Brake disc for FXO Turbo, RB4 GT and XR Gt Turbo completed._ Tested ingame.
Brake disc for all the cars and brake Calipers.
Why I post the preview and the texture (even size of the texture)?
Because I'm not an expert or mechanic. If my idea is unrealistic, please, make the feedback / suggestion. This year I prefer to work this way. I think the community can appreciate it and work with me in this nice project (improve all the texture in this fantastic "indie" simulator).
If you have a feedback or suggestion always with a real pic or video reference.
Brake Disc for the XR GT Turbo, FXO Turbo and RB4 GT.
(I was thinking seriously made textures for the RB4 GT).
Brake disc for all the cars and brake Calipers.
Why I post the preview and the texture (even size of the texture)?
Because I'm not an expert or mechanic. If my idea is unrealistic, please, make the feedback / suggestion. This year I prefer to work this way. I think the community can appreciate it and work with me in this nice project (improve all the texture in this fantastic "indie" simulator).
If you have a feedback or suggestion always with a real pic or video reference.
I'm working in the RP 2014 (review of all my work).
The very early tests. Testing the illumination on the discs.
Current work:
- Brake discs and Calipers. Stage 1 (Will be released when it's finished).
- Tyre tread pattern and sidewalls. Stage 2 (Will be released when it's finished).
Note: On the second pic I have put sydewall instead sidewall. I'm sorry.
This is cool, the new design and the encouragement of the people!!
Well, I will start as soon as possible. I'm working on a new vídeo for an enterprise and when it's finished I will work hard on Live for Speed as I did at now.
The standard of the work will be more professional. There will be new addons, of course and if the community wants I can work in the new track textures.
The photorealism is the minimal stage and standard. For my, the reference are the Fern Bay textures, tyre tread pattern, FZ Textures, the reflections and landscapes from the previous works, nothing more. Other jobs that previously I did, didn't meet these standards.
The progress of the work will by published in this forum, in this thread concretely, and the final works in my blog ( I will release each addon for subtract time of the development. I think it is better for the feedbacks and improvements.
As always, sugestions, flames, criticism, for me, are welcome. Please feel free to talk about whatever you want. (In the RP 2012 the criticism makes the diference between the work of the first months and the final months thanks to Wildstyle, TVE and Bose321).
If you see the fifth picture carefully you can watch that the edge and white line are the same texture than the RP 2012. The tarmac is from cgtextures, the white line is from another texture and the edge too. So I made from three textures from three different locations that texture in photoshop. This guy tell you a lie.
I'm not worried, Shimon, if you use my work to make your own textures because you don't know make original things. I'm worried because it is sad the lack of respect you have showed to everybody making this.
I'm not sure but I'll make everything I can to back in 100%. I go to be carefull with that. First I want to make well the things. I will upload everything in one point. I will rework almost all the videos I made. (I can make better things now: example).
Sorry for the delay.
I'm working hard on another projects but my idea is to rework some old works (even videos).
The idea is to re-upload all my works to improve the experience inside of LFS and, who knows, I can back to the work again development another interesting textures for another track. I don't know it really.
Lamentablemente tengo muchos temas personales que solucionar que no me dejan tiempo para hacer nada más y, por desgracia, he tenido un problema grave con mi ordenador y he perdido muchos ficheros importantes para mi, entre ellos programas y base de datos para la edición de vídeo, imagen y texturización.
Por desgracia voy a tener que anunciar mi retirada definitiva, porque no puedo tener en vilo a la comunidad con un proyecto futuro, y no estoy seguro de que yo pueda tener las herramientas, el tiempo y la motivación para hacerlo. Todo en esta vida depende de la motivación y de las herramientas para conseguirlo. Es más fácil tener motivación, que las herramientas, en mi caso. El tema económica es mi lastre y no puedo cambiarlo.
De nuevo gracias por el interés a la comunidad por su apoyo incondicional en todo este tiempo.
Con el paso del tiempo voy a ir cerrando las cuentas de Youtube, Flickr, y el Revolution Pack's blog
Un saludo.
It is time for the bad news.
Unfortunately I have many personal issues that I can not solve time to do anything else and, unfortunately, I had a serious problem with my computer and I lost many important files for me, including software and database for video editing , image and texturing.
Unfortunately I have to announce my final withdrawal, because I can not be in suspense to the community with a future project, and I'm not sure that I can have the tools, time and motivation. Everything in life depends on the motivation and the tools to get it. It is easier to be motivated, that the tools in my case. The economic issue is my burden and I can not change it.
Thanks again for the interest to the community for their unwavering support throughout this time.
Over time I will be closing the accounts of Youtube, Flickr, and Revolution Pack's blog
Thanks for the comments and nomination of this work in the LFS year end awards.
I really appreciate it.
I have some personal troubles to solve in this time. I want to start another work and make some changes in some textures due for some bugs reported by some users (thanks for the feedback).
The idea is to work in the textures again, make a patch of the current work(some files to complete this track like pits, vegetation,etc), work on some miscelaneous (tyre thread pattern and smoke: but not sure), and in one car (unconfirmed), and obviously and interesting could be another track (unconfirmed). The selection of the track depends that I don't want that affects the work of another guys that they work currently on the textures, for example: South City in development by deCesaris. I think he is doing a very interesting work.
Please, I hope to see more projects from you and, sure, community thinks the same.
About the "flickering". I don't know how to fix it, but lfsrm gave me an idea when he talks about dds converter.
Troy gives me another idea but I don't know if that affect another parts of the track. Anyway that trouble is just an aesthetic trouble with the "horizon" of the mapping(I don't know how to explain it better by my english limitations). By this reason it is irrelevant to work with it and the time expended on it affects the time of work of the "patch" of this track. I can have more time to do another interesting works.
I want to start on the end of this month or beginning of the January. Finally I will not take a rest.
I will go to back to the work soon. I have a lot of motivation.