Lets see, I saw the "
Happening" in the cinema a few weeks ago, it wasn't THAT bad, imho, but could have been a lot better.
Saw the "
Blair witch project" a week ago, not a new movie, but it was quite good, scary stuff.
Watched the "
Bourne trilogy" again the other day, it's still great =D
Be kind rewind" - good little comedy, it starts slowly, but it builds up and then it's great.
Drillbit Taylor" - sh!tload of fun

don't expect your brain to hurt, tho'.
Into the wild" - a very good film, watch it, you'll love it.
Music within" - i liked it a lot.
Superhero Movie" - nobrainer, but i lol'd a lot

Leslie Nielsen FTW!
The Darjeeling Limited" - now this is one strange movie, because i can't really say why, but i liked it when i watched it :P
And while i'm here -
There will be blood - what's your opinion about this movie ? I watched it with my father a few weeks ago and we both found it very veeeery boring. The acting was good, realy good, but it just aint a film for a sunny summer afternoon ,imho :P
ps: sorry if the movies i mentioned were already suggested in the topic, didn't read all the pages.
pps: sorry for the incredibly "lowskill" english of this post, my brain is washed out because of the 1200+ km journey i just came home of