I agree with Tomba about the blur. Anyway I think the composition is correct.
I love it.
The radial blur in wheels is almost perfect.
The motion blur on the scenary, really I didn't understand well what do you want to do. That motion blur stopped of strange way. Camera follows the car? The motion blur needs more distance to disappear. The camera is fixed at one point and turn on it axis? The motion blur is in all the scenary, even sky and landscape and the rear part of the car.
The composition is nice but if is for a banner, for example, or for a Header.
In your next try, sure you will do something nice pic as usual.
Thanks for the positive comments and criticisms. I read them with atention as usual I do (seriously).
@Startuner. Gracias a vosotros también. Es un placer. No solamente es la amistad con Costa Rica, sino con américa latina. Como dije en otro sitio me encanta. No tengo raices allí, pero sí algunos familiares.
About the installer._
Velociround has some personal inconveniences. He talks with me and says me the installer will be ready as soon as posible.
Sorry for this inconvenience.
About future projects (due to comments over trees, asphalt textures,etc) ._
In my particular case I have some troubles in my life. The situation in Spain is very hard and it changes my life sometimes in the last year. The concentration to make a work as RP is very, very higher. Now is not posible for me to have that concentration. Even for videos. Just to make some pics as a distraction.
"I know I promised, one year ago, I would to do some tutorials, but due my english limitations and the lack of time(and projects as RPs and videos) it was not posible.
Really I don't like some tutorials but others are very interesting.
NO! All, we are best,hehehehehe. I don't like to be better than anyone. It is the true.
Yeah, really is a very old version, from 2000/2002, [starts this saga in 1990] but I got the title with this version (and another programs). It is a memory.
Of course, the current versions are best, I think, but I don't know, comparatively talking.
Dear brother,
Well, not in all cases you can use that technique. There are some moments for all kind of situations and techinques. And, of course, the masks to abate the motion blur is essential (not in all cases).
I do not judge anything. it is just a comment. You are a master, also, in photo edition.
But anyway, he is very good. Love it, Skiper. Keep it up !!
I know I promised, one year ago, I would to do some tutorials, but due my english limitations and the lack of time(and projects as RPs and videos) it was not posible.
Have I understand well if you talked about rear lights?
Cheers, brother.
Gracias, campeón, como siempre. A todo esto, leí tus comentarios en forocoches en el hilo de Gran turismo 5. Todo un halago. Un millón de gracias.
On topic._
Sometimes old edits, shows another nice style. Love it as usual in your works.
Is nice to see in the forums a very high level of a lot of artists. I'm very glad for that. I'm really a fan of a lot of artists and I enjoy them works. Even I make, sometimes, "click" in some links in his signatures. Can be interesting in some moments.
The only diference is the objects / buildings They are concrete reflections because in South City does not sense to make generic reflections. That is unrealistic.