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S3 licensed

Awesome driving, doing exactly what needed to be done in both V8 and BF1 series. Very proud of Hibby, a true champion and very serious talent.

Now, just got to get him into a real single seater and for sure that will happen soon.

Tenman, get that team title nailed down bro!

Congrats all and nice to see more drivers *especially from the OWRL guys* racing in oneGP last round.

See you next year.

Best, Maz
S3 licensed
So can FRO enter a 2nd two car team, as requested long ago we would like too. Might even get a drive myself then, lol

High Woooz!!

See you all soon.

Oh, nice to see Silver back! speaking soon.

Best, Maz
S3 licensed
hmmm, maybe i should stay out the way more often.

Great result FRO team. Brilliant 1 and 2nd nice work for sure.

Get it done brothers.

Ill be back.

Best, Maz
S3 licensed
Welcometo oneGP RacingX!

Best of luck,
S3 licensed
Quote : Oh yeah, if I do enter, please note that I'm by no means experienced with racing amongst BF1s, or even using the BF1. Hope that isn't a problem.
But if I enter then I will soon change that!


That wont be a problem for you, for sure we would be and other teams happy to help with setup advice, sharing set ups and assisting where and if we can. Feel free to drop by 1GP servers, people can help you there with some racing experience which is important as the car sucks in close combat with particularly large aero losses.

I know you guys from Demo of old and know that the speed and efficiency learnt in FBM carries over particularly well to the BF1 especially in longer endurance races. The current first two drivers in the series table are recent grads from demo FBM racing, so i don't think you guys will have a problem.

Hope to see you on track.

All the best, Maz
S3 licensed
Quote : If you have any comments, feel free to post.

lol! can we get a edited highlights of Joes best moments from the 2008 season, there is some side splitting WTF moments from the entertainments officer,

Quote : We probably won't give a crap about what you think but if it makes you feel better then go ahead

Was great racing with your guys this last season. Many, many thanks for the efforts in organizing these events, NDR *and all good series organisers* really are the unsung heroes of LFS.

Big up yourselves!

Best, Maz
S3 licensed
Quote :That's one of the most stupid things I've heard! I am far better with the keyboard than I am with the mouse. I really can't drive with a mouse due to the many years of keyboard gaming in other games. I do have a wheel now-a-days but it's pretty stupid not to let people join because of the keyboard!

Hmm, i used to think like that. Ive held fastest times done with keyboards on the oval at 36.85 solo. However, being able to drive fast over a single lap isnt why KBs are banned, it is due to the KB not allowing the car to move correctly or fast enough in draft situations, especially with multiple cars around you and it is unfair to the other racers. Often this inability to move fast left&right on the track will cause massive pile ups on packed grids.

Also, mouse and KB have significant Driver Aids built in order to equalize performance with wheels. A host would be entitled to ban them on that basis alone really.

FM have a very busy server most of the time with the best oval racing you will find.
Quote :
I admin and organize several oval races. I am the Race Director for the Kyoto 250 and Kyoto 500, as well as one-off FO8 Oval races with Kyoto 500 ruleset every so often. I list details of these in the New Dimension Racing Team subforum here, in our Kyoto 500 subforum.

Yep, ive done and won some of these events on KB so its possible and NDR always put on a spectacular race. If you want a big buzz from oval racing online get involved and join up. It really is just awesome to drive in those packed events like the 500.

Thanks Dek for those events and effort. Real appreciated.

Best, Maz
S3 licensed
87 Hibex
89 Maissi

Best, Maz
S3 licensed
Quote :... is a crap idea, because...

Because you have not proven the viability of the main series yet.

As winners of the LFSCART team title, 1st in the drivers tables, sponsors of the server and racers, guess we have a right to make a point.

So here it is, the last season of LFSCART was a total utter fail.

