What n00by advice. Why spend thousands of pounds on alienware when you can build it yourself from your own parts. For a lot less cheaper. On a side note, Quoting what someone says can really help sometimes.
Microsoft spend hours of programming and coding, Into something called Microsoft Visual C# Express edition. The reason for that is because it also contains something called a Visual Debugger. A debugger is there to catch errors in program code. So, You are so gratefull to microsoft, You catch errors yourself. Great idea.
As stated above, Thats why you have a Visual debugger. For seeing errors in code, Then fixing them.
You acutally will lose a fair amount of speed if you plaster Try-Catch everywhere.
Maybe I should, You seem to forget, Who helped you?
I also, Dont mean to sound like a ****, but you seem to have become very big headed just lately.
You dont acutally need to own a PDA iirc. Visual studio has something built in called a "Device emulator". You can emulate a PDA, although Im not sure how to run programs on it.
The last .co.nr domain name I had, Was really slow at routing to my server. He also has cloaking on, That will make it even slower. Im sure that has _something_ to do with the .co.nr domain name.