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I read about it few days ago, I can't wait for release :-)
S3 licensed
Кино́ - Звезда по имени Солнце
kino - the star called sun
S3 licensed
its funny to see this news just few days after revealing that al qaeda plans nuclear attack on europe if bin laden dies
S3 licensed
Quote from Intrepid :Not funny as such but this is what happens when you put effort into animated gifs -

that's great
S3 licensed
successful troll is successful
S3 licensed
Quote from Inouva :Is the same engine that runs HL2:Ep 2

no, ep 2 is 2007 and even left 4 dead 2 has upgraded engine since half life and its 2009, so portal 2 uses the most advanced source engine so far.
S3 licensed
my LFS just crashed, which happend never before...
Názov chybovej aplikácie: LFS.exe, verzia:, časová značka (timestamp??): 0x4db1c830
Názov chybového modulu: LFS.exe, verzia:, časová značka: 0x4db1c830
Kód výnimky (exception code): 0xc0000005
Odstup chyby (offset): 0x000ebcc6
Identifikácia chybného procesu: 0x50c
Čas spustenia chybnej aplikácie (runtime??): 0x01cc027bbcdbdb05
Cesta chybnej aplikácie: D:\Hry\lfs\LFS.exe
Cesta chybného modulu(pathname): D:\Hry\lfs\LFS.exe
Identifikácia hlásenia: 022d0d95-6e6f-11e0-9136-005056c00008

is anything else needed? I'm running at windows 7 32bit

what I was doing is,....I've just alt+F4ed from LFS while it was connecting to a server
S3 licensed ... 3-message_from_qaddafi-0/

and if one's not too lazy to just watch tv and eat everything they give you, you can easily find libyan forums (i found like americans were looking for jobs in libya), statistics about libya, even US reports and informations about libya...and you can find out, that libya has average salary over $80000, they have free state health care in combination with private, they have free education from elementary to university and country is even paying for studying abroad, they have mobile schools for bedouins living in deserts and almost everyone who works instantly gets a place to live and most probably also a car.

+this video
and it's certain libyans have absolutely no reason to want american democracy
S3 licensed
this new version of source is great, i had constant 60fps everything at maximum and i liked how it looks more than crysis 2
S3 licensed
Kiev, Chernobyl and Black sea - I don't see a problem for you there. Ive been there 2 years ago, walking around villages, lakes, and locals are very friendly, we could easily stayed for a night at someone's house/hay and have very good breakfast...they even gave us keys from their house and left :-X Everything is cheap, food is delicious, alcohol connects people so there's nothing to worry about. But don't rely on your's not Russia and apart Chernobyl and few places in Kiev I don't think someone will understand. get yourself ukrainian (or at least russian) - english dictionary
S3 licensed
I'm not Ukrainian, but I've spent a week with my tent in a bag in there hitchhiking in western parts and this summer I'll go to Crimea + Kiev.

Where exactly are you heading?
S3 licensed
portal 2 - excellent engine, level design, glados' excellent humour and very funny and interactive gameplay make this game one of very few actually playable these days
S3 licensed
thats sicker than nyan cat
S3 licensed
Quote from Velociround :

(This picture was taken from inside a car at approx 60km/h)

I like these two

Quote from spankmeyer :Prints have arrived! They look amazing! Here's a preview of one of five photos! The quality is awesome! Very excited as you can see!

S3 licensed
windows registry are basically files stored in windows\system32\config....those files there are your registry.
S3 licensed
Quote from MadCatX :The explanation is actually pretty simple. As the CPU heats up, its transistors loose the capability to open and close, thus generating incorrect signals. However, modern CPUs are quite good at taking the heat.

You might be right, I thought temperature safety threshold is much lower before this starts to happen but I can't check it now to be sure (I mean I have never seen this behavior when CPU was overheating and even couldn't find article/video/graph, it is much clearly visible when GPU is overheating though)...
S3 licensed
Quote from (SaM) :I wonder how many parties have gone silent with Dadge. He might be a record holder.

S3 licensed
Quote from bunder9999 :not always.

when the cpu overheats it does really ****ed up stuff... programs can (and sometimes will) crash all over the place, and it can also corrupt the hard drive. (think about it, everything goes through the cpu, if the cpu messes up then who knows what can happen, it might calculate 2+2=4, but then write 942 to the disk and transmit 267 over ethernet.)

in the event log, there is also mention to the registry being corrupted, this is also synonymous with overheats and/or memory failure.

if the hard drive is dying, you would see these instead, and lots of them. i don't see any of those in your logs.

Can you explain why would CPU do something like that? because I can't and I don't think this would happen when it overheats. All CPUs shut system down when overheating, unless its like 15 years old CPU. And actually I can't imagine why would CPU do wrong math operations or write to a wrong sector when its overheating...a CPU is synced by system clock and can reach only scrict voltage values for a short period of time, so transistors should not be affected by leaking current (hope its the right term in english), unless its extremly high temperature for a very long period of time - which can not happen because as I said when CPU reaches its limit its shuts down.

But you're right, I'm not 100% sure if the HDD is causing the failure, but it's my guess and that's how I would act...and I recommended running memory test at first to make sure memory modules are allright. BTW once I experienced NTFS failure on my computer while I was playing prince of persia warrior within, I didn't have any messages, no symptoms, everything was okay and suddenly BSOD appeared with an NTFS error and I was unable to boot or do anything else...I had to format whole HDD - all partitions. I guess when something fcks up it must be in way you would never expect
S3 licensed
AndRand, there's also NTFS error in the event log which is the most probably source of your problems, it may indicate hard drive problem, or filesystem should re-format your HDD volume to NTFS again, there is probably no other fix.
But at first run a memtest, just to be sure (no relationship with hdd failure, but the symptoms are almost same)
edit: and make a backup ASAP
S3 licensed
Quote from RasmusL :How the hell does the FBI suddenly have jurisdiction to just seize domains though? The US government think they own the world.

if those server where physically located in USA they have full right to close them...that applies to every country in the world. for example many illegal sites in europe have servers in US so they cannot do anything because servers are running outside europe and they have to ask US to cooperate...