If your making a league or a "set" of races. You can ask Victor for your own sub section in this section of the forum. Then you can post all info in there.
I think he needs a ban myself. Look in the LFS_External thread. Shaun is 9 years old. 2 years younger then Owen and because he is appling learning to his concept. He is doing 1000x better then sun. Also not spamming the forum with stupid posts.
Asking for code, Now theres a surprise.
Namly me as i reported the post for 1. wrong section and 2.this is a fraction different from the other thread. So why make a new one?
I have something usefull to say. People need to stop helping sun in order for him to learn. If people keep assisting him then hes never gonna apply the concept of learning to write programs.
Its acutally kinda strange, I went through a patch where i couldnt bring myself to code. Everytime i tried i just couldnt think atall, it was like id lost all my skills, but now im coding like a machine. I ALREADY have another program in development
Hehe, Thanks. I am updating once ive had a little break. I will add random car selection in with combo. Selectable restart time. I have loads of stuff planned.
Hello, I have been working on a little program that i now have here for release. LFS Admin & Race Rotator is a little program for giving certain people kinda admin commands but via insim. It works by using a command like "!kick" and then the program says that to LFS dedi so if you did "!kick user", The program will type in lfs window "/kick user". Ive tested it a little bit and cant seem to find any bugs.
Some of the features...
Track rotation(Tracks selectable via Setup.txt), also amount of races before change selectable too.
Auto restart after a race(2 minutes after the first user finishs)
Selectable admins to use certain commands via Setup.txt.
The admins you select get use of the following commands...(NOT Case sensitive)
"Kick X" - kicks username X
"Ban X" - Bans username X for one day
"Spec X" - Spec's username X
"Laps X" - Changes laps to amount defined by X
"Rotate" - Forces the program to rotate the track
"Restart" - Forces the program to restart the race
"Restrict" - Shows all ingame restrictions and lets you activate and deactivate them.
I currently plan on adding more stuff but i have to get a release out now or else ill just keep on and keep on adding stuff, and therefor never release it.
Commands for all players...
"Restrict" - Shows all restrictions.
"Track" - Shows ingame track information
[Current Version -]
Fixed a little bug i found in "restart" command, Basically it would constantly try to restart.
[Current Version]
[Version -]
Added command "cancel" for admins to cancel a restart if needed.
Fixed some issues with the restrictions(Note: If you had version 1.0.4, Please download this version - Restrictions dont work as intended in 1.0.4
[Version - 1.0.4]
Added full restriction system, Allows for multiple restrictions to be set. If an admin types the command, They also are able to deactivate them and activate them.(See pics)
[Version -1.0.3]
Fixed a very small flaw with "Restart" command
Added command for everyone "Track" see attached pic
Race restart time is now adjustable via setup.txt anything between 1 and 6 minutes
[Version - 1.0.1]
Cars are now rotable with track - Split the cars with ','(example: GTR,TBO), But if you want to select more then one car to be selected at random. Do it like you would in LFS(example: XFG+XRG,UFR+XFR)
Added an icon to smarten it up a bit
Any bugs and suggestions please post in this thread. I will try get them done.