Life would be so boring without lfs :'(
If there wasnt LFS, i wouldn't know my team mates, and also a lot of great guys from the community ! It even hurts to imagine that there is no LFS
So lets just keep thinking about S3 , and not about not having LFS at all !
It is not so bad
Try to put real logos on the side of the car, also if You have used MS Paint then try to get Photoshop or Paint shop . Or if You want free tools, then GIMP is Your friend, or PaintDotNet :P
Good idea . I woud like to see the option to attach the camera to the steering wheel , so when the driver steers, the camera is rolling
I hope U know what i mean
@ overclocked412
Really nice job ! Thank You for that mod, and THIS picture is really great, it reminded me of some feelings / to be accurate, the feeling when we are returning home on sunday evenings from my grandma , and the sky looks so damn good ! /
Realy nice!
More , more ! ^^
Well, the only, and rly the ONLY important thing I pray for is that we see some good matches, with lots of goals, and actions, and tricks ... the greatness of football "in one word" (-:
If i listen to my heart, i would like to see the Czech team on the first place !
But if I think seriously, the Brazilian team is unbeatable ! =)
anywayz, let the best win, whoever it will be ^^