Hey guys... So I have a song... I think it's from System Of A Down, but I'm not sure... I don't know anything about the song actually... I can't find it anywhere, there is no lyrics findable on the Internets...
So, I somewhere found a program (E: Don't remember where...) that recodnises which song is that, do you guys maybe know where to find it?
Also, if you want I can upload it somewhere. E: The song...
It's more than a month work for my dad and almost two months work for my mum...
I think I can't even have a job yet. I'm only 15. And tech costs a bit more in Croatia...
Also, tax rate here is 23%.
And having 2000$ (that's 10000HRK [Croatian Kuna], my dad earns 3500 a month) in only one summer would mean that I could get drunk enough to forget who I am every day and still have some money left...
Then I'll become a "Dead Man Walking" and go "Out To Get You"... Sorry for using Bloodsimple but I don't listen to BFMV so I don't know much of their songs...
My first phone... http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Fkm4MH39 ... /CfodK64s_E0/IMG_0813.JPG Only it had blue-green mask instead of red one... (At that time there was no Sony Ericsson... It was only Ericsson...)
Then the best phone evar! You probably guessed it... Nokia 3310. No need for pics here...
Then a bullsh!t Sagem... I'm sorry I gave my 3310 away to get this... Can't find any pics for this.
Then this: http://www.productwiki.com/upl ... s/sony_ericsson_k610i.jpg The camare had some errors, but it was a good phone in that time...
Then this: http://www.njuskalo.hr/image-w ... ia-5310-slika-4481118.jpg Pretty good phone too, but the camera sucked a lot.
And I got this one a few days ago...
I'm pretty satisfied with that one. About the brands thing, I usually first check all Nokias before buying, if I don't find anything then I go for the others...
Well, the goddamn HTC was out of stock even on the main warehouse for whole Croatia, and if I was lucky, it would maybe arrive at the end of next month, but MAYBE.... So, I didn't want to wait another month just to see that it's still out of stock... (my xp)