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S2 licensed
Quote from e2mustang :While im partying at home with awesome hardstyle musics,i opened up 3ds max again,and started doing the rieger scirocco i never finished.. i dunno how far im gonna go with it as i get older,the more i say "meh" to 3ds max

It's very cool, but if you're going to apply turbosmoother, do not use LFS's scirocco, because it is low-poly model. It's better for you to download one blueprint and start again
S2 licensed
Quote from e2mustang :bolts and etc are the last steps. usually

yep, and i haven't find one that fits with this rim
S2 licensed
Quote from 5tag :How about bolts?

nah, i'm thinking in racing bolts not normal ones if you're talking about normal...
S2 licensed
Quote from Gustix :Bolts on side is way too small man I know this is not your rim but its just an example

yep, i noticed that, i was just going to modify :P
any idea to what to use at the center? ^^
S2 licensed
Just showing my progress(sure this is not the best one I made)

The whole wheel is done, I just don't know what to use at the center.
S2 licensed
Quote from Concept-X :Actually you answered your question... modelling that pattern is not faster than rendering a rim so when u say its too much work then what can i say?
Anyway its not a flat tube:

Hmm, try to model one when u have time :P
nice one anyway
S2 licensed
Quote from Concept-X :Because it costs too much time and more difficult just look at how many text are on the side of the tyre. Anyway if you model it yourself u have to use dirt maps also in order to make it more realistic. I know its not the best for studio renders cause of the brownish color but i ll use it at outdoor scenes

Ok, someday try to model one to see how good you are :P
S2 licensed
Quote from Concept-X :Thanks guys
Yep its a bit too bright but I have not touched it with photoshop yet. Its the pure render ( btw with vray low settings )
Few more renders of it:

Why don't you model the tyre instead of applying textures?
S2 licensed
Quote from matijapkc :Render it!

To much work :P
S2 licensed
As this is the 5th BBS I model, I want to make something different(IDK what I'm going to do), and here is just the beggining. As I have nothing to do I'm posting it here
S2 licensed
Quote from Concept-X :I've finished my first tyre

Awesome work dude, but the sidewall is so bright IMO, try to leave it equal the whole tyre, just a little darker
Nice rim too.
S2 licensed
it is low-poly modeling, it could be very much better, but it's awesome anyway, nice lightining work, but the material looks like plastic.
S2 licensed
Quote from e2mustang :deeper rear rim,fixed front window,it was cracked lol,and rear lights as said above. and all this u cant see in render lol

very nice rim, just try a little bit more to make it smoother, it kinda low-poly. nice one anyway
S2 licensed
Quote from iFastLT :angreh fzr (no post-processing)

seriously, i REALY REALY liked your render, one of the best(IMO) render of FZR with custom lights. great job dude.
S2 licensed
Quote from Boekanier :in itself not a bad rendering,

but I have a few comments,
I know from old days how difficult it is in the beginning.

look at her pose of the hand it's like she is leaning on something

and what has happened to her belly.

This is a old rendering of my

the texture of your light is wrong

Quote from hygor32 :


its nice, but the [portuguese = portamala] is weird(idk how it is in inglish) and she's hand too
S2 licensed
Quote from e2mustang :thx. well i gave up on saturday night,after all day watching the tut and trying to follow,learn the tools,actually tried it myself,thinking ahaed.. its very hard for the first time. hopefully will continue to do it after next weekend

btw its digitaltutors-automotive modeling. 4 discs,almost 8 hours training. i think its the best start for modeling. i could never find a perfect tut,coz they didnt explain why was that and that.. this tells me everything i need to know !

here are the shots:

Dispite it is low-poly modeling it good for first try. keep working on it

EDIT:: One tip: Don't model the whole car, model one side, and then just copy and mirror it
Last edited by leonardo555, .
S2 licensed
Quote from e2mustang :Today i finally got into modeling,after i found a 3 gig video tutorial. i am quiet happy with it,i know its not perfect but it is my very first one! also a very curvy shape too ! i will model some stuff for lfs

You could show us with turbosmoother and wireframes, and just wireframes
But nice one for first try
S2 licensed
Quote from Silox :Looks neat, Leonardo, I just don't see where the red reflections are coming from? And in my opinion, the windows reflect too much, especially for that scene... It's quite clouded - it doesn't looks like the sun could cast such reflections on the window.

The red reflections are coming from the sun, at the end of the image, and if you think, when the sun is "going" the other party of the sky is blue, and that's what my windows are reflecting.
S2 licensed
Just an old outdoor scene I had. I'm trying to get some idea to do some render with it.
But I'm not so good with ideas
S2 licensed
Quote from r4ptor :Have you gone blind or what? First you can't see the DOF focal point on my render, and now telling me you helped him.. uhm, ok. Good for you. His reflection on the side windows is none the less still pixelated, and Bose even commented on it saying he doesnt know what it is - which you also missed.

Jeeeesh, Leo

It's caused by the Enviroment image he has. 1-It's so bad the image. 2-It's not one HDRI, it's one JPG.
S2 licensed
Quote from r4ptor :Is the reflection on the sidewindow pixelated, or are you using some weird map? It was like that before too.

As you may have noticed, I helped him, and it was his Vray settings, the rest was ok.
S2 licensed
Quote from FireMike15 :Some Render for my friend.

Where is the brake?
S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Yep, transparent standard material looks better. Preview below.

I had you on my last msn but it was hacked, now add my new one and send me your scene, I think I can solve your problem but I don't know how to explain it here.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :At school, bored, nothing to do, so I downloaded and installed 3ds and vray on my laptop. Here's the result, grey car because I don't got my skins at my laptop.

Could anyone help me with this one? My interior is really dark...

Increase the Output amount or the RGB level
S2 licensed
Nice one raptor but your tyre material is wierd imo and your DOF too, it has no focus, I mean it's away, it just has DOF and that's it, it doesn't an "aim".
Nice one anyway