There is not rain on the pic. I think you are talking about the wet effect on the left of the pic (right from the car). From scratch, using only brushes, for me is harder to make it realistic. I'm glad for the comments anyway.
If you participate more, I will go to participate more. Even if tazka participates.
We can improve a lot. Until more than today. We are ambitious and competitives ,hehehehe.
If were participate in a competition can be improved to levels never seen before, probably.
"Anyway, I have the same opinion. The technique of "cut and paste" is not very artistic. Is poor in development because it is limited. Only works on the point you want to replace and nothing else".
You remind me to Devildare. I love his comments. I disagree with him many times but I am very interested. In fact, his comments seem to me essential to whatever I do. In addition he is sincere, like you. It is interesting to hear/read all points of view and comments as yours.
Anyway, I have the same opinion. The technique of "cut and paste" is not very artistic. Is poor in development because it is limited. Only works on the point you want to replace and nothing else. Personally I don't like to make it. But that is my opinion. (I made that type of pics in some time). That helps to increase the realism of the photo in this concrete case (Car from lfs shot above the real photo).
I do not mean that a person, for making such pictures, is a bad photoshop artist. I think Spyker, although limited in some aspects (motion blured, radial blur of the wheels on oblique angles), is very good at what he does. I love the blur effect of heat from his photos.
For me, the picture is good, but the suspension left is slightly up on the suspension right. The car is leaning to the right side. Or at least, it seems when you see the front grill. If he uploads the real pic, for me is valid.
@Tazka. If you participate, you kill everybody. Even JJ72.
There is a shadow under the car. On cloudy days, the light source comes in all directions. Especially if the asphalt is wet, the lighting, changes completely. The light is poor and the contrast is lacking. Only contrast in the bodywork because it is under a bridge and because the car is metallic.
On the rear wheel, I agree with you. I forgot.
Thanks, but next time, make a better documentation (about the shadow under the car).
But seriously... I really think, this is nothing special.
I was thinking to reveal one of my fonts. Top Gear. There are the lighting conditions in real life and in real time ( I can see the car in a lot of angles and in the diferent hours of the day). Not every chapters is in the same conditions and places and that is nice too.
In the current pic the real photos represents the minute 5:29 and 6:04 the documentation to make this reflection. Of course, I learned a lot in these months in another fonts about light conditions and when I go to my job, for example, I see in the street the reflections of the cars. All posible fonts.
Font from Top Gear(Remember, 5:29 and 6:04 to see the photos):
Making general tests to compare the brightness in all dds files(reflections) I remember your suggestion and I saw the panel in all illuminations and tracks.
Does not posible decrease the brightness in all cases but there are a perfect balance. I mean that trouble has been solved in 75% of cases. So, you can see the diference in the current RP.
Most dificult is in Sunset illuminations. I can't make anything.
Westhill Landscape finished. Applied some ilumination effects to help the degradation of the colour with the distance. When the mountain is far decrease the contrast and tone. Same if is higher.
I'm not sure but I think is posible to finish the current RP in June.
The intention is "not stealing" the work of other lfs users. For example, pics from another date, any part of another photo from one lfs user. But the point is not use works from another lfs users. I think people can do original works.
Anyway you can change the rules.
All for improve.
And, I think, people can use parts from real photos. Obviously, is my opinion.