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ROFLMAO.......That hurt...
S3 licensed
Rob - If you dont mind, Could I add this idea to the next version of LFS A & R, I guess I need to finish it.
S3 licensed
Simply change the for code, To the following...

for(int i = 0; i < MCI.NumC; i++)

E: I just realised, This isnt the bug you have. You still have wrong code above tho, So do change it.
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :btw c# lets you concatenate strings with +?


string[] Msg;

Msg[0] = "Hello";
Msg[1] = "World";

Console.WriteLine(Msg[0] + " " + Msg[1]);

S3 licensed
You do realise the code above, If there is more then 3 players, Can be potentially dangrous?
S3 licensed
Quote from danowat :Bloody good post Sam, probably one of the only sane and sensible posts I have read in most of this disgusting, racist and xenophobic thread.

If you dont like what other peoples personal opinions are, Either Report the post or Dont read the thread. Its not hard.
S3 licensed
Quote from beefyman666 :I personally think all BMW's in the past 5-10 years or so look quite ugly.

I agree, Back in the 90's some lovely cars were made. Take the E36 for example.
S3 licensed
Quote from dougie-lampkin :something like:

if (Msg[1] > 0)
// do your send code here

Quote from dougie-lampkin :That's backwards

Also, it's argument 1 you need to look at, as 0 is the !send part

You are wrong. You need to convert it to a int first. You cant check if its higher then something, if its a string value.
S3 licensed
Quote from SamH :I feel far more threatened by our own goverment and its involvement with the US than I do about Europe. Europe is, right now, our LAST hope for some civil/human rights. If you actually examine what information the British government is freely sharing with the CIA about YOU, you'd freak, and the fact that you can now be extradicted to the US on request without so much as a hearing in the UK freaks me out. Your door to a US detention cell, no stops and no legal intervention. That this has been introduced and come into law AFTER Guantanamo Bay.. if it were not for the European pressure on the British govt to meet minimum European human rights standards, we'd be lost (and in fact we are, despite the pressure). And if you think the US wouldn't extradict you from the UK on a whim, then you've not been keeping up.

Hmm, I maybe wrong, but wasnt that Tony blair that got us all involved with the US? If that is the case, Then surely Cameron(if he goes for PM) will be able to somehow control it?
S3 licensed
Quote from SamH :hehe! I actually remember that day! The UKCT lot will tell ya, I'm a miserable old git really.

I can only agree.
S3 licensed
Quote from Krammeh :How on EARTH can you call that advertising?

The server was down for two and a half days, and I also heard that there were rumours going around saying that we had not paid for the server, and that we was going to shut down.

This is yet another thread that I have created/replied to, that you have came and stuck your nose in. By the way, yes I am going to point every single one out that you do.

Feel free, I can post in whatever threads I like on this forum. I bought the game, I have as much right as you to post in any thread. So do what you please.

Also, Rumors start somewhere, Why not track them down.
S3 licensed
Quote from Krammeh :Okay, next time, ill get the list of accounts in the LTC database, and make a bot to send a PM to every single one on the LFS forums.

Feel free, When you get banned for spamming - Dont blame me. I was just stating, Why make a thread. Its like a 2 part thread, Advertising and a little about some problems.
S3 licensed
Quote from Krammeh :I just knew that this was going to turn into a flame war, i knew it. always does happen.

Why even bother posting then? Just PM the concerned people.

Quote from wild :I just don't understand why people need to start a flame war with everything. Everything used to be civilized. But looking at the above posts everyone seems to show there maturity

The way this comunity works, You get used to it after a while. Think of it like the bullys at secondary school, They keep on then one day you smash **** outta them.
S3 licensed
Quote from Gekkibi :And what about the server crash? Technical problem. Probably a bug of some sort, because LFS.exe crashed..

That was nothing to do with AW06, Nor me as a hoster. The LFS.exe had acutally crashed.
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :The little woman lied to me, I asked him the day it was released, and he said no!


LOL!, I had to keep you in suspence

Quote from Dygear :So this is all your fault!
You've forgiven tho, as it has helped the community as I whole.
Great worK!

Hehe, It stopped the "I WANTZZZ CRUIZE INSIMZZ".
S3 licensed
Quote from The Moose :
/me shakes head in disbelief

First the BNP, now Jim Davidson.
You sure are showing your true character today.

Whats up with him? Ive only ever seen one video of his =S
S3 licensed
Jim Davidson is pretty funny aswell.
S3 licensed
Quote from DarkTimes :Actually sod that, you should all move to Scotland and vote SNP.

S3 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :How can you possibly brand a race of people as having 'malicious intent'?

I was refering to the sucide bombers.
S3 licensed
Quote from The Moose :Eddie Izzard
Bill Bailey
Billy Connolly
Steve Coogan
Jimmy Carr
Dylan Moran
Ricky Gervais

I could go on and on and on....

You missed the best one!, Lee Evans
S3 licensed
Im a little confused, When the next elections come up. I have to vote. (Being over 18 etc etc) How do I chose?!?!
S3 licensed
Quote from SamH :What is it then? I'm interested to know why it seems like ALL people who think they have a racial axe to grind ALWAYS start their sentences with "I'm not racist but.." and then go off into some racially motivated whinge or slur. Is it that they know that what they want to say is distasteful and offensive to the majority of people, but they just can't help themselves and HAVE to say it, knowing how disgusted people will be?

It was ment to be a generaliseation, I wasnt picking on them in particualar, I was giving them as an example.

Quote from ajp71 :Given the fact we used to control a quarter of the globe in a rather un-democratic fashion I don't think you've got any right to complain that these people are allowed to live in our country, they're very nice people and I have never felt (or been) threatened by an Asian, which I certainly can't say about 'pure English' whites. I live in a city where whites Asians and Poles can live happily side by side on the same street in a genuinely relaxed multi-cultural manner. There are areas of my city which are largely white which have all manner of problems with anti-social behaviour, which by chance happen to be the areas with high BNP vote (and half the turnout of the evil multi-cultural Lib Dem and Tory voting areas).

I agree, I get on with asians etc etc myself. Have a few good friends who are non english. Ive had more trouble with english people then of other races. Im just saying, The other races that are only here for malicious intent, Need to be got rid of.

Also, Can this thread Please go back on topic, If not I will request it be locked.
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :...All of which are in Europe, we're 1 nation now.

This is not in anyway a racist attack, but what about all the pakistanis and asians, They are not in the EU but that are in this country?

E: Can this acutally go back on topic now? The original idea was to discuss about Boris Johnson and his ideas.
S3 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Vote Liberal Just don't vote for the BNP, they will deport everyone who has a slight tan.

If thats the case, I take back what I said. I just want all the imigrants that are only here to blow up the country gone.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :thanks aLOT

LOL No problem.

Kinda my duty really, Seen as I made the original one. I gave it to the_angry_angel as I thought It was gonna be something that was flammed, It seems to have helped a lot of people though. Oh well, There you go, I said it now. Its no longer a mystery as to who made it.

I will still say this though, There is still no support, warranty, or guarantee with this code, Although I will try help If Im around and can.