I really apreciate my credits in the thread but I only make a suggestion of this competition and I was opened a thread that I don't liked to update (a lot of work and constancy).
So, I mean, all the recognition is to you. A big THANKS!!
Here you are one of my best friends in the forums and a incredible Master in Photoshop.
Really I don't understand why people makes forecasts.
And Now they see are wrong.
If any Team as Germany wins, wins because is the better.
If Spain wins, is a luck. Or that is the idea who we see in this thread.
That make me laugh a lot. I follow this thread from the beggining and I see a lot of changes in some opinions after finishes the matches. Some persons have poor personality. That is the truth.
I really think, Germany plays very well. But Spain in this WorldCup attack much more. Are the ball's posesion team from the beggining.
Much encouragement for Holland. My most sincere respect for Germany, of course.
The next step is increasing the quality of the postproduction with new techniques and edit over 500 files to get more quality in the footage.
The dynamic secuences and narrative of the video is most important. We need to talk about this little history and the spectator needs to understand better.
LFS Forms was my last standard, but in this ase I need to stay in the next standard.
The ilumination and ambient light will have study exhaustively to get a photorealistic footage. As a renderization or near of that.
I have discovered new techniques to get that I am talking. Of course, making tests.
Schuppor (Christian reddeker) will be the composer of the music of this video. He is a professional composer who works for Porsche. His standard is the most higher that I listened lately.
The production of this video will take several weeks. Maybe months.
Yes, I do. I do that. Filter> stylize> glow. And I make some layers from scratch to help me about the obturation/exposition of the camera depending of the context in videos,etc.
If you talk about that:
"...but be carefull with excesive glow".
I'm not talking about the reflections, the shiny,etc.
I talk about of the ambient light. There are the same ambient light in all the footage. As a little bit fog. To make a better ilumination, first it needs to make a better documentation. It is necesary to know where is the sun, what kind of ambient you want to do. Not every time there are glow in sunlight conditions. It depends of a lot of factors.
Look at the pic two at 5. The cars seem to have a halo of light. As if they were spiritual.
Anyway, back on topic, the glow in the asphalt in some secuences is better than all the videos that I seen. Really a professional work. The ilumination in general are superb, of course. Only, as I said, be careful with excesive glow.
The last secuence in South City looking at the Sky is photorealistic.
It would be great, unseen, thank you very much. We can talk through private messages.
About first paragraph, now I see you have reason. I didn't remember about the GTR version.
Anyway, in the first place is Fern Bay. Hehehehehe.
I recgnize that I love to make some tests as a distraction. For example, another day I try to understand very well the textures of the XFG and XRG(XRT). I see some limitations. Always I'm thinking on projects.
Okey, I'm working on the new video(documentation and planing only, today)but, sometimes I'm making some tests. Somethings about textures.
Really is posible (but I'm not sure at all) that is posible to make a photorealistic interior for FXO Turbo and RB4 GT. I'm not going to confirm anything. I prefer be carefull with these things.