I really liked the last scene of the vid, when all the cars were standing on the grid , and then they just left together :P , very nice idea ! Also the music choice was superb, huge + for that

I didn't mind the contrast, it was nice to see how colourful LFS can be ;D
As for that slow-mo FBM part, it would've been much much better, if the MPR file you used weren't so dodgy and the recording weren't that choppy =P ... don't know if i'm clear, let me say this in slovak

( Zda sa akoby sa ta posledna cast s FBM trhala . Ostatna cast videa je perfektna, nikde nie je vidiet ani len znak toho, ze by tvoje PC nezvladalo nahravanie, ale ta spomalena cast je tak trochu "divna" :] )
The effects were nice, the camera shaking wasn't overused, plus point's for that also.
On the technical side - did you try using different encoders , xvid or h.264 ? They should produce better video quality with the size of the vid remaining the same.