This is the first addon. Just fern Bay in this case. Thanks for the interest.
Maybe in future I can improve another tracks but I don't know if I can follow the same quality. I prefer to be honest with you and with everybody.
Where can I go?
Is a joke, Sorry, hehehehe.
Look at the next pictures. I hope you lke it. Thank you, bro.
In the Blog I explain it much better. Obviously with my poor english lenguage.
Hahahaha. I really don't know. Maybe, But not sure at all.
Next news and just one comment. There a lot, alot a lot of work and a lot of hours to make it as real as possible. I hope people like this pics. Of course, as always, bigger and more information on the Blog:
Cheers and thanks to all as always.
Please, don't forget to follow another interesting artists on this forums as pjuniorbra
Well. I have a lot of work because I have discovered a new technique to increase the quality of the tarmac. 4096 x 4096. Of course, thanks to Braien. He told me the idea.
I made all the work in 2048 x 2048. To make everything in 4096 x 4096 I need to remade all from scratch.
I only have one file in 4096 x 4096 and it is the asphalt. Just this one, because it is the first file that I saw the trouble to save in this size.
I don't like the diference between the asphalt and the land or grass. I'm sorry.
For future works I will try to make everything in 4096 x 4096 BUT the trouble is the same. It's hard for my computer save in this size. 7 mins concretely and a lot of attemps to save.
I'm very sad by this situation and very frustrated.
The work, finally will be released in 2048 x 2048.
I LOVE the suggestions. Thank you very much, Daniel. Noted and added to the list.
For me is not possible to quote all posts because I didn't expect the reaction of the people with all the comments that they made in one day. I only can say thank for your interest and for the nice comments, of course. I add that the criticism and flames are welcome also.
Another shot with another angle and illumination. In sunset looks a bit bright but I think is correct. Of course in this case is not possible to solve some little bugs. Some cuts on the texture.
I totally agree with you with your second paragraph.
Of course, I was seeing in Live for Speed that is possible to improve everything.
Today, I mean right now, I am working on three LFS Projects (Revolution Pack 2012 - LFS Magazine - xxxxxx). So I think (but not sure) this work will be completed in 2012 (Maybe august?). I can't say the date because this is an error of my past works. Denominate a work with a exact date is a big error in my opinion.
The current status of the first "add on" is under the 40%.
Thank you but very difficult to make it. Frustrating. I'm not happy with the result of the grass.
Well, I believe in a democracy inside of the lfsforum. If the people want to me on the dev team just make a contact with them. I really think the devs can hear to the people for the most important things:
I have some experience with another simulator. I mean the graphic design, marketing, web design, corporative design,etc. Just look X Motor Racing on "About us". I have appeared there.
If really the people want to me on the dev team, I'm totally sure the contact with the devs is just the right thing. Nothing more to say. I'm back to the work, hehehehe.
Dear, Bose. How are you?
I don't understand well your question. I think you mean about the reflection system. The reflections works in the same way for all the car. Wheels, window and bodywork.
I really appreciate your words in the same way. Thank you, Danas.
Amazing words from amazing guy. Nice to see you here again, Tomba. I hope to see you more often. I remembered your raw screenshots with the XR GT.
This is a little break to talk about the Revolution Pack. I hope people can understand my words because I have a serious limitations to explain it in english lenguage. Of course I am learning english in my free time to improve the ortography to talk in this forums.
Today I am on the 34% of the first addon.
Whean I start a texture I always see all the composition. On wich material is made. Then I see a lot of real photos around this theme. I go to the street to see in real life. I try to see in all illuminations.
The development is very hard because for one texture I use three or four real photos. It needs colour correction, brushed from scratch, work the dark and bright areas,... Is not easy. There are a lot of frustration moments. Moments that I stop the work to leave it for tomorrow.
The tests are the most important thing because that is the moment when you can see if the work line is correct or not and fix the bugs.
The second thing is ...for the second addon I was thinking seriously to make a High Resolution textures for a car. Of course the same line of the Revolution Pack August 28th(Complete Pack for the FZ50 /FZ50 GTR).
So, I ask, to the community, suggestions about it. I'm open for suggestions.
I didn'nt know about this program. I have two LFS folders. The first one are original files and the second one are the edited files. I don't know if I can have trouble and I don't know how to use the program.
Bigger shot on Rp's Blog. Development status updated [%]