This is a great thread for showing someone how to setup a server now. I think I finally know, So hold on..You call people names, And your server is done. Ha, So easy!
He is being nice. Hes a god and is a system admin afaik(Sorry for being nosy karl ). So he does this kinda thing for a living. He was giving you general advice. You just didnt see it that way.
I found out a few weeks back, About a Nintendo 64 emulator on the pc. I was looking around, And I found an old classic game I used to love when I was younger. Zelda - Ocarina of time. That game isnt about graphics and eye candy, Its a fun adventure game, I had so much fun playing it. Much better then games of today. The storyline in that game, Is really long aswell. Quite suprising when you think how old it is...
I ran a lfs dedi for a few weeks on a celeron 400MHz with 160mb memory and a 8GB hdd. The most basic system you could prolly find, yet lfs still ran like a dream (Windows XP!).