Many times our team nearly the only ones there. Many times our team along with Hynnty, and our invited friends from the FRO servers were only racers on the grid. Unless this series is marketed, maintained, results posted promptly and efforts made to attract and retain good drivers there is no main series to have support classes for.

So until there is absolute proof that the LFSCART series is viable, sustainable and promoted. There is no fecking point what so ever in discussing a support series. Last year we waited weeks for results from rounds from the main series for weeks and weeks, let alone 3 series!!

The main series needs marketing, it was proven to be able to attract drivers with the end of season races, however this for organizers should be a constantly ongoing effort, not a last gasp effort, which it was. It also is not the job of the racers to attract their own competitors.

Switching classes is also not the answer, the series was not full and this was due to no organiser effort to market or attract drivers. When the effort was made, you doubled the grid! Changing classes wont help and you cant have support series without a main class what they going to support.

Solve the problems experienced in the first season of LFSCART and sure, in future you could have many leagues, but without proving the 1st, then there will be nothing. You have a great formula for a great series, get it done.

Best wishes, Maz
Last edited by Mazar, .
S3 licensed
Quote : updated version...spend the whole day for this.....


Wow, i am speechless those are stunning. Thanks for that friend, it really is appreciated and we will make sure you are credited when ever they are used.

From FRO and myself, many thanks for your skills, time and effort!

Best, Maz
S3 licensed
Not seeing the stream at this time.

S3 licensed
Quote :23rd August...

It will begin soon.

Woot, well done guys! will be watching.

Best, Maz
S3 licensed
Quote :first attempt....

Wow, beautifully done many thanks, please see pm.

Best, Maz
S3 licensed
87 Hibex and possibly 89 Maissi if he can make it.

Quote :So, for those complaining about lack of teamship (or however I shoudl call it) in oneGP, here's how I'm going to start - get your team sorted out for each race weekend in due time.

What a stupid thing to say when the only people complaining are the only ones who have sorted their teams for each round so far.

Best, Maz
Last edited by Mazar, .
S3 licensed
Quote :
engine failure is a bit different from engine blowing up as well, if an engine simply fails (stop working) it's still fine, but if it blows up it upsets the whole aerodynamics of the plane and it's a lot more complicated

That looked exactly what happened from the footage i saw, that the plane totally *stalled* and lost all aero lift plummeting without any control being possible. 400 plus tonnes of metal with no lift, its a massive impact shock.

RIP, a terrible accident.

S3 licensed
Nice write up and congrats to Matze and all.

Is there a replay please?

Best, Maz
S3 licensed
Quote :But if we can have the "never" option for now, I'd be overjoyed.

Likewise, would be definitely a worthy improvement.

Best, Maz
S3 licensed
Last edited by Mazar, .
S3 licensed
You need to make sure that all previous configs are cleared.
Deleting all referances to the DFP and clearing DX entries i think.

There is a tool somewhere, clears configs.

Then reinstall TM wheel.

Best, Maz
S3 licensed
The following is the drivers contract of the oneGP group.

I think you can see clearly from this what the oneGP founders intended for 'teams' to mean. As any driver coming into a team would be for a minimum of 3 rounds it would have specifically prevented many of the ''issues'' experienced over recent round with drivers swapping teams, single race standin's and drivers racing for alternate teams every round.

Best, Maz



This document is the basis for any contract between Team Manager and their associated Drivers.

By returning the completed document to oneGP Group Admin, the contract will deemed "in effect" and will be enforced by the oneGP Group.

Any contract is an agreement between both parties, and acceptance of contract by the oneGP Group will involve contacting both parties to confirm agreement of contract.

All areas written in RED are to be replaced by Team Managers with the appropriate details.

At the end of the contract period, stated in returned document, the oneGP group will contact the involved Team Manger and Driver to seek confirmation of new contract details where required.

Breaches of contract between Team Mangers and Drivers will be resolved by the oneGP Group, and may see penalties imposed on the offending party, such as (but not limited to) :

- loss of team/driver points or a points penalty
- disqualification from series
- exclusion from series
- either permanently or for a set number of rounds
- declaring the contract breached
allowing either parties to end association with the offending parties

All efforts will be made to resolve any breach before further action is taken.



