yours however look like the car had 3/4 of the polys reduced.

You need to pay attention to lighting and how you add the reflector - do it enough times and you'll be able to come up with better renders in same or even less time depending on final overall quality. But in this case. Same time or faster, for sure.

Dude, if I want to make it looks smooth, I can, as you can see it here.

I'm not talking about me, I know how to do, I'm not a PRO but I have the basic knowledge, that's not the point, I just said LFS cars sucks, as RB4, for example.

S2 licensed
Quote from r4ptor :That's like saying F1 sucks big time - because you can't go rallying in one. Sure there's limitations, but if you want to become the artist, then it's your job to present the render in a workable way.

Pro photographers do this and they don't have to worry about lowres cars or whatnot. What they do is to plan how they want their light and reflections on the subject as well as pick the right angles and so on. Don't just do a quick job, hit render and expect good results. The renders may not be good even with a gazillion poly model, because there's much more to visuals than polycount.

Dude, to be honest it's a simple render I did. I don't want to spend 10 hours fixxing it. If I were working as Pro I would do this, but I'm not.
S2 licensed
Quote from jepsertti :Bose, could you do renders with these skins? FZ5 and XRT. Is that 8192x8192 skin size too big or does it work?


Thanks in advance!

I know you asked for Bose, but as I was bored I had to do something...
Just a preview, if you like it I can do the size you want and the XRT aswell.
(Don't blame me for the reflections, blame LFS for low-poly cars)
S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Teasing upcoming skin for team iDrift. Little part taken from a 8192x8192 render @ 75% to show a little of the skin.

ur tyre is "cutting" the body of the car. it's too big.
S2 licensed
Quote from r4ptor :You have some extreme darks in most of these. Makes me wonder if your monitor might be too bright.

Experimenting is the best way to learn. Keep doing that. I like the Evo render (side view) the best.

Ye, I know it's dark, I wanted it :P to make it looks like sexy hahahhaha
Ye, I agree, the Evo one (side view) is the best. I love it.
S2 licensed
just playing around with some effects with old renders...

C&C are welcome
S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Blame the creator of the rims and tires for the polys. Can't even remember who it was.

S2 licensed
just playing around with color correction with an old render...
S2 licensed
Quote from alex_devil :My first Render

it's not a render, you use the Viewer and just cut the car and put a background behind it.
S2 licensed
I didn't mix anything... I just selected musics that I like and put them together... If you don't like it's not my problem.
S2 licensed
Did I say I made it? so stfu. I just made one with the best imo.
S2 licensed
Quote from cooba53 :Hi there
Can you render my skin pls. ?

Nice skin dude, I enjoyed it a lot.
S2 licensed
Quote from itsphilthy :SKIN BY:
S2 licensed


"RIMS by:

S2 licensed


Very nice dude.. the second one is awesome imo
S2 licensed
Quote from e2mustang :here are my renders for firemike

Very nice dude!
Awesome rims also :P
S2 licensed
Quote from r4ptor :40mins isn't too long. Could be interesting to know, how long it would take, to get a smoother render.

Anyways.. this is what I was working with:

PNG versions: 1280x1024 . 1920x1200 . 2560x1600

Dude, I can't see your renders. I can't connect to your site.
S2 licensed
Quote from Dmt :

this video has lack of edits or smth, ur video has lack of driving


its a promo video + racing video :P
S2 licensed
thx man, and the lag is an error of youtube, as I said, I dunno why it happens.
S2 licensed
The lag is a youtube error, I dunno why.
spdoRacing video
S2 licensed
I'm better driving, I know....
Just did this video, hope you all enjoy

EDIT: the lag is an error of youtube, I dunno why it happens...
Last edited by leonardo555, .
S2 licensed
At moment I have no patience to finish.... this is just one "idea" of the front

sry for double post
S2 licensed
Quote from JBiturbo :Just an update on my RB4 litle project.

Been trying to pay attention to details on this one, already made some more custom parts. Also been messing around with V-ray lights and scenes. And thx to Leo, i have new, proper, windows without buble effect .
Now i need to figure out how to make my renders sharper, without so much foggy shadows . Been having some trouble with that.

Anyways, i leave here 2 small test renders .

Dude, call me on msn when I'm online and I'll help you...
Nice render btw...
S2 licensed
Quote from JBiturbo :Hi guys, after seeing these latest custom RB4, i got inspired to work on an RB4 too!! Its still a WIP, has some bugs, but it already has alot of work in it! I re-did the hole car ( poly wise ) and ended up with almost 1/3 less poly's then the original. I made a bunch of costum pieces for this one, but im planing in doing alot more!

I was going for a GT Racing kind of tunning on this one, but after starting, the hole thing started to look more like an Touring car!! So i went on and try to explore a more quiet aproach to body work.

Anyways, enjoy, critic, whatever you feel like!! Im open to any tips on good V-ray materials for windows!! ( desperate for any tips on that...please )

Add me: [email protected] and I help you with V-Ray
S2 licensed
Quote from e2mustang :nice indeed ! shame i gave up on mine,but i dont have time or motivation anymore with 3ds max.. sadly. What you could do now is do some smoothing on the body since the rb4 is very low poly.thats where i start when i touch rb4 ofc you cant go too far without doing a hi-poly model

anyway if some1 missed it and interrested about my version: ... d=106307&d=1277004306 - messed up window ... d=106324&d=1277051519 -window fixed

very nice man, but this RB4 is really really really ugly... oh my god... choose another car to tweak, this one is so much lowpoly ^^
S2 licensed
Quote from e2mustang :magyarul vagy angolul akarsz választ? ha kezdő vagy akkor fokozatosan tanulni kell mi hogy be elmagyarázhatok sok mindent.

English please