maxiim, srsly dude, whats your problem ? :| Stating that it is nothing special is lame and easy to do. However, giving some constructive criticism on how to improve the edit, is a lot harder, but much more appreciated.
Same thing happens here but on "[SKH]FairPlay Demo" server. When i click join i get an error message saying "Lost connection to host". The host is using Z3.
Just watched Babylon A.D. Well, what can i say, i'm a Vin Diesel fan but still the movie wasn't that great. The story* and the setting was brilliant. (* except the ending, that is the main thing that ruined the overall impression ). Watch it for the visuals tho, the apocalyptic/hi-tech sceneries were quite impressing :O
Could you please try and make the text lay shadow on the ground/car ? As if it was 3D and in the game itself. I think it would look really good especially on picture one and picture four. Not that it looks bad as it is, but that would add +1 wow effect to it
Staggering experience, the woman who played the role of the religious zealot (correct word ?) played her role effin' great, I really wanted to hit her with something through the whole film :P And the ending, that was just depressing. One might say it was a happy ending from a point of view, not from the main characters tho'.
And about Speed Racer - it certainly isn't a film for masses, but I still love it (the HD version is the audiovisual orgasm)
My boredom of LFS is now approaching it's first birthday - if I don't count the one or two races I've had online. LFS is always installed on my comp tho', but atm I find CS:S more interesting than LFS I'm waiting for something new and interesting to come, some fresh new racing series and leagues.
That new trailer looks effin great and the film itself is becoming more and more promising to me. I'm getting my hopes pretty high up on this :P Btw Bob, Media Player Classic is playing the 480 version fine for me.
Thanks for the info. That's quite scary tho, every necessary software installed yet some malicious code can still get thru all of them. I myself have Nod32, Kerio personal firewall and Spybot S&D installed and luckily no infection so far
It is one section of the 4chan website (it is the random category). On topic - at the time when the virus infected your comp, did you have any antivirus,firewall, or any spyware detection software installed on your system?