I don't know if it is what you were waiting for but I hope you like it.
i needed to upload it to rapidshare because your render is 6,2MB and I couldn't upload it here
Enjoy it
Yeah, your rims materials are weirdo
If you start to pay more attention in your materials you'll learn much more.
Blue windows aren't typical of Brazil renderer.
If you go to Materials\Car materials\Glass windows\maps\reflect(that should be with falloff) you'll see that the first color is a dark blue. This dark blue is the color of the window. If you put red, your windows will look like red. If u put green, your windows will look like green...
So, start to "have more fun" with your materials
My computer is so good. the problem are that there are too many faces in my fzr, My vray settings is the best(like, anti-aliasing is 100000), my materials, and the light.
these are the problems.