The following contract involves team : TEAM NAME HERE

The team manager involved in this contract (stating LFS Usernames only) : TEAM MANGER LFS USERNAME

The driver involved in this contract (stating LFS Username only) : DRIVERS LFS USERNAME

The terms of contract.

The terms of contract below may be filled in where appropriate, a contract can either be set for a defined period by date or the contract may choose to set the the agreeement to last a particular number of rounds for the oneGP Series.

It is required by the oneGP group that the mininum period for a cotract by date is 2 MONTHS and the mininum period by rounds is 3 ROUNDS.

Fill in only the desired section.

The contract between the above mentioned parties is for the period : START DATE OF CONTRACT to the : END DATE OF CONTRACT


The contract between the above mentioned parties is for the number of rounds : START ROUND OF CONTRACT to the : END ROUND OF CONTRACT

Performance clause.

A performance clause may be set in the contract if a team manger seeks to define a contract by a required performance level from a driver.
In the event that a driver fails to meet the required performance teh team manger may bring the drivers contract into question before the
oneGP Group. The oneGP Group will then review the case to confirm breach of contract by performance, and may declare on behalf of
the team manger that the contract has been breached. Fill in only if this is desired.

The above mentioned parties agree to a perfromance clause requiring the driver to achieve:

Further contract details.

Further contract details may be stated here and will be subject to the oneGP Groups approval.

Fill in only if required
S3 licensed
Quote :PS Is the race this saturday? Would be good if these announcements had dates, no of laps etc etc so dont have to keep scouting round all the other sites.

Log into the FRO|1GP server and type into message box...

!oneGPcalendar - oneGP dates, laps and winners.
!oneGPdrivers - oneGP drivers championship table.
!oneGPteams - oneGP team championship table.

Many thanks to Dek for setting that up!

Best, Maz
S3 licensed
Quote : Can you enter the paddock in a F1 race?

S3 licensed

Now this a funny thread. roflmao!

Dek says many things like that in Vent Chat, lol, he doesn't mean it. He said same thing to us at the end of the LFSCART race when two FRO drivers where leading, its a joke.

Only Colton could take it literally. Sooo funny..

Colton's been warned by just about everyone for driving standards. Deko' amongst others trying to help him as hes got a severe problem with aggression. Just does not appear to have any control.

Quote : i don't think its fair as dekojester doesn't race and has no clue how frustrating it is until the day dekojester gets his ass on track and races hope it happens and he then realizes what im talking about try and e void this noob

e void! kin brilliant!!

Pretty hard to race when giving up that time for the community to run and admin events. Which is what we really need, there is enough racers and few quality run consistent events to race in. Can not thank NDR enough for that.

Colton cracks me up. Honestly, he's absolutely hilarious, the virtual fight with Percy on the 1GP server will forever be a classic LFS moment for those there. Incredibly funny stuff..which started after yet another deliberate crash into someone.

Quote : missing out that he banned me for the reason up the page

Only thing he missed out was the other 3 times you have been warned in practice and official races about deliberate crashing.

Bests, Maz
S3 licensed
Quote :
If you don't want to control clutch, you should use AC. If you want to control clutch, than control it. That's what is "fair" for me.

Pretty simply stuff minus the hotlapper drama and flaming, eh...

Best, Maz
S3 licensed
Quote :I doupt it's like that in real life because you do see F1 drivers one behind the other sometimes in fast corners and they dont seem to back up as much as I have to.

No its not like that Mr.T, in real world you would lose some or most of the front wings DF but you wouldn't lose under body DF generated by the underfloor and diffuser.

As the under floor generates a lot of the total DF of the Formula type car balance is largely retained and full DF is obviously restored the micro second you pull back into the airflow.

Best, Maz