the first video says it's from Lviv, Ukraine from 17. august...I was in Lviv and Kiev on august 18 and 19, but no one mentioned anything (and I was talking to quite a lot Ukrainians) and also I didnt hear anything myself...
those are exactly my thoughts, the metro interface seems to be designed especially for touch displays, not for mouse/keyboard, currently i can't imagine using it on desktop computer
while i was hitchhiking in croatia, croatians said albania and serbia is bad
while i was hitchhiking in albania, albanians said croatia and serbia is bad
while i was hitchhiking in macedonia, macedonians said albania is bad
while i was hitchhiking in serbia, serbians said kosovo and croatia is bad
when i met guy from kosovo, he said serbia is bad
and when i was thinking about it, suddenly i was like:
and i stopped wasting my time with this silly problems